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Can't figure out the table definition by XML DOM


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i can't seem to figure out how to display the XML file into HTML the right way.here's the XML itself;

<wholelist><item> A  <title>Alpha	<subtit>Dog		<rank>1 </rank>		<pict>A1.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit>Male		<rank>2 </rank>		<pict>A2.png </pict>	</subtit>  </title>  <comment>Lorem ipsum blah blah blah.  </comment></item><item> B  <title>Beta	<subtit>Karotene		<rank>1 </rank>		<pict>B1.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit>Blocker		<rank>2 </rank>		<pict>B2.png </pict>	</subtit>  </title>  <comment>Lorem ipsum blah blah blah.  </comment></item><item> C  <title>Charlie 	<subtit>Angel		<rank>1 </rank>		<pict>C1.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit>Brown		<rank>2 </rank>		<pict>C2.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit>Bigtime		<rank>3 </rank>		<pict>C3.png </pict>	</subtit>  </title>  <comment>Lorem ipsum blah blah blah.  </comment></item><item> #  <title> () 	<subtit> *		<rank>1 </rank>		<pict>1.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit> **		<rank>2 </rank>		<pict>2.png </pict>	</subtit>	<subtit> ***		<rank>3 </rank>		<pict>3.png </pict>	</subtit>  </title>  <comment>awaiting new items for the lorem ipsum and the blah-blah...  </comment></item></wholelist>

and the script to read that file is;

<html><body><script type="text/javascript">  if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari 	{ xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }  else				// code for IE6, IE5	{ xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); }  xmlhttp.open("GET","file.xml",false);  xmlhttp.send();  xmlDoc=xmlhttp.responseXML; // *this* is the "soup' document.write("<table border='1'>");var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("item");for (i=0;i<x.length;i++)  {	var y=x[i].getElementsByTagName("subtit");  document.write("<tr><td width='100' rowspan='"+y.length+"'>"); // thisOK-DON'Tchg!  document.write("<b>"+x[i].getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue+"</b></td>");  document.write("<td style='background-color:yellow'>"); // only the FIRST subtit	for (j=0;j<y.length;j++)	{			var z1=y[j].getElementsByTagName("rank");		document.write(+z1[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue+") ");		var subtit=y[j].childNodes[0].nodeValue;		var z2=y[j].getElementsByTagName("pict");		document.write("<img width='100' src="+z2[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue+"'>");  document.write("</td></tr><tr><td>");	// this is the subtit, has to be new row	}  document.write("</td><td rowspan='"+y.length+"'>"); document.write(x[i].getElementsByTagName("comment")[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue);  document.write("</td></tr>");  }document.write("</table>");</script></body></html>

as it stands the <comment> gets pushed into the following <title>, whereas i want it to be on the same row as the previous <title>it should look like;

<table><tr><td rowspan="2/3/depending on SUBTIT.length"> TITLE</td> <td> <tr><td>SUBTIT <img src=...></td> </tr> <tr><td>SUBTIT<img src=...></td> </tr> <tr><td>SUBTIT<img src=...></td> </tr> </td> <td>Comments (for all three SUBTIT) </td></tr><tr>...continues ......as above... one <tr> set for each TITLE</tr></table>
can anybody give tips on how this should be tackled, it's a bit messy but am doing this from scratch and probably not in an efficient way.
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