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sorting arrays


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Hi, I am generating a bunch of arrays but I would like to change the order of these. This is my code now:

$players_killed['time'] = strtotime($time);$players_killed['name'] = ': '.$player;arsort($players_killed, SORT_NUMERIC);echo var_dump($players_killed) .'<br>';

And this is the output:

array(2) { ["time"]=> int(1334027580) ["name"]=> string(106) ": Brbasher" }array(2) { ["time"]=> int(1334029860) ["name"]=> string(102) ": Dynext" }array(2) { ["time"]=> int(1334029260) ["name"]=> string(110) ": Kronigrass" }array(2) { ["time"]=> int(1334036580) ["name"]=> string(108) ": Poliminia" }

How can I make them order by the time value? My attempt with arsort($players_killed, SORT_NUMERIC); sure failed.

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It seems like that you're creating a new array every time instead of having everything in one array. Sorting will only work if you have all you data within an array.

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You can sort multidimensional arrays, but you need to use a custom sorting function. This page shows how to sort a multidimensional array:http://es.php.net/manual/en/function.usort.php

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