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Redirect a Google Docs form to your custom 'thank you' page

Rain Lover

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Here's a Google form:

<form action="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/formResponse?formkey=dE02TlBHQ2hnVVdkTE5ya0lBYXhaMlE6MQ&ifq" method="POST" id="ss-form"><br><div class="errorbox-good"><div class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-text"><div class="ss-form-entry"><label class="ss-q-title" for="entry_0">First name<span class="ss-required-asterisk">*</span></label><label class="ss-q-help" for="entry_0"></label><input type="text" name="entry.0.single" value="" class="ss-q-short" id="entry_0"></div></div></div><br> <div class="errorbox-good"><div class="ss-item ss-item-required ss-text"><div class="ss-form-entry"><label class="ss-q-title" for="entry_1">Last name<span class="ss-required-asterisk">*</span></label><label class="ss-q-help" for="entry_1"></label><input type="text" name="entry.1.single" value="" class="ss-q-short" id="entry_1"></div></div></div><br><input type="hidden" name="pageNumber" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="backupCache" value=""><div class="ss-item ss-navigate"><div class="ss-form-entry"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"></div></div></form>

And here's the spreadsheet that it feeds:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApjOXzxlxbMhdE02TlBHQ2hnVVdkTE5ya0lBYXhaMlE I wonder how to redirect the form to my own customized 'thank you' page on submission.Thanks!

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You need to create a custom HTML page on your website and copy the code of the Google form from <form to </form> and replace the below mentioned code.

<form action=”Google form link ending with form response target=”_self method=”POST id=”mG61Hd“>


<script type=”text/javascript”>var submitted=false;</script> <iframe name=”hidden_iframe” id=”hidden_iframe” style=”display:none;” onload=”if(submitted) {window.location=’http://YOUR-THANK-YOU-PAGE-URL‘;}”></iframe> <form action=”Google form link ending with formresponse” method=”post” target=”hidden_iframe” onsubmit=”submitted=true;”> 

Basically here you are are showing your thank you page on load but still, your form responses are tracked in the spreadsheet.  Also, you need to modify the submit button code. Don't play with the code if you are not good with it as it may break the code and fixing that will be another challenge. This blog for Step by step customizing Google form and getting the spreadsheet will guide you with screenshots and gifs.

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