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Links don't display properly in some browsers


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Hi, I'm trying to develop a new site and the links display correctly in Chrome and Opera, but no in Safari, Mozilla, and IE.I validated the code, so is not a syntax error. Anyone can explain me what is wrong? This is a link to the site:http://www.10elearning.com/ This is the HTML code: <div id="lang"><div id="en"><a href="http://www.10elearning.com">English</a></div><div id="sp"><a href="http://www.10eios.com">Spanish</a></div></div> And this is the CSS code that is not displaying properly: #lang{ position:absolute; top: 22%; width:100%; height: 5%; font-family: 'cf_marie_everegular'; font-weight: 900; color: #FFFFFF;} #en{ position:absolute; left: 1%; width:10%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%; }#en a:link {color:#0066FF;text-decoration:none;}#en a:hover {color:#FFFF66;}#en a:visited {color:#FFFFFF;} #sp{ position:absolute; left: 16%; width:10%; margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%;}#sp a:link {color:#FF0000;text-decoration:none;}#sp a:hover {color:#FFFF66;}#sp a:visited {color:#FFFFFF;} Thanks so much,

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Why are you positioning the logo and text 'Spanish' absolutely? I tend to float my elements and generally works great across all the browsers. Only use absolute positioning in when absolutely necessary! Kind regards, Lab.

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Thank you for the float tip. It works much better ( the positioning). My main problem is the color of the links, depending of the browser is showing different colors. My plan was to have the word "english" on blue, "spanish" on red.I just don't understand why is displaying other colors.

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