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getting extra fields not sure where they are coming from


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So I am working on a mass availability php script. What it does is it runs through a list of domain names the user provides and checks to see if any of them are available for registration or not by checking its who-is information. It is basically working until I print out the findings

<?php$extensionList = "com-org-net-info-tv"; if(!isset($_POST['Submit'])) {	 echo '<form method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">'	 . 'Please type each domain one per line without the extension:<br/>'			. '<textarea name="domains" rows="20" cols="63"></textarea><br />'			. '<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">'			. '</form>';} else {	 $domains = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $_POST['domains']));		 $extension = explode("-",$extensionList);		 echo "<table>"	 . "<tr id='header'>"	 . "<td class='head'>Domain</td>";	foreach($extension as $ext) echo "<td class='head'>" . $ext . "</td>";	 echo "</tr>";	 foreach($domains as $domain) {		 $outResult = is_avail($domain, $extensionList);		 $result = explode(" ", $outResult);		 $availCount = 0;		 foreach($result as $addRes) if($addRes == 1) $availCount++;		 echo "<tr name='";		 if($availCount > 0) echo 'avail'; else echo 'not';		 echo "'><td>" . $domain . "</td>";		 $i = 0;		 foreach($result as $list) if($list == "1") echo "<td>Yes</td>"; else echo "<td>No</td>";		 $i++;		 echo "</tr>";		 }		 echo "</table>";	 }function is_avail($domain, $extList) {$combResult = "";$extensions = explode("-", $extList);foreach($extensions as $extension){	 $pieces = explode(".", $domain.".".$extension);	 $server = (count($pieces) == 2) ? $pieces[1] : $pieces[1] . "." . $pieces[2];	 $server .= ".whois-servers.net";	 $fp = fsockopen($server, 43, $errno, $errstr, 10);	 $result = "";	 if($fp === FALSE) return FALSE;	 fputs($fp, $domain . "\r\n");		 while(!feof($fp)) $result .= fgets($fp, 128);	 fclose($fp);	 $output = (stristr($result, 'no match for') !== FALSE) || (strtolower($result) == "notfound\n") ? "1" : "0";	 $combResult .= $output . " ";	 }	 $combResult = $domain . " " . $combResult;	 return($combResult);}?>

When it prints I am getting 2 extra responses from each Domain name. I am not sure where it is coming from. example output:

Domain		   com		  org		  net		  info		  tvwatchtbr		  No			No		   No		  No			No		  Yes		  Nogiboard		   No			Yes		  No		  Yes		  No		  Yes		  No			

^^^^ not turning out how i would like it but basically the second yes and no are there with no "header" row to explain what it means. EDIT: Now that im reading this i have removed:

$combResult = $domain . " " . $combResult;

and now I only have 1 extra result. but still not sure how to get rid of it

Edited by dzhax
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thanks justsomeguy, that did it. as for using a string instead of an array? I am eventually going to define that extensions on the original page and send the domains and extensions to this page via an ajax connection. sending a string vs an array seemed easier.

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