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CSS min/max Background Image


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So I recently noticed that although a site I am working on is set to still look good when it shrinks, these background images that are used for links do not shrink since I have the div height and width set to be the size of the image. I did a little research and came across the background-size property. It works as expected: I change the width and height of the div containing the background-image, set the background-size:100%;, and it changes size according: awesome, I learned something new.


However, I am trying to make it so the div's do shrink with a smaller browser and thus far have had no luck. I set up a very basic testing ground and this is what I have come up with:

<html><head><style>div#mediaWrap{	width:100%;	height:105px;	background-image:url(social_greybar.png);}div#buttonsWrap{	margin:0 auto;	width:468px;	min-width:100px;	height:105px;}div#youtubeLink{	height:105px;	min-height:45px;	width:117px;	min-width:50px;	float:left;	background-image:url(youtube_1.png);	background-size:100%;}a div#youtubeLink:hover{	background-image:url(youtube_2.png);}div#facebookLink{	height:105px;	min-height:45px;	width:117px;	min-width:50px;	float:left;	background-image:url(facebook_1.png);	background-size:100%;}a div#facebookLink:hover{	background-image:url(facebook_2.png);}div#googleLink{	height:105px;	min-height:45px;	width:117px;	min-width:50px;	float:left;	background-image:url(google_1.png);	background-size:100%;}a div#googleLink:hover{	background-image:url(google_2.png);}div#twitterLink{	height:105px;	min-height:45px;	width:117px;	min-width:50px;	float:left;	background-image:url(twitter_1.png);	background-size:100%;}a div#twitterLink:hover{	background-image:url(twitter_2.png);}</style></head><body><div id="mediaWrap">	<div id="buttonsWrap">		<a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/" target="_blank"><div id="youtubeLink"></div></a>		<a href="https://www.facebook.com/" target="_blank"><div id="facebookLink"></div></a>		<a href="https://plus.google.com/" target="_blank"><div id="googleLink"></div></a>		<a href="https://twitter.com/"><div id="twitterLink" target="_blank"></div></a>	</div></div></body></html>

I've tried setting the max width/height as well and when I do that the div's shrink down to the minimum width/height.

Edited by Spunky
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You should also look at the @media declaration




/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */@media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 480px) {/* Styles */}

However a fluid design is often best, so you don't have to create css for every screen size. However, responsive design takes much longer; you'll have to do a bit of studying.

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In order to allow your elements to change their width, remove any width rules. You can use min-width and max-width, but if you use width then the width will stay the same all the time.

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