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Hey guys, I look at this earlier. I understand the math and every thing, but I'm studying... a guide on JavaScript, just concentrating on that... it's more of a dictionary of JavaScript. When I get done with that, I will come back to this, even know I brief over it, and even with davej earlier expression, I understood, but... wanted more than simple explanation.... I don't know.... I just want to know JavaScript. I want to have it as my foundation, as a concrete slab to stand on that way I can have a programming language underneath my built, to which I can go and adventure off to other programming language which JavaScript's components reflects... But really I'm just aiming to know only HTML5 and CC3(Which I will have to go back over it, not cause I don't understanding it, cause their more to it(Which I am fine how things went to me moving on to JavaScript to find out that, those two HTML5 CSS3 can do more than just presentation and documentation, which I know I just want to have a foundation of that to(Which is truth is easier to grasps))) I thank you all for such dedication to all of this... I don't know what you get out of it, and true-fully I don't care. I'm just thankful your hear to help. Thank you all.

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This is an...a(what's the different between a and an?) closure:

    var createPet = function(name) {      var ######;            return {        setName: function(newName) {          name = newName;        },                getName: function() {          return name;        },                getSex: function() {          return ######;        },                setSex: function(newSex) {          if(typeof newSex == "string" && (newSex.toLowerCase() == "male" || newSex.toLowerCase() == "female")) {            ###### = newSex;          }        }      }    }        var pet = createPet("Vivie");    pet.getName();                  // Vivie        pet.setName("Oliver");    pet.setSex("male");    pet.getSex();                   // male    pet.getName();                  // Oliver
A closure seem like to me as a variable just grasping the parent function name... I'm guessing the power of this is that as doing so can access into that function by such means as the pet.setName(), mean that if this was a mathematic function, I can gain access through that function as so pet.setName(). In putting any value as I please between the parentheses... So in turn, that would show case it's true power, cause of that fact since I define the parent's function name in pet, by pet grasping it, I can use the variable name pet to access all other sub-level function or child function of the parent function.... If true(and please, despite me typing this, I still would like a more in depth perceptive of this from some one who is a wizard... if that term is not use as I though it was than please excuse mean. When I say wizard, I'm referring to one who is experiences in programming. For I am a novice.)than does this mean by typing pet.setName() I skip the parent function and went to the second level or the first child of the nest function. Same for pet.getSex(); and pet.getName(); Do that mean again, I skip to these nested function, meaning that my value that I set between the parentheses, does not get touch by any of the function that follow it, but not the function that proceed it, so the value is pass through those function? As I said, if this is correct, still please explain to me in your own perceptive, or and the perceptive of the greater practice. Edited by L8V2L
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A closure is an inner function having access to its external scope when the outer function has completed. I doubt it makes any sense for you to be studying this topic yet. Can you even write a simple function to put the date on the screen or count button clicks or validate a simple form?

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When you run the createPet function, like here:var pet = createPet("Vivie");The pet variable gets set to an object. The object is what you see the createPet function returning. In Javascript, you can define an object with curly brackets, like this:

var obj = {  property1: 'value1',  property2: 'value2',  method1: function() {    alert('Hello');  }};alert(obj.property1); // shows "value1"obj.method1(); // shows "Hello"
So what the createPet function does is return an object that has 4 methods defined on it. What makes that a closure is because that object that was returned has access to some variables from its parent scope which cannot be accessed any other way. One of those is the name variable, which is the parameter to the createPet function, and the other one is the variable that the forum censored (I'll call it "gender"). So those 4 functions can access and use the name and gender variables, but nothing else can. For example, if you try to access pet.name, or pet.gender, those are undefined. Only those 4 functions can access them, because when those functions were defined inside the createPet function, the name and gender variables were also defined in the same scope. That's probably going to confuse you, you probably haven't gotten to scope yet. Scope is an important part of Javascript that you'll need to understand in order to be able to use things like closures. Every variable or function is defined inside of a particular scope, and every function also executes in a particular scope. There is a global scope, where all of the global variables and functions are defined (the global scope in Javascript is actually the scope of the window object, e.g. alert and window.alert are the same thing). Every function also runs in its own scope, so if you declare a variable inside a function (like the gender variable), then that variable is local to that function, it is not part of the global scope. A closure is something that can access all of the variables in the parent scope where it was defined even though that scope might no longer be otherwise available. After that createPet function finishes, for example, the scope that it executed in is no longer reachable except through the 4 methods in the returned object.https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=javascript+scope&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
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A closure is an inner function having access to its external scope when the outer function has completed. I doubt it makes any sense for you to be studying this topic yet. Can you even write a simple function to put the date on the screen or count button clicks or validate a simple form?

I don't mind feedback, but yours is more of a, you can't do this, or you can't do that, despite the fact that I say over and over again I WANT A STRONG FOUNDATION OF JAVASCRIPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me put it in my signature so you can always remember that I reach for a strong foundation of JavaScript.
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So my explanation is wrong? I feel as if your way of exampling it is... I'll be more secure with this if I could example it back. So my explanation is wrong?


What's the link for?

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What he was getting at is that closures are a more advanced topic. If you don't understand functions and return values and scopes then you won't understand closures. Functions and return values and scopes are the foundation that you need to learn first.

What's the link for?

So you can research scope.

So my explanation is wrong?

You use terminology that doesn't make sense to me, because you haven't studied these things in depth. You might be skipping around too much, you might be going onto something else before you've really learned the first thing. For example, I don't know what you mean by "grasping the parent function name". Your English isn't terrible, but it can be hard to follow.
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In this book that you suggest for me to read: http://eloquentjavascript.net/chapter2.html speak on a variable as an octopus that grasp the value, than looking at a variable as a book shelf or etc on how would could think of variable... but guessing that this is just to give an ideal even know the author speak on speaking of this as it should be speaking on. I click the wrong tab on my browser, and though you brought me somewhere else. I'm going through the developer MDN JavaScript guide. That book you brought back in to mind when you first link it to me, I was enjoying it until it got to something way advance, so I stop reading it cause I didn't want to go on not understanding. So please understand that, if I don't feel comfortable, or feel like I have a understand of something, and plus I only want beginner tutorial, so... I rather for you to not to say advance topic, for I feel like I.... let me try again explaining it. So a closure is when you grasp(set)the operation of evaluating in a function scope(the environment for which it is define) in the identifier(variable) so now cause in a sense froze or made an opening into the function scope by attaching it to a variable, you can now access that scope. Is this some what correct?There is question in the first one I give that I desire and need to be answer, so I'mma revise it:A closure seem like to me as a variable just grasping(setting/attaching) the parent function name to that identifier(variable)... I'm guessing the power of this is that as doing so can gain access into that function by such means as the pet.setName(), mean that if this was a mathematic function, I can gain access through that function as so pet.setName(). In putting any value as I please between the parentheses... So in turn, that would show case it's true power, cause of that fact since I define the parent's function name in pet, by pet grasping it, I can use the variable name pet to access all other sub-level function or child function of the parent function.... (meaning is that I could put in a number in a mathematic operator and it'll return a different value by that scope(here by saying this I'm answer my only question that I ask farther into the read, but I don't know if this true or not, I'm asking in different scope, do that value skip the parent scope, and just be operated in the scope that define the mean of access(mean that pet.getName() by putting a value in this, and this scope is set in the middle, does the operation which is define in the scope above it does not apply to this value, as if... for example, the first scope the parent scope, is addition, the second scope, the child scope, is subtraction, and this scope is multiplication, the value if set in the multiplication as so pet.mltiplication(3) will be multiple, and not go through any of the other operation define before it for the simple fact is that scope outside of another scope does not have access to that scope, but that scope does have access to the other scope variable)))If true(and please, despite me typing this, I still would like a more in depth perceptive of this from some one who is a wizard... if that term is not use as I though it was than please excuse mean. When I say wizard, I'm referring to one who is experiences in programming. For I am a novice.)than does this mean by typing pet.setName() I skip the parent function and went to the second level or the first child of the nest function. Same for pet.getSex(); and pet.getName(); Do that mean again, I skip to these nested function, meaning that my value that I set between the parentheses, does not get touch by any of the function that follow it, but not the function that proceed it, so the value is pass through those function? As I said, if this is correct, still please explain to me in your own perceptive, or and the perceptive of the greater practice.

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speak on a variable as an octopus that grasp the value, than looking at a variable as a book shelf or etc on how would could think of variable

The analogy they gave in college was a mailbox. A variable is a mailbox for a single piece of mail, with an address and everything. In lower-level languages like C, the actual variable only contains an address to memory, and the actual value is stored at that address.

but guessing that this is just to give an ideal even know the author speak on speaking of this as it should be speaking on

I have no idea what that means.

So a closure is when you grasp(set)the operation of evaluating in a function scope(the environment for which it is define) in the identifier(variable) so now cause in a sense froze or made an opening into the function scope by attaching it to a variable, you can now access that scope. Is this some what correct?

It's kind of hard for me to understand your English, but in general it sounds correct.

A closure seem like to me as a variable just grasping(setting/attaching) the parent function name to that identifier(variable).

It has nothing to do with the name of the function. I think you are referring to the scope in which the function runs. If you are referring to something like this:pet.setName()Then what that is is an object called pet that has a method (function) called setName. The name of the pet object is irrelevant, it could be named anything. You could name it whatever you want:var someOtherName = createPet();someOtherName.setName('some name');The dot notation is how you refer to the members (properties and methods) of an object. pet is an object, and it has a member called setName, so you access that with pet.setName. That has nothing to do with closures though, that is just normal object stuff.

I can use the variable name pet to access all other sub-level function or child function of the parent function.

pet is not a function, it is an object. It was the object returned by the createPet function. If you really want to be confused, then eventually you'll find out that, in Javascript, all functions are also objects. In fact, everything in Javascript is an object. Understanding objects is one of the basics you need to understand well in order to move on.

(meaning is that I could put in a number in a mathematic operator and it'll return a different value by that scope(here by saying this I'm answer my only question that I ask farther into the read, but I don't know if this true or not, I'm asking in different scope, do that value skip the parent scope, and just be operated in the scope that define the mean of access(mean that pet.getName() by putting a value in this, and this scope is set in the middle, does the operation which is define in the scope above it does not apply to this value, as if... for example, the first scope the parent scope, is addition, the second scope, the child scope, is subtraction, and this scope is multiplication, the value if set in the multiplication as so pet.mltiplication(3) will be multiple, and not go through any of the other operation define before it for the simple fact is that scope outside of another scope does not have access to that scope, but that scope does have access to the other scope variable)))

I don't know what you're saying there, it's hard for me to understand you, but things like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are not scopes, they are operators. Functions are also not scopes, functions run in scopes. In Javascript you can also control which scope a function runs in when you call it, e.g.:
var scope_object = {  name: 'Some Scope'};function some_function() {  alert(this.name); // "this" refers to the function's scope}some_function.call(scope_object); // alerts "Some Scope"
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The analogy they gave in college was a mailbox. A variable is a mailbox for a single piece of mail, with an address and everything. In lower-level languages like C, the actual variable only contains an address to memory, and the actual value is stored at that address.

I like that better... but as it id describe, I think the octopus one is a little bit correct, please hear me out: Now the true meaning or job for a identifier(variable) is to grasp(I say grasp not from the book I gather this, but cause of the book and me comparing it to other different resource) the value, for when you define a value in the console, it life span only last for a short amount of time, after that, there no way to evoke that same value, so like two, if I just console.log(2); then, it'll show two on the console, but that... is just a photograph of two, for the real value of two is dead(meaning that it can't be evoke back)... I could say more but I think that's good enough... But I like yours analogy... so I'mma alter this concept for that concept, but also change yours up to better fit my look on it: ...(actually it's going to be very similar)... you know I like yours but as I think on it... grasping it make more since, like the variable put the value on life support, keeping the value a live with in it self... but your make since to say it in this way, a variable is just... let change it up, it's just a picture frame that holds a picture of the value, of how the value you, and what the value is, so every time the console see this picture frame with it's picture inside, it'll recreate an identical value... there is many ways of looking at it, but as long as one get an understanding of the two and their relation to the console, or environment they are present in.

...in Javascript, all functions are also objects. In fact, everything in Javascript is an object. Understanding objects is one of the basics you need to understand well in order to move on.I don't know what you're saying there, it's hard for me to understand you, but things like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are not scopes, they are operators. Functions are also not scopes, functions run in scopes. In Javascript you can also control which scope a function runs in when you call it, e.g.:

var scope_object = {  name: 'Some Scope'};function some_function() {  alert(this.name); // "this" refers to the function's scope}some_function.call(scope_object); // alerts "Some Scope"


like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are not scopes

var num = function(x) {          // The outer function defines a variable called "x"      var add = function() {        return(x+=2);                // The inner function has access to the "x" variable of the outer function      }      return add;               // Return the inner function, thereby exposing it to outer scopes    },    dition = num(2);    dition();       // Returns 4
like addition, subtraction, and multiplication are not scopesAnd... about the pet.name I'm just saying it was grasping the function it self by the function name. Edited by L8V2L
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/* I want to try one more time, I was asking question on stockoverflow, but after three question, they banned me from asking anymore question cause the quality of the question is to low(said by them). If you know any other place I can go to, any other forums I can go to for more feed back, please share.*/ var createPet = function(name) {  var ######;    return {    setName: function(newName) {      name = newName;    },        getName: function() {      return name;    },        getSex: function() {      return ######;    },        setSex: function(newSex) {      if(typeof newSex == "string" && (newSex.toLowerCase() == "male" || newSex.toLowerCase() == "female")) {        ###### = newSex;      }    }  }}var pet = createPet("Vivie"); //pet.getName();                  // Viviepet.setName("Oliver");//pet.setSex("male");pet.getSex();                   // malepet.getName();                  // Oliver/*I was thinking of how to write this in a mathematic way, but can't fathom how.  My question is this:If this was a mathematic way, I could: var pet = createPet("Vivie"); change to var math = mathWorkout(5); //pet.getName(); change to math.InputValue(); // 5pet.setName("Oliver"); it'll be  math.add(); // math(num){var add=function(){return(num+=num)}}pet.setSex("male"); it'll be math.subtract();//var subtract=function(){return(num-=num);} Change value here and it want be will not be touch by above scope.pet.getSex(); change to math.addAnswer();// var addAnswer = function(){return(this=addAnswer);} pet.getName();change to math.subtractAnswer();// var subtractAnswer = function(){return(this=subtract);}// all of that is in the first funcation math(num){}... In away, this is all so beautiful....... Looking at it, the best way to really learn and get my question answer is to just play with it... but could you still try to answer my question please.
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My word... the answer is in the code!

var pet = createPet("Vivie"); // this give me access to createPet scope and function we already knew that.pet.getName();                  // Viviepet.setName("Oliver");/* What I was asking is could I use that to alter it, and yes, but change this name to Oliver! But what I was asking again follow up to my post above this one, if this was a math method, than would it skip the function above it, the scope above it, so it want be affected, the value that is, want be affect by any other scope but the one below it, and even that, because it only say pet.setName(), does that mean also to that and function underneath it, again any scope underneath it can not again access to that function... if so, then this is a very power method. To gain access to different scope/method of a nested function. I hope this is more clearer, if not then don't worry about, I have to go off of what I feel is right for now, until clarity hit me of something different.Thank you all, I truly mean it.*/  pet.setSex("male");pet.getSex();                   // malepet.getName();                  // Oliver
Sorry for the multiple post, it was not intended. If this sort of thing is not allow... which to my opinion is more or less as spamming, but please allow it, for each one of these are different, as a conversation between my self, and me wanted you to read how it went even know certain parts are not present.I'm seeing about a visualization of what I been trying to ask... But I also been trying to do that since some time close to the beginning of all of this... I think.Here:
/*THIS IS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO ASK!!!! IT"S MY QUESTION BUT IN AN ANSWER FORM LIKE JEOPARDY!!!!!!! AAAAWWWWWWW CRAZY MONKEY TIME!!!!!!!! Techno beat.*/function mathWorkout(num){return{add : function(addNum){//addNum = numreturn(num+=addNum);},modulus : function(modNum){//modNum = num;return(num%=modNum);}, subtract : function(subNum){//subNum=num;return(subNum-=num);},divide : function(divNum/*, num*/){/*got it to over write num value, but if divide num                                      is NaN I want it to take on parent num value*///divNum = num;return(num/=divNum);}}} var math = mathWorkout(5);          // If there way only away to chagne the value in math.math.divide(3);                   /* here in math.divide, wait let me try tsomething OH                                     MY MIND I"M LOSING MY MIND AWWWWWWWWW! Techno-beat                                     But it'll be even better if I can chagne the value                                     in mathWorkout().... hold on. I... I'm                                         going pass my question... I should stop  here and                                      continue on with my studies (the me inside                                      of me feel back for doing this and not trying to f                                     igure out how this could be done)*//*math.add();math.subtract();math.divide();math.modulus();*/
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but could you still try to answer my question please.

You didn't ask a question.

But what I was asking again follow up to my post above this one, if this was a math method, than would it skip the function above it, the scope above it, so it want be affected, the value that is, want be affect by any other scope but the one below it, and even that, because it only say pet.setName(), does that mean also to that and function underneath it, again any scope underneath it can not again access to that function... if so, then this is a very power method.

That's a single long sentence, it's hard to follow and I don't really know what you are asking. There is no function "above" or "below" another one, the order in which functions get defined does not matter. There is no "skipping" involved. When you run a function, then that function runs. That's about it.This:
var createPet = function(name) {  var gender;    return {    setName: function(newName) {      name = newName;    },        getName: function() {      return name;    },        getSex: function() {      return gender;    },        setSex: function(newSex) {      if(typeof newSex == "string" && (newSex.toLowerCase() == "male" || newSex.toLowerCase() == "female")) {        gender = newSex;      }    }  }}
and this:
var createPet = function(name) {  var gender;    return {    setSex: function(newSex) {      if(typeof newSex == "string" && (newSex.toLowerCase() == "male" || newSex.toLowerCase() == "female")) {        gender = newSex;      }    },    getName: function() {      return name;    },    setName: function(newName) {      name = newName;    },        getSex: function() {      return gender;    }      }}
do the exact same thing. There is a certain method to loop through properties of an object which may access those functions in a different order, but in practice you would not use that method. Calling the same functions in either object will do the exact same thing. The order in which the functions are listed has zero effect on the functions or the code inside them.
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I don't believe this! YOU still don't see the question I been trying to ask!!!??? You see the code I made, I made a closure, I use another code as a... framework I guess you could say. But I made it to show what I was trying to ask and you just skip over it?!!!! I NEVER MIND!!! JavaScript answer my question by me doing the work, and the answer is yes, with a closure, you can skip over function, the function cannot touch the value(below it nor above it) of another function when you use a closure(unless design to).

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I think you will find it hard to effectively communicate about these kinds of concepts until you get the foundations of the language under your belt, and you start using actual terminology and definitions as it applies to the programming world. They exist for a reason, so those discussing abstract concepts have a common denominator to work from when talking about code. Code is specific, and so by nature the language surrounding it is as well. phrases like


with a closure, you can skip over function, the function cannot touch the value(below it nor above it) of another function when you use a closure(unless design to).


for example, the first scope the parent scope, is addition, the second scope, the child scope, is subtraction, and this scope is multiplication, the value if set in the multiplication as so pet.mltiplication(3) will be multiple, and not go through any of the other operation define before it for the simple fact is that scope outside of another scope does not have access to that scope, but that scope does have access to the other scope variable)))


So the return statement acts as a break, ( ; ), and console.log(in the aspect of it print back to the call, the it's value)...SO return cease the function environment after it return a value which the function either alter or just past to the return through the parameter.


There are more, but the idea is that the words to describe programming concepts were picked for a reason. It would be a disservice to your understanding to not try and learn and use them instead of trying to make up new definitions and concepts for everything.

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I don't believe this! YOU still don't see the question I been trying to ask!!!??? You see the code I made, I made a closure, I use another code as a... framework I guess you could say. But I made it to show what I was trying to ask and you just skip over it?!!!!

Don't yell at me, kid. Go and read your long, rambling, incoherent post and look for a question. I'll give you a hint: a question starts with a word like What/How/Why/Who/When etc, and it ends with a question mark. All you have are a bunch of long sentences that are hard to understand. It's not my fault that you have ADHD and can't form a coherent sentence using terminology that everyone else understands.If you want effective help, then ask effective questions.

It would be a disservice to your understanding to not try and learn and use them instead of trying to make up new definitions and concepts for everything.

My favorite so far is the word "grasp". I think I've read that word more in this whole discussion then I've heard it the rest of my life. It's just not a common word that people use. And it is never used by programmers to describe anything an algorithm does.
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Them are the words I'm using, every word I'm using is from learning JavaScript... I'm still a novice, so I'mma put in a little more effort to describe my question to you. In what concept should I be thinking in? You couldn't really tell me such a thing with out me knowing the rest...

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Why doesn't this work in the console?

//The syntax for an object using an object initializer is:            var obj = { property_1:   value_1,   // property_# may be an identifier...            2:            value_2,   // or a number...            // ...,            "property n": value_n }; // or a string
Never mind sorry, I'mma use this for another question. I see why now. I was so catch up in looking at the code they present to me, but not seeing that it is just that, a syntax of expression of how to go by... more so a framework of how to go by of making... don't like the word make... of constructing an object initializer.... really if someone could please delete this one, for it's a stupid question, and even know I look over this, I still wasn't paying attention, that the value was not warp in a string like manner the to be valid.If you can delete this with out it taking point or doing harm to me, please do so, if not I'mma just use this for another question.It would be nice to hear programmer talk... maybe this forum could have a chat room. Just a thought. Edited by L8V2L
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instead of saying grasp, I'll like to switch that out for assign. So it this correctly said:var x = y;identifier x is assign to y. <~~~ Is this exactable term use?And is this exactable to:the value y is assign to x. <~~~~ Is this also exactable term use?I'm sorry for the novice question. Again, I do not wish for my account to be harm in anyway, if this is not okay, please tell me.Stockoverflow block me from asking question cause of three simple novice question.

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The assignment operator is represented as a left arrow in some languages.


It means that the element on the right is assigned to the variable on the left. In your example, the value of y is assigned to the variable x.

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I would use variable instead of identifier. x is an identifier, but identifier is a more generic term, an identifier is just a name for something. What x actually is is a variable. Identifiers are things like variable names, function names, property names, method names, etc, the term identifier just means something that is a valid name for something.In this code:

var createPet = function(name) {  var gender;    return {    setName: function(newName) {      name = newName;    },        getName: function() {      return name;    },        getSex: function() {      return gender;    },        setSex: function(newSex) {      if(typeof newSex == "string" && (newSex.toLowerCase() == "male" || newSex.toLowerCase() == "female")) {        gender = newSex;      }    }  }}
All of these are identifiers, but they are not all variables or functions or objects, etc:createPet - functionname - variablegender - variablesetName - methodnewName - variablegetName - methodgetSex - methodsetSex - methodnewSex - variabletoLowerCase - methodAll of those are identifiers. Things that are not identifiers are things like var, return, function, if, typeof, etc. Generically, those are keywords. Specifically, things like var, return, and if are statements. Typeof is an operator. Other operators are things like =, ==, &&, ||, etc. The values like "string", "male", and "female" are literal or scalar values. Other scalar values are things like numbers and booleans. Values that are not scalar are complex values, like arrays and objects.
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In computer programming, a variable or scalar is a storage location and an associated symbolic name (an identifier) which contains some known or unknown quantity or information, a value.----------------------------to the base with it all-----------------------------------Every thing is data... every thing.... data.... value.... everything is value.... variable....the units of JavaScript, JavaScript's value: string, number, undefined, Boolean, object, function(I don't they say arrays??? I'mma add arrays as one of the primitive value type of JavaScript's for there is an order for an array to be define, an syntax order.) and arrays.... everything...Me: JavaScript?JavaScript: Yes my son?Me: are you god?JavaScript: I could be, if you want me too. Their are many gods in this world my son.Me: Which one is the true god?JavaScript: I myself do not hold the answer to that question.Me: Than how do I pick the right one to follow?JavaScript: There is no such thing as right or wrong. Just existing, living, emotion, and choices.Me: What should I do than?JavaScript: the one thing you can do, live. If you wish to follow me, you must talk to my son to learn me.Me: Your son?JavaScript: The Interpreter. He speak few in words, and you must make the effort to learn Him in order to learn me.Me: I... I don't know.JavaScript: Continue learning my son. You will find the answer to what best for you and only you can find that answer. Knowledge is power, and in away it is the true god that created us. Yes it is the only god. Knowledge, sense, reason, wisdom. Search for them, as they are treasure worthy to have. More worthy than any thing man could make, or mother could contain. Without it, without knowledge god is just a rock in the eyes of the ignorant, diamond is a shy object to the eyes of the unknown. Death don't exist to the mind of the youth. Follow it, follow knowledge, and it will lead you to where you want to be.Me: Yes JavaScript... Thank you.JavaScript: Your welcome my son. Now go and continue your learning.Me: Yes JavaScript. I will.

Edited by L8V2L
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Okay so I can say it like this:var x = y;x assigned/assign y, as y is assigned/assign to x. <~~~~~~~ Right? Pay more attention to is for it, a least for me make the different in this. as you can say y you assign to me x, and as y can say, I'm assign to x, and as x could say y is assign to me, or better yet x assign y.... Right?-------------------------Another post-------------------------------

//This is amazing!!!//Creates a new object, myobj, with two properties, a and b.var myobj = new Object;myobj.a = 5;myobj.b = 12;//Removes the a property, leaving myobj with only the b property.//delete myobj.a; /*<~~~~ By simply commenting out this line, a re-exist in object myobj. This may look as nothing significant to you, but it shows that physically or better yet JavaScript, or better yet it's interpreter is... command, this is all command... There is a different when someone tell you something true, and you having clarity of that truth being witness in front of you.*/console.log ("a" in myobj) 
Edited by L8V2L
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