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In need of some assistance with a Tic Tac Toe game I am working on


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Hey there guys. I recently have been working on a tic tac toe game and at the moment I am stumped. You see the Tic Tac Toe board shows up fine, and you can place down X's and O's on all 9 cells. The only thing is that if you click the cell again it will switch to either and X or O and you can just keep doing it. Could anybody shed some light on this or shoot some help my way?


Basically I am trying to think of a way to save the letter to the cell, but I can't figure out how. Maybe add a return statement somewhere?

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<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>tic tac too</title><style>td{border: 2px solid green;height: 100px;width: 100px;text-align: center;}</style><script>window.onerror = function(m, u, l){alert('Javascript Error: '+m+'nURL: '+u+'nLine Number: '+l);return true;}</script><script>var nextTurn; //global varsvar gameEnded;var brd = [];window.onload = init;function init() { nextTurn = 'X'; gameEnded = false; document.getElementById("t1").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t2").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t3").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t4").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t5").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t6").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t7").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t8").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t9").onclick = clickButton;}//end functionfunction clickButton(){ if(this.innerHTML == "" && !gameEnded){  this.innerHTML = nextTurn;  var i = Number(this.id.substr(1,1));  //alert(i);  brd[i] = (nextTurn=='X')? 1:-1;  turnSwitch();  checkGame(); }}//end functionfunction turnSwitch(){ if(nextTurn === "X"){  nextTurn = "O"; }else{  nextTurn = "X"; }}//end functionfunction checkGame(){ var results = []; results[0] = brd[1] + brd[2] + brd[3]; // etc...}//end function</script></head><body><table><tr><td id="t1"></td><td id="t2"></td><td id="t3"></td></tr><tr><td id="t4"></td><td id="t5"></td><td id="t6"></td></tr><tr><td id="t7"></td><td id="t8"></td><td id="t9"></td></tr></table></body>    </html>
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How exactly would I do that? Could you perhaps show me? Sorry I am still learning. I am reading about Javascript as we speak.


You can use an if() statement to test whether the innerHTML is empty or not:

if(element.innerHTML == "") {

How does this solve the problem?

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The reason your current script does not work as it is, IS because of


if(document.getElementById("t1").innerHTML = "");


it is setting the content of cell to "" empty, NOT a conditional statement checking to see if the cell is empty, also you never end conditional with semi colon as you have


should be


if(document.getElementById("t1").innerHTML == "")


final problem you have '</style>' at bottom of js code, after correcting this it works fine.


Edit: just to point out jsfiddle load your script AFTER the html is fully loaded, if not this section


document.getElementById("t1").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t2").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t3").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t4").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t5").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t6").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t7").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t8").onclick = clickButton; document.getElementById("t9").onclick = clickButton;


would produce an undefined error, to fix try

 window.onload = function() {                document.getElementById("t1").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t2").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t3").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t4").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t5").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t6").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t7").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t8").onclick = clickButton;                document.getElementById("t9").onclick = clickButton;            }

You only really need one if condition, you could use

            function clickButton()            {                if (document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML == "")                {                    document.getElementById(this.id).innerHTML = nextTurn;                    turnSwitch();                }}
Edited by dsonesuk
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