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Store Input box on button click, store as Variable


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What i am trying to do is create a text box to enter in a Frequency (122.25mhz). Then on a button press have it call a function to store as a variable, drop the 2 decimal places and convert the number. And return another variable after it is all done.


I can figure out how to move the decimal, and convert it.

My testing is that I want to display the number to see if the conversions are working right but i cant get it to display.

Here is the code.

Here is the jsfiddle for it. http://jsfiddle.net/2xz6un9b/


Example 122.25

FREQE = 122.25

FREQE1 = 12225

FREQE2 = 2225

FREQE3 = 4261




<input type="text" id="FREQB">    <button onclick="FREQ()">Frequency</button><p id="FREQO"></p> 
function freq(){    //get value from entery    var FREQE = document.getElementById("FREQB").value;    //dropping 2 decimal places    var FREQE1 = FREQE*100;    //removing the 1 from the front    var FREQE2 = FREQE1 - 10000;     //converting to oct    var FREQE3 = FREQE2.toString(8);        document.getElementById("FREQO").innerHTML = FREQE3;}
Edited by DoyleChris98
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Javascript is case sensitive. You've named your function freq() but you're trying to call FREQ()


To drop two decimal places you need to multiply by 100.

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Ok i got it to work and display the Octal number now next can i shorten the math part. I got it down to this.


Is there a way to shorten it up to just one line of code.

I guess this part should be in Javascript portion.

{    var FREQE = document.getElementById("FREQB").value;    var FREQE1 = (FREQE*100)-10000))    var FREQE2 = FREQE1.toString(8);        document.getElementById("FREQO").innerHTML = FREQE2;}
Edited by DoyleChris98
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Sure it can be done, but it would be a bad idea. It's difficult to read and maintain that kind of code.

document.getElementById("FREQO").innerHTML = (document.getElementById("FREQB").value*100-10000).toString(8);
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