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I , strongly , suggest and recommand that you do create a whole section for C++ programming language -as it is one of the most important and powerful programming language in the world- like you did for python , php and javascript . I will begin to post my first message concerning C++ in the section named general as there is no special section for C++ and I hope I get help



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W3Schools is dedicated to web design and web development. C++ is more for general software development. Most of us web developers don't use C++ on a daily basis, so we probably wouldn't be answering many questions even if the forum did exist for it.


I'm sure there are many forums out there dedicated exclusively to C++ where you would get much better help.

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I was registered in a C++ forum . The forum is special for C++ but to my surprise I saw only newbies and unqualified

people and instead of getting right answers I got only senseless answers of people who ignore C++ . Here in w3schools . invisionzone it is totally different There are you and foxymod and both of you are real experts .


You know about C++ justsomeguy so may be you can help me :)

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There are a ton of C++ forums out there. If you post questions here then you're waiting for a couple people to see them. If you post on a specialized forum then there are many more people to help, and they will also be more effective at helping with more advanced questions. I'm not a C++ expert.

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"If you post questions here then you're waiting for a couple people to see them"


I will wait until I get a reply


"I'm not a C++ expert"


it does not matter . You can give me any information that you see useful for my questions concerning c++ :)

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"Are you asking us to do your google searches for you?"


"There are a ton of C++ forums out there. If you post questions here then you're waiting for a couple people to see them"


it does not matter . You can give me any information that you see useful for my questions concerning c++


I think it is clear

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You can ask other questions, but the people who visit this forum may not know enough to provide answers. You will be sure to get better answers on another forum that specializes in what you're asking about.

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As Foxy says, the C++ language is pretty much disassociated from web development. C#, VB, Python, and Java all have stronger connections to web development. C++ is much more closely associated with desktop 3D game development and other high-performance programming. If you find a forum related to high-performance programming you will find C++ discussions.

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