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You have errors with entry.html

<script type = "text/javascript"></script>"

mislaid quote after empty obsolete js tag, note this produces error that you have two </head> and <body> tags.

<form method= "post" id="sm3entr"action="http://www.ipage.com/scripts/formemail.bml" style="height: 462px; width: 462px;">

add space between action and id ending quote

<select id "suffix"  name="suffix" onFocus="setYellow('suffix')" >

no '=' between id attribute and id attribute value

<!-- End Page Content --

not closed properly with '>'

Edited by dsonesuk
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You really are overcomplicating this, its not good to return actual id attribute when you can retrieve it AND any other attribute value with procEntered(this), I use title to retrieve warning alert message, with one single if condition, Davej already pointed out you don't require js onfocus event, it can be achieved with css only.

<!DOCTYPE html ><html>    <head>        <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />        <link href="../styles/style1.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" title="CSS" type="text/css" />        <style type="text/css">            .auto-style1 {                text-align: center;            }            input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="email"]:focus, select:focus {                background-color: yellow;            }        </style>        <title>SBM3: Service Giveaway Promotion Entry Form</title>        <script type = "text/javascript"></script>        <script>            //set selected input background Yellow            //            /* function setYellow(element) {             document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundColor = "yellow";             return;             }*/            // end Yellow color change        </script>        <script>            //set selected input background white            //            function setWhite(element) {                //document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundColor = "white";                return;            }            // end White color change        </script>        <script>            //Form entry fields processor            //            var emailEntered;            var authenEntered;            var curElement;            var curValue;            function procEntered(element) {                // document.getElementById(element);                curElement = element;                curValue = document.getElementById(curElement.id).value;                //alert("curElement value: "+ curValue);                if (curValue === "" && curElement.className === "required") {                    alert("Data Entry Required" + " - " + curElement.title);                    document.getElementById(curElement.id).focus();                }                /* else if (curElement === "firstInput") {                 emailEntered = curValue;                 // document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";                 }                 else if (curElement === "authenInput") {                 authenEntered = curValue;                 //document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";                 }                 else if (curElement === "lastName") {                 // document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";                 }                 else if (curElement === "first") {                 //document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";                 }                 else                 return;*/            }            //            //end function- procEntered script        </script>    </head>    <body>        <div>            <!-- Begin Container -->            <div id="container">                <!-- Begin Masthead -->                <div id="masthead">                    <p></p>                    <img alt="" height="116" src="../images/SBM3%20Logo.png" width="98" />                    <p><b>office:</b> (707) 775-7020<br />                        <b>   fax:</b> (707) 540-6297<br />                    </p>                </div>                <!-- End Masthead -->                <!-- Begin Page Content -->                <div id="page_content">                    <!-- Begin Sidebar -->                    <div id="sidebar">                        <ul>                            <li><a href="../default.html">Home</a></li>                            <li><a href="../about/default.html">About</a></li>                            <li><a href="../products/default.html">Products/Services</a></li>                            <li><a href="../promotions/default.html">Promotions</a></li>                            <li><a href="../calendar/default.html">Calendar</a></li>                            <li><a href="../faq/default.html">FAQ</a></li>                            <li><a href="../news/default.html">News</a></li>  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Drawing">                                <input type="hidden" name="order" value="authenInput,last,suffix,first,company,jobTitle,phone,ext,street1,street2,city,state,zip">                                <input type="hidden" name="thankyou_url" value="http://www.sbm3.com/promotions/thanks.html">                                <p>                                    eMail Address:                                     <input id="firstInput" name="firstInput" title="email address" type="email" style="width: 319px" autofocus  onBlur="procEntered(this)" tabindex="1" class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    Reenter eMail:                                     <input id="authenInput" name="authenInput" title="confirm email address"  type="email" style="width: 319px" onBlur="procEntered(this)"  class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    Last Name:                                    <input id="lastName" name="last" title="Last name" type="text" style="width: 200px" onBlur="procEntered(this)"  class="required" />                                      Suffix:                                     <select id="suffix"  name="suffix" >                                        <option>   </option>                                        <option> Sr</option>                                        <option> Jr</option>                                        <option>III</option>                                        <option> II</option>                                        <option>Esq</option>                                    </select>                                </p>                                <p>                                    First Name:                                    <input id="first" name="first" type="text" title="First name" style="width: 197px" onBlur="procEntered(this)" class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Company:                                    <input id="company" name="company" type="text" style="width: 342px" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Title:                                    <input id="jobTitle" name="jobTitle" type="text" style="width: 100px" />                                     *Tel:                                    <input id="phone" name="phone" style="width: 127px" type="text" />                                      *Ext:                                    <input id="ext" name="ext" style="width: 37px" type="text" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Street Address 1:                                    <input id="street1" name="street1" type="text" style="width: 293px" />                                    <br>                                    *Street Address 2:                                    <input id="street2" name="street2" type="text" style="width: 293px" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *City:                                    <input id="city" name="city" type="text" style="width: 155px" />                                      *State:                                      <select id="state" name="state" style="width: 149px" >                                        <option>  </option>  								<option value="AL">Alabama</option>                                        <option value="AK">Alaska</option>  				<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>                                        <option value="AR">Arkansas</option>				<option value="CA">California</option>                                        <option value="CO">Colorado</option>  				<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>                                        <option value="DC">District of Columbia</option>	<option value="FL">Florida</option>                                        <option value="GA">Georgia</option>  				<option value="HI">Hawaii</option>                                        <option value="ID">Idaho</option>					<option value="IL">Illinois</option>                                        <option value="IN">Indiana</option>					<option value="IA">Iowa</option>                                        <option value="KS">Kansas</option>  				<option value="KY">Kentucky</option>                                        <option value="LA">Louisiana</option>				<option value="MA">Maine</option>                                        <option value="MD">Maryland</option>				<option value="ME">Massachusetts</option>                                        <option value="MI">Michigan</option>				<option value="MN">Minnesota</option>                                        <option value="MS">Mississippi</option>				<option value="MO">Missouri</option>                                        <option value="MT">Montana</option>  				<option value="NE">Nebraska</option>                                        <option value="NV">Nevada</option>  				<option value="NH">New Hampshire</option>                                        <option value="NM">New Mexico</option>				<option value="NY">New York</option>                                        <option value="NC">North Carolina</option>			<option value="ND">North Dakota</option>                                        <option value="OH">Ohio</option>					<option value="OK">Oklahoma</option>                                        <option value="OR">Oregon</option>  				<option value="PA">Pennsylvania</option>                                        <option value="RI">Rhode Island</option>			<option value="SC">South Carolina</option>                                        <option value="SD">South Dakota</option>			<option value="TN">Tennesee</option>                                        <option value="TX">Texas</option>  					<option value="UT">Utah</option>                                        <option value="VT">Vermont</option>					<option value="VA">Virginia</option>                                        <option value="WA">Washington</option>				<option value="WV">West Virginia</option>                                        <option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>				<option value="WY">Wyoming</option>                                    </select>                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Zip Code:                                     <input id="zip" name="zip" type="text" size="15" />                                </p>                                <p>                                                                                                  <input name="Reset1" style="width: 72px" type="reset" value="reset" >                                                                                     <input name="Submit1" type="submit" value="submit" />                                </p>                                <p>                                     * Indicates Optional Fields                            </div>                        </form>                    </div>                    <!-- #EndEditable -->                    <!-- End Page Content -->                    <!-- Begin Footer -->                    <div id="footer">                        <p>                            <a href="../default.html">Home</a> |                            <a href="../about/default.html">About</a> |                            <a href="../calendar/default.html">Calendar</a> |                            <a href="../contact/default.html">Cont*ct</a> |                            <a href="../faq/default.html">FAQ</a> |                            <a href="../information_links/default.html">Information Links</a> |                            <a 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Just looked through topic again realised previous post won't give you desired result, but! i think this will :-) but! the pop up alerts are really really annoying, and you can't amend a mistake until all required fields are filled in

<!DOCTYPE html ><html>    <head>        <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />        <link href="../styles/style1.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" title="CSS" type="text/css" />        <style type="text/css">            .auto-style1 {                text-align: center;            }            input[type="text"]:focus, input[type="email"]:focus, select:focus {                background-color: yellow;            }        </style>        <title>SBM3: Service Giveaway Promotion Entry Form</title>        <script type = "text/javascript"></script>        <script>            //set selected input background Yellow            //            /* function setYellow(element) {             document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundColor = "yellow";             return;             }*/            // end Yellow color change        </script>        <script>            //set selected input background white            //            function setWhite(element) {                //document.getElementById(element).style.backgroundColor = "white";                return;            }            // end White color change        </script>        <script>            window.onload = function() {                init()            }            function init()            {                var myform = document.getElementById('sm3entr');                for (i = 0; i < myform.elements.length; i++)                {                    if (myform.elements[i].className === "required")                    {                        myform.elements[i].onblur = function() {                            procEntered(this);                        };                    }                }            }            var emailEntered;            var authenEntered;            var curElement;            var curValue;            function procEntered(element) {                var myform = document.getElementById('sm3entr');                for (i = 0; i < myform.elements.length; i++)                {                    if (myform.elements[i].className === "required")                    {                        if (myform.elements[i].value === "")                        {                            if (myform.elements[i].id === element.id)                            {                                alert("Data Entry Required" + " - " + myform.elements[i].title);                            }                            myform.elements[i].focus();                            setTimeout(function() {                                myform.elements[i].focus();                            }, 0);                            break;                        }                    }                }            }            /*   function procEntered(element) {             // document.getElementById(element);             curElement = element;             curValue = document.getElementById(curElement.id).value;             //alert("curElement value: "+ curValue);             if (curValue === "" && curElement.className === "required") {             curElement.focus();             alert("Data Entry Required" + " - " + curElement.title);             }*/            /* else if (curElement === "firstInput") {             emailEntered = curValue;             // document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";             }             else if (curElement === "authenInput") {             authenEntered = curValue;             //document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";             }             else if (curElement === "lastName") {             // document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";             }             else if (curElement === "first") {             //document.getElementById(curElement).style.backgroundColor = "white";             }             else             return;             }*/            //            //end function- procEntered script        </script>    </head>    <body>        <div>            <!-- Begin Container -->            <div id="container">                <!-- Begin Masthead -->                <div id="masthead">                    <p></p>                    <img alt="" height="116" src="../images/SBM3%20Logo.png" width="98" />                    <p><b>office:</b> (707) 775-7020<br />                        <b>   fax:</b> (707) 540-6297<br />                    </p>                </div>                <!-- End Masthead -->                <!-- Begin Page Content -->                <div id="page_content">                    <!-- Begin Sidebar -->                    <div id="sidebar">                        <ul>                            <li><a href="../default.html">Home</a></li>                            <li><a href="../about/default.html">About</a></li>                            <li><a href="../products/default.html">Products/Services</a></li>                            <li><a href="../promotions/default.html">Promotions</a></li>                            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                       <input type="hidden" name="my_email" value="servicecontest@sbm3.com">                                <input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Entry for SBM3 Service GiveAway Drawing">                                <input type="hidden" name="order" value="authenInput,last,suffix,first,company,jobTitle,phone,ext,street1,street2,city,state,zip">                                <input type="hidden" name="thankyou_url" value="http://www.sbm3.com/promotions/thanks.html">                                <p>                                    eMail Address:                                     <input id="firstInput" name="firstInput" title="email address" type="email" style="width: 319px" autofocus  tabindex="1" class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    Reenter eMail:                                     <input id="authenInput" name="authenInput" title="confirm email address"  type="email" style="width: 319px"   class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    Last Name:                                    <input id="lastName" name="last" title="Last name" type="text" style="width: 200px"   class="required" />                                      Suffix:                                     <select id="suffix"  name="suffix" >                                        <option>   </option>                                        <option> Sr</option>                                        <option> Jr</option>                                        <option>III</option>                                        <option> II</option>                                        <option>Esq</option>                                    </select>                                </p>                                <p>                                    First Name:                                    <input id="first" name="first" type="text" title="First name" style="width: 197px"  class="required" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Company:                                    <input id="company" name="company" type="text" style="width: 342px" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Title:                                    <input id="jobTitle" name="jobTitle" type="text" style="width: 100px" />                                     *Tel:                                    <input id="phone" name="phone" style="width: 127px" type="text" />                                      *Ext:                                    <input id="ext" name="ext" style="width: 37px" type="text" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Street Address 1:                                    <input id="street1" name="street1" type="text" style="width: 293px" />                                    <br>                                    *Street Address 2:                                    <input id="street2" name="street2" type="text" style="width: 293px" />                                </p>                                <p>                                    *City:                                    <input id="city" name="city" type="text" style="width: 155px" />                                      *State:                                      <select id="state" name="state" style="width: 149px" >                                        <option>  </option>  								<option value="AL">Alabama</option>                                        <option value="AK">Alaska</option>  				<option value="AZ">Arizona</option>                                        <option value="AR">Arkansas</option>				<option value="CA">California</option>                                        <option value="CO">Colorado</option>  				<option value="CT">Connecticut</option>                                        <option value="DC">District of Columbia</option>	<option value="FL">Florida</option>                                        <option value="GA">Georgia</option>  				<option value="HI">Hawaii</option>                                        <option value="ID">Idaho</option>					<option value="IL">Illinois</option>                                        <option value="IN">Indiana</option>					<option value="IA">Iowa</option>                                        <option value="KS">Kansas</option>  				<option value="KY">Kentucky</option>                                        <option value="LA">Louisiana</option>				<option value="MA">Maine</option>                                        <option value="MD">Maryland</option>				<option value="ME">Massachusetts</option>                                        <option value="MI">Michigan</option>				<option 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                          <option value="SD">South Dakota</option>			<option value="TN">Tennesee</option>                                        <option value="TX">Texas</option>  					<option value="UT">Utah</option>                                        <option value="VT">Vermont</option>					<option value="VA">Virginia</option>                                        <option value="WA">Washington</option>				<option value="WV">West Virginia</option>                                        <option value="WI">Wisconsin</option>				<option value="WY">Wyoming</option>                                    </select>                                </p>                                <p>                                    *Zip Code:                                     <input id="zip" name="zip" type="text" size="15" />                                </p>                                <p>                                                                                                  <input name="Reset1" style="width: 72px" type="reset" value="reset" >                                                                                     <input name="Submit1" type="submit" value="submit" />                                </p>                                <p>                                     * Indicates Optional Fields                            </div>                        </form>                    </div>                    <!-- #EndEditable -->                    <!-- End Page Content -->                    <!-- Begin Footer -->                    <div id="footer">                        <p>                            <a href="../default.html">Home</a> |                            <a href="../about/default.html">About</a> |                            <a href="../calendar/default.html">Calendar</a> |                            <a href="../contact/default.html">Cont*ct</a> |                            <a href="../faq/default.html">FAQ</a> |                            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With help from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2605974/how-to-re-focus-to-a-text-field-when-focus-is-lost-on-a-html-form

Edited by dsonesuk
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I have made all of the corrections you indicated in your recent message - THANK YOU !


For my education: I had been very careful to use the console app to review my code in Firefox as you had previously suggested. I am curious as to why the errors you pointed out were not caught by the error checker? Am I expecting to much of the f12 key ? ;0)

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I am studying your recommended approach. I am still curious about IE. I would expect (apparently wrongly) that all browsers would react similarly to a coding logic error. In my case of the "entry.html" code I submitted, the endless loop only happens in the IE browser. The Firefox, Chrome and Opera tests appear to do what I expected. I am sure I am missing something since I am new to the environment. Can you please help me understand?

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BUT! IE never did work similarly to a coding logic compared to the other better browsers, it thought that because it was from MS everyone would follow its crappy logic, but they didn't and because of this, it has become the most problematic, ill thought out crap browser ever!, its years behind the other browsers, it's has had such a bad reputation even the IE developers are pushing forward of re-branding it away from IE brand name to Spartan.


Developers have wasted hours of time producing what should be simple short code, into a more complicated larger code that will work in the better browsers and IE as well because IE uses a different approach.


We don't have swear box at work, just a IE box.

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For my education: I had been very careful to use the console app to review my code in Firefox as you had previously suggested. I am curious as to why the errors you pointed out were not caught by the error checker? Am I expecting to much of the f12 key ? ;0)


It will not show these html errors, the console shows JavaScript or css errors, the browser would attempt to interpret and render these html errors the best it can. These might be picked up possibly by validation, but it probably would not be clear what these errors are, these errors where picked up mainly by html editor, though it did not point out some errors directly, especially the mislaid quote after script tags, it highlighted and said i had extra opening <head> and <body> tags which i obviously could see i did not, but after looking up from the head tag code i finally found the culprit.

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Thanks for taking the time to look at all of this. I am learning a great deal.


I am using MS Expression 4 as an HTML editor because it allows for multiple browsers/screen sizes to be tested within the editor through a drop down menu. I guess the rep of IE and the misguided loyalty to Microsoft are leading me to some bad choices? It sure didn't catch the errors that you caught !

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Anyone following this exchange have a recommended editor, similar to the features of MS Expression 4 (I know its dead) that I should be using? If it wasn't for the generous support of "dsonesuk" and "davej", looking at my newbie coding, I would still be fighting several coding issues. The courses available in HTML5, CSS3 and the latest rendition of JavaScript all take a granular approach to my learning. I still search for a comprehensive overview of the JavaScript language logic in general and the DOM in specific.


Thanks again to "dsonesuk" and "davej". I am studying your code and still learning much !!

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Netbeans IDE 7.4 was the program that highlighted all the html errors for me, it has a sort of traffic light system with red lines at right side indicating where errors are located, if you hover over red marker it shows detailed explanation of what error is, clicking line takes you straight to it, I used this in preference of notepad++ and other editors because of this error highlighting feature which other editors i looked at didn't have.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have switched editors, spent the last 11 days studying my situation alongside your fixes and I am left with one last question:


"If I run my code, it works with: FireFox, Chrome, Opera and Safari as I expected.


If I run my code, it has the "Endless loop" problem in IE and Netscape.


If I run your code, it runs in all tested browsers.


Do I conclude that my code is either not compliant to standards or that there is an error with IE/Netscape


That your code is written with a workaround to accommodate the IE/Netscape flaws?


I suspect you have incorporated a workaround approach.


My problem is that I can't see it. I understand (I think) your code but don't see why it works in IE/Netscape

when mine does not.


Sorry to be dense.

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The problem is that the input loses focus go to next element, the previous fails validation so forces a return back, the next element then has lost focus and it fails validation because has not had chance to fill it in so it forces a return to next and then it loops back and forth because it always refocuses on CURRENT empty element that loses focus


Mine, onblur loops through each input with classname 'required' first one it finds empty it will focus on that input, and if it matches current element id that has lost focus, it will show that elements title attribute value in a alert and then the loop is forced to break. So it will always focus the FIRST empty input with class 'required' it encounters whether its the first empty input or next empty required input element that loses focus.

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When you have an onblur event which calls a handler which changes the focus, doesn't that just sound like trouble? When the focus is changed another onblur event is created.

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I understand the potential for problems. However, the code works in all cases, in all browsers, other than IE and Netscape. I still don't know why, even though I have had some really great help from you guys. What is even more puzzling is that the error only occurs on the first two input items. The remainder of the items (12) work just fine in IE and Netscape as well. I know I am doing something wrong, or incompatible, in the first two instances. The only differences are subsequent processing. The color change and the null check code are generalized routines that one would think either work, or don't. Risking the chance of sounding dense or hard-headed, I would like to know WHY the first two instances do not work.

Further, I can't find a comprehensive reference to help me learn what happens, in detail, with the execution of the form HTML, interacting with the JavaScript. It appears linear, and I expected to be able to process event/object?

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Is this your current onblur handler routine?

function procEntered(element) {    // document.getElementById(element);    curElement = element;    curValue = document.getElementById(curElement.id).value;    //alert("curElement value: "+ curValue);    if (curValue === "" && curElement.className === "required") {        curElement.focus();        alert("Data Entry Required" + " - " + curElement.title);    }}

Note that you merely set the focus back to the last empty and required input element -- and this change of focus creates another onblur event -- which runs this code again. So there is no doubt that this is problematic code.


Instead this code should set the focus the the TOPMOST EMPTY REQUIRED input element.

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Davej,I wish you wouldn't edit your post without any notice you have done so, i keep thinking i missed a email, and sometimes when you do this the responses don't make sense, cause someone would reply to a comment that does not exist anymore.

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If it was correcting spelling, making it more clearer yes! But you have totally rewritten and its nothing like your original post, when i click link back to respond it looks like i've returned to a different topic, it would be better to do a new post, if i returned and quoted your original post and responded, other posters would wonder where did that quote come from, you are breaking the flow of topic and making it confusing.

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Yes! its nothing like what it is now, which should have been a completley new posting. I notice you have done this several times since becoming moderator and hoped you would be corrected by other mods who as far as i know have never done this.

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Then don't completely reedit a post, if we edit a post it shows it was edited and give a date it was modified, your edited post do not, you sometimes edit a post completely, so anyone attempting to respond to email notification on that topic OR anyone quoting your previous quote will cause confusion reading the topic later on because that previous quoted post no longer exists. You should either keep original post content, and add additional content with date modified and maybe strikethrough original content or ideally post anew.

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Ha ha, really! Seriously you never knew about setting up and recieving email notifications about replys to topics, etc are you one of those peoples who never read instructions and always end up with parts leftover :-phttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=helphttp://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?app=core&module=help&do=01&HID=5

Edited by dsonesuk
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