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Cart Order to History Order table


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Dear all,


i have been working in my college project and i reached a point were i can't get my cart orders into Order history, as it's not working and keep giving me the following error page,

Error : INSERT INTO `cib4003_h00233671_at`.`orderhistory`(`order_id`, `Product_ID`, `Product_Name`, `client_ID`, `quantity`) VALUES ('', '', '', '2', '');
Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'


^ i checked the databse and all values are 0 except the Client_ID... thats why i am getting Duplicate entry, however, i tried to fix the problem for the past few hours and i can't find the issue,



here my cart page code

if (!isset($_SESSION)) {session_start();}  //start session
if (!isset($_SESSION['client_ID'])) {
	//echo "<script>alert('not logged in');</script>";
	header("Location: index.html"  );
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<header id="header">
  <div class="container">

<center><img src="Images/Title.png" alt="Title"></div>
echo "<p> Welcome ".$_SESSION['client_name']."</p>";
	//create connection
   $con = new mysqli("localhost", "student", "student", "cib4003_h00233671_at");
	if ($con->connect_errno) { //failed
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $con->connect_errno . ") " . $con->connect_error;
	<div class="wrapper">
	<ul id="category" >
  <li><a href="Products.php">Home</a></li>
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  <li><a href="Productscart.php">View Cart</a></li>
  <li><a href="About.php">About</a></li>
  <li><a href="Settings.php">Settings</a></li>
  <li><a href="logout.php">Logoff</a></li>
<main><!-- start with main tags which will include the php and tables -->
<h3>Order Check Out</h3><!-- text above the table using style to move it  -->
   //new connection
   $con = new mysqli("localhost", "student", "student", "cib4003_h00233671_at");
	if ($con->connect_errno) { //failed
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $con->connect_errno . ") " . $con->connect_error;

	// run sql 
	$sql="SELECT * FROM products,clientscarts WHERE products.Product_Name=clientscarts.Product_Name AND clientscarts.client_ID=".$_SESSION['client_ID'];
	$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
	if(mysqli_num_rows($result)==0) //no records found
header("Location: products.php"  );
		else // records were found in DB
		//echo "<p>You have: ".mysqli_num_rows($result)." pizza(s)</p>";
	//	echo "<p>You have: ".$totalPizza." pizza(s)</p>";


                <table class="table-style-one"  align="center">
					<th>Order ID</th>
					<th>Product Name</th>
					<th>Product Image</th>
					<th>Price ($)</th>

while ($row =mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
			echo "<tr>";
			echo "<td size=2>".$row['Order_ID']."</td>";
			echo "<td><center><img src='".$row['picture']."'</center>";
			echo "<td size=2>".$row['Product_Name']."</td>";
			   if ($_SESSION['User_Type'] == "VIP" && $row['Discount_VIP'] < 1 ){
            echo "<td>".($row['Price'] * $row['Discount_VIP'] )."$<h4 style=font-size:3> After Discount</h1></td>";
				   else  if ($_SESSION['User_Type'] == "Platinum" && $row['Discount_Platinum'] < 1 ){
            echo "<td>".($row['Price'] * $row['Discount_Platinum'] )."$<h4 style=font-size:3> After Discount</h1></td>";
				   else if ($_SESSION['User_Type'] == "Gold" && $row['Discount_Gold'] < 1 ){
            echo "<td>".($row['Price'] * $row['Discount_Gold'] )."$<h4 style=font-size:3> After Discount</h1></td>";
				   else if ($_SESSION['User_Type'] == "Silver" && $row['Discount_Silver'] < 1 ){
            echo "<td>".($row['Price'] * $row['Discount_Silver'] )."$<h4 style=font-size:3> After Discount</h1></td>";
		    echo "<td>".$row['Price']."$ </td>";
            echo "<td><center><a href='increasequantity.php?PID=".$row['Order_ID']."'/><h4>Increase ➕</h4></a>".$row['quantity']."<a href='decreasequantity.php?PID=".$row['Order_ID']."'/><h4>Decrease ➖</h4></a></center></td>";
echo "<center>";
echo "<tr><td colspan='5'><center>Total of<b> ".$totalGames."</b> Game's with total of <b>".$total."$</b> </center></td>";
// echo "<form method=POST action=OrderHistory.php?HID='".$row['order_id']."'>";
echo "<tr>
		<th>Payment option:</th>
		<td><select name='paymentoption'><option>MasterCard</option><option>Visa</option><option>Pay in delivery</option></select></td>
		<td><img src=Images/CC.gif alt=CC></td>
echo "<tr>
		<th>Name of Card Holder: </th>
		<td><input type=text size=35 maxlength=35 name=NCH required placeholder=Enter Card holder name></td>
		<td rowspan='3'><img src=Images/Front-of-Card.png alt=CCFront></td>
echo "<tr>
		<th>Card Number: </th>
		<td><input type=text size=19 name=CardN placeholder=1234-5678-9012-3456 pattern=[0-9]* maxlength=19 required title=19 characters Maximum>
echo "<tr>
		<th>Expiration date: </th>
		<input type=text size=2  maxlength=2 name=YED pattern=.{2,}  required title=2 characters Maximum placeholder=Month>
		<input type=text size=4  maxlength=4 name=YED pattern=.{4,}  required title=4 characters Maximum placeholder=Year>
echo "<tr>
		<th>CCV: </th>
		<input type=text size=3 maxlength=3 name=CardN pattern=.{3,} required title=3 characters Maximum placeholder=CCV>
		<td><img src=Images/Back-of-Card.png alt=CC></td>
echo "<td colspan=3 align=center><a href='OrderHistory.php?HID='".$row['order_id']."'><img width=200 height=96 src=Images/checkout.png></a></td>";
//echo "<td align=center colspan=3><input type=submit value=submit></td>";
echo "</center";
	echo "</tr>";
	echo "</table> ";


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</footer><!-- Close footer -->
</html><!-- close HTML tag -->




and here my history php where i do the insert part


if (!isset($_SESSION)) {session_start();}  //start session
if (!isset($_SESSION['client_ID'])) {
	//echo "<script>alert('not logged in');</script>";
	header("Location: index.html"  );
	if (!isset($_GET['HID'])) {
	header("Location: index.html"  );
   //new connection
   $con = new mysqli("localhost", "student", "student", "cib4003_h00233671_at");
	if ($con->connect_errno) { //failed
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $con->connect_errno . ") " . $con->connect_error;

	// run sql  
	$sql ="INSERT INTO `cib4003_h00233671_at`.`orderhistory`(`order_id`, `Product_ID`, `Product_Name`, `client_ID`, `quantity`) VALUES ('".$_GET['HID']."', '".$_GET['Product_ID']."', '".$_GET['Product_Name']."',  '".$_SESSION['client_ID']."', '".$_GET['qty']."');";
	if ($con->query($sql) === TRUE) {echo "<h3> New record created successfully</h3>";
	header("Location: Products.php"  );
	} else {
		echo "Error : " . $sql  . "<br>" . $con->error;

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i did the following,


added a primary key for OrderHistoryID and change the insert into,

$sql ="INSERT INTO `cib4003_h00233671_at`.`orderhistory`(`OrderHistoryID`,`order_id`, `Product_ID`, `Product_Name`, `client_ID`, `quantity`) VALUES (NULL, '".$_GET['HID']."', '".$_GET['Product_ID']."', '".$_GET['Product_Name']."', '".$_SESSION['client_ID']."', '".$_GET['qty']."');";

however, still the database empty after the insert






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You already had a primary key:


Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY'

But whatever.


You should switch your queries to use prepared statements, when you put data directly in your query it's bound to cause a problem. Many web sites get compromised because that's what the programmer did, and it can also cause queries to fail.




You should create a prepared statement with placeholders for the data, and then pass the data directly to MySQL when you execute the statement. MySQL will handle the data correctly. The query that you prepare should look like this:


$sql ="INSERT INTO `cib4003_h00233671_at`.`orderhistory`(`order_id`, `Product_ID`, `Product_Name`, `client_ID`, `quantity`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);";
Placeholders for the data, and then you pass the values to MySQL using bind_param like the manual shows.
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