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Checkbox toggle in Chrome and Opera

Rain Lover

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Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. In your browser Settings select Continue where you/I left off under On startup.
  2. Navigate to the demo.
  3. Check the checkbox.
  4. Edit the text.
  5. Close your browser and reopen it. Or duplicate/clone the tab.

Now as you see the checkbox is checked, but the textarea isn't colored.

I tried it in the latest version of Chrome and Opera in Windows 10. I'm not sure about Safari, but it probably behaves the same way.


  • Why does it happen?
  • What's a cross-browser solution?
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It happens because you're only changing the color when the checkbox changes. If the checkbox starts off checked no change has occurred, so the program is not checking whether the textarea should be colored or not.


The solution is to use both the change event and the load event. Here's an example:

var checkbox = document.getElementById('colorsToggle');
var textarea = document.getElementById('textField');

checkbox.onchange = toggle;
window.onload = toggle;

function toggle() {
  if(checkbox.checked) {
    textarea.className = "tan";
  } else {
    textarea.className = "";
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