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SUGGESTION for <video controls>


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SUGGESTION. I don't know who to turn to to suggest this. You are just a school, I know - not the organizational body that determines HTML. Yet, perhaps you can direct me to the proper channel or pass on this request.


My page has a black background and I have video controls <video controls> on it, which show up as white rectangles with black control icons. UGLY. It does not blend into the page. It would be nice if I could control the appearance of the controls, say reverse them out -- black background (which would blend into my background) with white control icons.


Alternatively, it'd be nice to be able to use one's own control icons as graphics. With such an option one could have any color background, even patterned.


I am writing the script longhand with BBEdit, and doing my initial viewing/testing with Chrome.

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You can do that with Javascript, by making invisible <video> object, creating all the controls as HTML elements and using Javascript events to modify the HTMLMediaElement properties.


Each browser renders the controls however they like and I doubt that's ever going to change. If you would like to contact the current owners of the HTML standard, they are two organizations, here are their websites:

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