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Audio element with different response


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The progress bar to go to different places on the audio file are available on Android devices. The same exact page on an Apple device will not let me have the progress bar. Why is that and how can I fix it? thank you

<audio id="exposure" controls onplay="myplay()">
<source src="<? echo $Exposure; ?>" type="audio/mpeg" align="middle">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
</audio>  <br>
Edited by IndianaGuy
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There's no specification indicating what controls the audio player should have, so each browser does its own thing. Perhaps browser vendors on iPhone decided that the screen wasn't large enough for a full audio player.


Thanks to the Audio API, you can create your own controls with HTML and Javascript if you want your player to look the same on all devices. I believe that's what Youtube does.

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Sounds great. Would you happen to have a link to guide me to the right place. I have been doing a bit of research and it seems like many people decide to post opinions and codes that frankly are just bad ways of solving simple problems.

It's the progress bar that I am most concerned with. Thank you

Thank you

Edited by IndianaGuy
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