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selecting particular contents in dropdown list


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I need to get a selected data from drop down list and then use it in other tab.

For example , If i have 2 tabs and in tab 1 if i select "SI units" then in other tab only "A" should be visible and "B" should be hidden or disabled

if i select "US units" then in other tab only "B" should be visible and "A" should be hidden or disabled.

I have attached a text file for this

Please suggest 


Thanks In advance

accessing different tab content.txt

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Use some Javascript for it.

You'll need to change the `id` attribute for the A & B `<select>` element.

To hide an option, all you need to do is change the `.innerHTML` property of the `<select>` to not include it. This can get messy, as if that option can reappear, then it needs to be stored somewhere else when you hide it.

// On page load store an associative array of (value : innerhtml) with respect to each option

//When the first dropdown is changed (function)
//Get the corresponding values
var value_thing = "A";
var innerHTML_thing = "A";
//Change the select to only display the value(s) applicable
document.getElementById('units').innerHTML = "<option value='"+value_thing+"'>"+innerHTML_thing+"</option>";

To disable an option, all you need to do is find out which option(s) (found in the `.options` collection) needs to be disabled.

//When the other dropdown is changed (function)
//Disable the options that aren't applicable
document.getElementById('units').options[1].disabled = true;


Those are the meatiest bits of Javascript you will need. Everything else, you already have the logic for in your post.


Edited by Funce
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