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range slider automatically moving


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I have  a range slider which changes when we move the slider or when we enter the value as shown in below example.


But what am trying is, Instead of entering the value manually i need to get it from server .

Based on the value received from server , slider should automatically move from one place to other.

I just tried like below.but it does not work.

I am not getting how to do this

    <input id="currentoutput1" type="range" min="4" max="20"  step="0.01" oninput="recieved_current_output_1.value=currentoutput1.value" >
    <input id="recieved_current_output_1" type="number" value="10" min="4" max="20"
    oninput="rangeInput.value=recieved_current_output_1.value" >

<p class = "modify" id="current_output_val_1"></p>
var recieved_current_output_1;
function current_output_1() {

    var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
            document.getElementById("current_output_val_1").innerHTML = this.responseText;
            recieved_current_output_1= document.getElementById("current_output_val_1").innerHTML;            
    xhttp.open("GET", "current_output_1.txt", true);

Please suggest

Edited by s_avinash_s
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Access the currentoutput1 element and set its value property to whichever number you want.

document.getElementById("currentoutput1").value = ...


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Each of those inputs update each other by the opposites input id ref, by dot notation





YOU are using for the second


Which means you are referring to a id that does not exist! So change it to 'currentoutput1'


var recieved_current_output_1;

will cancel out the dot notation to id ref 'recieved_current_output_1' to retrieve a value, so remove it!

You don't require to refer to input using document.getElementById('...') as suggested.

just add '.value' to dot notation id ref

recieved_current_output_1.value== document.getElementById("current_output_val_1").innerHTML; 

Then add



Edited by dsonesuk
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Thanks for the reply.

Now i can able to move the slider.

I need all in single line but slider is going to next line.

I tried below code but its not working

display: inline-block;

<strong><font size="5">Current O/P 1:&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;</strong></font>
  <div class = slide>
    4 mA<input id="currentoutput1" type="range" min="4" max="20"  step="0.01" oninput="recieved_current_output_1.value=currentoutput1.value" >20 mA       
    <input id="recieved_current_output_1"   min="4" max="20" oninput="currentoutput1.value=recieved_current_output_1.value" >

Please suggest

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The form element is a block element, meaning by default it occupies all the space available to it, forcing sibling elements to a new line. It would be better to enter the strong element and its content text above the input.

Also, no one uses a font element anymore, and it should be <strong><font>.....</font></strong>, like a box container within a box container, the inner cannot escape the outer, with the wrong deprecated font element being something like span or remove completely and use CSS font-size: on strong element itself.

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