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no variable $test after secund submit


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I'm making a php script to reset AD account.

The first form is for collect the users information, and send a mail if the user is locked. In the mail there is a random number ($test).

A second form  appears for enter the code ($code).  If $code == $test then the AD Account get unlocked.

The last one don't work, because $test is empty.


What am I doing wrong? and if you can improve the script let me know.

Best regards,




functions.php reset.php

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you checked if this returns the unid() value?

echo "line 106 &nbsp" . $test . "<br/>";

Just double check if everything goes through. Simplified your code for testing and worked for me.

function Send_mail($to){
	return uniqid();	
$test = Send_mail("1");
	if (isset($_POST['code']) && !empty($_POST['code'])){
        $code = htmlspecialchars ($_POST['code']);
// I don't get echo good, because $test is empty.
	if (!empty($code)){
		if ($code == $test){
			echo "good";
			echo "bad";
			echo "<br>";
			echo "line 149 &nbsp" . $code;
			echo "<br>";
			echo "line 151 &nbsp" . $test;
	if (!empty($test)){
		echo "line 156 &nbsp" . $test;
			<div class="code">
				<form method="post">
					Code: <input type="text" name="code">
					<input type="submit">
 //END for loop

Also noticed that what you're trying to do is not possible with method you're currently doing. Every time you do post/get action it will get new unique id and wont match the form code (unless you guess the uniqid). Instead store the uniqid to php session or database to make it work and simply remove it after.

Edited by Mudsaf
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