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binding param to prepared statement


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hello all!

i'm trying something for binding parameters to a prepared statement like below.

$tbl = 'stock';
$cols = 'icode=?, item=?, catid=?, description=?, unitid=?, pprice=?, sprice=?, oqty=?, oprice=?, oamt=?, bcode=?';
// $vals = "'101', 'ASUS H61M-E', 'abcde', '2', '1', '5300.00', '6500.00', '11', '5300', '55528', '101'";
$vals = "101, ASUS H61M-E, abcde, 2, 1, 5300.00, 6500.00, 11, 5300, 55528, 101";
$uq = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE $tbl SET $cols WHERE $whcol='$whval'");
if (!$uq) {
	$msg = "Error1: $mysqli->error!";
} else {
	$uq->bind_param('sssssssssss', $vals);  // this doesn't work.
//	$uq->bind_param('sssssssssss', 101, ASUS H61M-E, abcde, 2, 1, 5300.00, 6500.00, 11, 5300, 55528, 101); // but this works well.
	if (!$uq->execute()) {
		$msg = "Error3: $uq->error!"; ///// this says "No data supplied for parameters in prepared statement."
	} else {
		$msg = "UPDATED successfully!";

here i'm trying to put all the update values into a string and then bind it to the statement. but this says "No data supplied for parameters in prepared statement". but when i use individual values, it works fine. please suggest me something.


thanks in advance.

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mysqli_stmt::bind_param binds each variable to a matching parameter. You cannot match all of them to one. It doesn't work like that.

(Neither can you attempt to use a string like an array)

What you can do however, is bind an array using variable length argument lists. Use ... to indicate an argument list as below.

$vals = [101, "ASUS H61M-E", "abcde", 2, 1, 5300.00, 6500.00, 11, 5300, 55528, 101];
$uq = $mysqli->prepare("UPDATE $tbl SET $cols WHERE $whcol='$whval'");
if (!$uq) {
	$msg = "Error1: $mysqli->error!";
} else {
	$uq->bind_param('issiiddiiii', ...$vals);


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