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Update page dynamically ?


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Hello & Thanks; 

I am making great progress on my project , thanks to you folks .

But I do still have a problem with  'createElement' and 'appendChild' . 

They work fine but when I try to Drag the 'newly created div' it doesn't drag .

If I saveAs the page and open the saved page , The created 'div' Drag works fine . 

So it seems that something is not getting updated dynamically .

Pls , why does this happen , and how to fix it ?

Run page here: http://vmars.us/ShowMe/changeImage-WIP-Try-Drag-Create.html






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First, instead of setAttribute("draggable"  ) you should set the draggable property of the element, as element.draggable = true.

Once the element has been created, you have to call the dragElement() function to add the event listeners to this element. Without the event listeners the element cannot be draggable.

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Thanks Ingolme


Works great .

I have another problem , same program: 

in here:

var copyFromVar = "one"; 
function saveItAll() {
alert("Hello  from  function saveItAll()");
console.log("Hello  from  function saveItAll()");
var blankVar = "";
var  fromList   = document.getElementsByClassName("copyFrom");
var  intoList    = document.getElementsByClassName("pasteInto");
alert("fromList.length = " + fromList.length);

  for (var i = 0; i < fromList.length; i++) {
alert("for (var i = 0; i < fromList.length; i++)");
console.log("fromList.length = " + fromList.length);
    copyFromVar = fromList[i].value ;
console.log("copyFromVar = " + copyFromVar);
    intoList[i].innerHTML   = copyFromVar;
console.log("intoList[i].innerHTML = " + intoList[i].innerHTML);
} //

None of the console.log() statements work .

And the second alert() doesn't work .

Any idea why nothing works beyond the 1st alert() ? 


I'll Post the whole code if you wish .


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