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What's wrong with my selector that supposed to select the child of "this"?


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Ok so i am trying to make a shopping cart and now i must make jQuery to select the value of input number box so i made this script code:


    $('#previewCon tbody tr .addtocart').click(function(){
        var itemid=$(this).attr('data-id');
        var itemqty=$(this).find('#number').val();

The code suppose to select the pressed button and find the #number's number to add it to cart, unfortunately there is something wrong with the selector.
can you help me out with that?

Edited by giannis196
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1 hour ago, dsonesuk said:

If its a button? It normally wouldn't have children so the find() wouldn't work,  you need to directly target the element.

yes, it's a button
what do you mean with "directly target the element"?

can you give me an example?

edit: ok i understood what do you mean so i need to target the element in the same level (because what i am trying to select is in the same level with button) just like css's + but how i select an element in the same level in javascript?

i edited the code and now it works only for the 1st item of the list, if i click to another item of the list it will not work, it will simply take the 1st input box

here is the edited code:


$('#previewCon tbody tr .addtocart').click(function(){
        var itemid=$(this).attr('data-id');
        var itemqty=$('#previewCon tbody tr #number').val();

so, what to do to take the value from the same tr where i pressed the add to cart button?

Edited by giannis196
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A id is supposed to be unique within a page so target the id directly.

Next sibling '+' in css would be next() in jquery. 

IF data-id is the id you wish to target then use that to target the id related to button clicked.

var itemqty=$('#previewCon tbody tr #'+itemid).val();

	var itemqty=$(this).next().find('.number').val();

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2 hours ago, dsonesuk said:

A id is supposed to be unique within a page so target the id directly.

Next sibling '+' in css would be next() in jquery. 

IF data-id is the id you wish to target then use that to target the id related to button clicked.

var itemqty=$('#previewCon tbody tr #'+itemid).val();


	var itemqty=$(this).next().find('.number').val();


if you can tell me how i can select 1 level back then i think i have the solution.
i will select (this) i will tell the machine to look 1 level back and then i will call find('#number'+itemid)

Edited by giannis196
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Ok, i finally found it!

here is the correct code:


    $select = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM `carshopdatabase` ");
    $query = $select->fetchAll();
        echo "<table id='previewCon'><thead><th>ID</th><th>car name</th><th>HP</th><th>CC</th><th>Drive Type</th><th>Required License</th><th>Cost</th><th>qty</th></thead><tbody>"; 
foreach($query as $k => $i){
   echo "<tr data-id=".$i["id"]."><td id='id'>cr".$i["id"]."</td> <td>".$i["car_name"]."</td> <td>".$i["HP"]."</td> <td>".$i["CC"]."</td> <td>".$i["drive_type"]."</td> <td>".$i["required_license"]."</td> <td>".$i["cost"]."</td><td><input type='number' id='number".$i['id']."' min='1' step='1'></td><td data-id=".$i["id"]."><input data-id=".$i['id']." class='addtocart' type='button' value='Add to cart'/></td></tr>";
echo "</tbody></table>";
echo "<script>$('#previewCon tbody tr').click(function(){
    var id=$(this).attr('data-id');
            url: 'Postcomment.php', 
            type: 'POST', 
            data: {id:id}, 
            success: function(response){
    $('#previewCon tbody tr .addtocart').click(function(){
        var itemid=$(this).attr('data-id');
        var itemqty=$('#number'+itemid).val();


by this way it searches for the id number and it puts the itemid at the end so i have ex: number3 as id to search, it searches for the number3 it and it takes its value

these 4 lines of code took me the entire day but i found it!

edit: i also edited the id of the input type from my table and now its id=number.$i['id']
 so i have ex number3 for the machine to find with the adobe id which is also number3 so it finds it and it gets its value

Edited by giannis196
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