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Website Design Feedback


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  • 3 weeks later...

Overall your website looks very professional and loads quickly. The only thing I'm not keen on is the bunching together of 3 elements across the width of the page. I'd reduce the amount of text and add some padding so there's a clear gap between each element and possibly even add a border around the elements, maybe with rounded corners for a bit of extra style.

Example image attached of issue.

Other things I noticed is the blurriness of images in the horizontal slideshow.  I'm running a desktop @ 1920 X 1080 and it doesn't look good. You may say that most people will be visiting on laptop, tablet or mobile and you may be right but you have to cater for everyone. I'd keep the original dimensions of the images or serve larger images and resize them according to screen width.

One last thing at a glance is there is a lack of hover styles on buttons. It would be nice to have some button feedback.


Edited by Steven1
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  • 6 months later...


Colors you've chosen look fresh, CTAs are clear, so I don't have many comments. Agree on the buttons that should show that they are responsive when you click on them. Plus seems like more space is needed between register/log in buttons in the header and social media icons in the footer.


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  • 3 years later...

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