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rss and xml


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None. RSS is XML based format. XSLT reads all XML based languages.
:) ehmif I have- <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">- <channel> <title>iWEBTOOL.com</title> <description>iWEBTOOL's aim is to bring the net's best web tools straight to your fingertips!</description> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com</link> - <image> <url>http://www.iwebtool.com/images/logo.gif</url> <title>iWEBTOOL.com</title> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com</link> </image> <dc:language>en-us</dc:language> - <item> <title>Alexa Traffic Rank</title> <description><img src="http://www.iwebtool.com/tool/tools/alexa_traffic_rank/alexa_traffic_rank.gif" alt="Alexa Traffic Rank" />View and compare Alexa Traffic charts. You can select a data type from Reach, Rank and Page Views.</description> <icon>http://www.iwebtool.com/tool/tools/alexa_traffic_rank/alexa_traffic_rank.gif</icon> <category>Domain Checkups</category> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com/alexa_traffic_rank</link> </item>- <item>etc ...</channel></rss>and I write<xsl:for-each select="/rss/channel/item[not(category = preceding-sibling::item/category)]"> <xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending"/> <a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat={category}"><b><xsl:value-of select="category"/></b></a> <br/> </xsl:for-each>why it read the CHANNEL ?Andrea
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:) ehmif I have- <rss version="2.0" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/">- <channel> <title>iWEBTOOL.com</title> <description>iWEBTOOL's aim is to bring the net's best web tools straight to your fingertips!</description> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com</link> - <image> <url>http://www.iwebtool.com/images/logo.gif</url> <title>iWEBTOOL.com</title> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com</link> </image> <dc:language>en-us</dc:language> - <item> <title>Alexa Traffic Rank</title> <description><img src="http://www.iwebtool.com/tool/tools/alexa_traffic_rank/alexa_traffic_rank.gif" alt="Alexa Traffic Rank" />View and compare Alexa Traffic charts. You can select a data type from Reach, Rank and Page Views.</description> <icon>http://www.iwebtool.com/tool/tools/alexa_traffic_rank/alexa_traffic_rank.gif</icon> <category>Domain Checkups</category> <link>http://www.iwebtool.com/alexa_traffic_rank</link> </item>- <item>etc ...</channel></rss>and I write<xsl:for-each select="/rss/channel/item[not(category = preceding-sibling::item/category)]"> <xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending"/> <a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat={category}"><b><xsl:value-of select="category"/></b></a> <br/> </xsl:for-each>why it read the CHANNEL ?Andrea
in other words... can I jump the channel content ?
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You're asking if you can jump the channel content. I'm saying you can, and I'm asking (rithorically) why wouldn't you be able to.

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Look, in the paging XML script, just change the path


and the such, to


or simply


And you'll have the RSS fead read.In other words, instead of reading the root element(/rss), you must read the one below it (/rss/channel) and that's it. Nothing more special.One more very frequent use case of that creature.

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Look, in the paging XML script, just change the path

and the such, to


or simply


And you'll have the RSS fead read.In other words, instead of reading the root element(/rss), you must read the one below it (/rss/channel) and that's it. Nothing more special.One more very frequent use case of that creature.

my example:http://www.bluside.it/tool/the rss file ishttp://www.bluside.it/tool/rss.xmland the xslhttp://www.bluside.it/tool/categorie.xslThe resul are[ ] Domain Checkups [ ] HTML [ ] Miscellaneous [ ] Search Engine Optimization [ ] why this ?[ ] :)
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It's this portion:

<xsl:for-each select="/rss/channel/item[not(category = preceding-sibling::item/category)]">	<xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending"/>				   <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="200" valign="top" align="left">	  <a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat={category}"><b><xsl:value-of select="category"/></b></a> [  ] <br/>  </td>		<xsl:if test="position() mod 1 = 0">						<!-- Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->						<script>							<![CDATA[document.write("</tr><tr>");]]>						</script>						<!-- FINE Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->					</xsl:if>   </xsl:for-each>

You can clearly see the "[ ]" for yourself there. Simply remove them and you won't see them. But really, why do you bother with this XSLT? The paging one is so much fun.

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my example:http://www.bluside.it/tool/the rss file ishttp://www.bluside.it/tool/rss.xmland the xslhttp://www.bluside.it/tool/categorie.xslThe resul are[ ] Domain Checkups [ ] HTML [ ] Miscellaneous [ ] Search Engine Optimization [ ] why this ?[ ] :blink:
ehm :) I want thisDomain Checkups [ ] HTML [ ] Miscellaneous [ ] Search Engine Optimization [ ] but not[]Domain Checkups [ ] HTML [ ] Miscellaneous [ ] Search Engine Optimization [ ] :blink::blink::):)
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Oh, I see. Sorry. Well, it seems this is generated for the cases where the <category> element is not present.If you want to have something like "Unknown category" identfier, you should use something like:

<xsl:for-each select="/rss/channel/item[not(category = preceding-sibling::item/category)]">	<xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending"/>				   <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="200" valign="top" align="left">	  <xsl:choose><xsl:when test="category"><a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat={category}"><b><xsl:value-of select="category"/></b></a></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat=~Unknown"><b>~Uknown~</b></a></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>[  ] <br/> </td>		<xsl:if test="position() mod 1 = 0">						<!-- Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->						<script>							<![CDATA[document.write("</tr><tr>");]]>						</script>						<!-- FINE Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->					</xsl:if>   </xsl:for-each>

And to eliminate the articles with unknown category, just use <xsl:if> instead.I can already think of a lot more elegant solution then this one, but considering the bad state of this code (tables, weird scripts, etc.) I would prefer to keep it in my own bag'o'tricks.

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Oh, I see. Sorry. Well, it seems this is generated for the cases where the <category> element is not present.If you want to have something like "Unknown category" identfier, you should use something like:
<xsl:for-each select="/rss/channel/item[not(category = preceding-sibling::item/category)]">	<xsl:sort select="category" data-type="text" order="ascending"/>				   <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="200" valign="top" align="left">	  <xsl:choose><xsl:when test="category"><a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat={category}"><b><xsl:value-of select="category"/></b></a></xsl:when><xsl:otherwise><a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat=~Unknown"><b>~Uknown~</b></a></xsl:otherwise></xsl:choose>[  ] <br/> </td>		<xsl:if test="position() mod 1 = 0">						<!-- Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->						<script>							<![CDATA[document.write("</tr><tr>");]]>						</script>						<!-- FINE Blocco CDATA assieme a codice Javascript -->					</xsl:if>   </xsl:for-each>

And to eliminate the articles with unknown category, just use <xsl:if> instead.I can already think of a lot more elegant solution then this one, but considering the bad state of this code (tables, weird scripts, etc.) I would prefer to keep it in my own bag'o'tricks.

how to eliminate ? :)
how to eliminate ? :)
with your code the result in html are<td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" width="*" valign="top" align="left"><a class="testo" href="shopping_cat.asp?Cat="><b></b></a><br></td> ...etc ...Andrea
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