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ADVICE WANTED: Which method is more efficient?


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I currently have a site that uses ASP.NET, VB.NET, XML, and XSLT using XSL Transformation in ASP.NET. My current method is this:

<script runat="server">	Sub Page_Load			 'Pull page_qs querystring variable			 Dim page_qs As String = Request.QueryString("page")			 'Load XML file w/page_qs variable selected and assign page properties			 Dim il_xmld As XmlDocument			 Dim il_nodelist As XmlNodeList			 Dim il_node As XmlNode			 'Create the XML Document			 il_xmld = New XmlDocument()			 'Load the Xml file			 il_xmld.Load("links.xml")			 'Get the list of name nodes			 il_nodelist = il_xmld.SelectNodes("/links/page[@id = '" & page_qs & "']")			 'Loop through the nodes			 For Each il_node In il_nodelist				 'Get an Attribute Value			 Dim page_id = il_node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value				 'Pull XML nodes			 dir_code = il_node.Item("dir_code").InnerText			 subdir1_code = il_node.Item("subdir1_code").InnerText			 subdir2_code = il_node.Item("subdir2_code").InnerText			 'Page path creator			 'If dir is empty			 path_slash = "/"			 If dir_code = "" Then				 dir_path = ""			 Else				 dir_path = dir_code + path_slash			 End If				 'If subdir1 is empty			 If subdir1_code = "" Then				 subdir1_path = ""			 Else				 subdir1_path = subdir1_code + path_slash			 End If				 'If subdir2 is empty			 If subdir2_code = "" Then				 subdir2_path = ""			 Else				 subdir2_path = subdir2_code + path_slash			 End If				 'If page is not empty			 If page_id <> "" Then				 page_path = page_id			 End If			 'Declare XML and XSL file paths			 Dim xmlURL As String, xslURL As String			 xmlURL = "/DIRECTORY/" + dir_path + subdir1_path + subdir2_path + "docs/xml/" + page_path + ".xml"			 xslURL = "/DIRECTORY/" + dir_path + subdir1_path + subdir2_path + "docs/xslt/" + page_path + ".xsl"			 'Assign dynamic url for this page			 xslTransform.DocumentSource = xmlURL			 xslTransform.TransformSource = xslURL				 'Load XML			 Dim xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")			 xml.async = false			 xml.load(xmlURL)				 'Load XSL			 Dim xsl = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")			 xsl.async = false			 xsl.load(xslURL)	End Sub</script><html><body>	<form runat="server">		<asp:Xml id="xslTransform" runat="server"></asp:Xml>	</form></body></html>

But I was wondering, would it be more or less efficient for me to create a function that transforms the XML and XSLT files in the code using the transformNode method by calling the function from a label in the form tag? I guess I'm thinking something like this:

<script runat="server">	Sub Page_Load		Function webdata			'Pull page_qs querystring variable			Dim page_qs As String = Request.QueryString("page")			'Load XML file w/page_qs variable selected and assign page properties			Dim il_xmld As XmlDocument			'.... SAME AS ABOVE			'Load XML			Dim xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")			xml.async = false			xml.load(xmlURL)				'Load XSL			Dim xsl = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0")			xsl.async = false			xsl.load(xslURL)			'Transform file			webdata.Text = xml.transformNode(xsl)		End Function	End Sub</script><html><body>	<form runat="server">		<asp:Label id="webdata" runat="server" />	</form></body></html>

NOTE: Please keep in mind that I'm a newbie to all of this, so I realize that my logic may not be correct in the second example.Or is the difference so minor that it doesn't matter? I'd greatly appreciate some input on this. Thanks for any advice.

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guess both ways dont make much of a difference. but the second way of writing a set of code in a function and calling it in the sub would be better, as you can use that code again. and gives a clarity to the code as we can easily identify the actions performed when put seperate. small change you need to do is, you cannot write a function inside a Sub. <script runat="server">sub sname()..... code......fnname() 'function call........end subpublic function fnname()...... code .......end function</script>This will be the structure for the 2nd method.

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