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The way I do it personally is with the Apache HTTPD and with SSI (mod_include) enabled.my apache conf looks a little bit like this:

BrowserMatchNoCase MSIE MSIECSSBrowserMatchNoCase Windows MSIECSSWINBrowserMatchNoCase Opera OPERACSSBrowserMatchNoCase Avant AVANTCSSBrowserMatchNoCase Netscape NETSCAPE8CSS

and then in my document header, I use SSI to serve different CSS Sheets:

<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="var/trimex.css"><!--#if expr="${MSIECSS} && ${MSIECSSWIN} && ! ${OPERACSS} && ! ${AVANTCSS} && ! ${NETSCAPE8CSS}"--><link rel="STYLESHEET" type "text/css" href="var/trimex-ie.css"><!--#endif -->

The above basically states: "If Msie has been detected, and the client is using windows, but not using Opera, Avant, or Netscape 8, load up /var/trimex-ie.css"The problem with using SSI and Apache to distinguish browsers is you might not have access to your apache config if you even use that, and secondly ... most, if not all browsers "Pretend" to be Netscape (even MSIE), but on top of that, some newer browsers pretend to be MSIE Pretending to be Netscape, so if you need to display code that makes your website look correctly for MSIE to only MSIE viewers, occasionally you will mess up how Netscape, Opera, Avant and MSIE (Mac) users will see your site.I hope this helps? :x

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most, if not all browsers "Pretend" to be Netscape (even MSIE), but on top of that, some newer browsers pretend to be MSIE Pretending to be Netscape

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The ultimate browser sniffer (JavaScript)!!!Note: it needs some updating. Last update was in mid 2003.

// JavaScript Browser Sniffer// Eric Krok, Andy King, Michel Plungjan Jan. 31, 2002// see [url="http://www.webreference.com/"]http://www.webreference.com/[/url] for more information//// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or//  (at your option) any later version.//// please send any improvements to aking@internet.com and we'll// roll the best ones in//// adapted from Netscape's Ultimate client-side JavaScript client sniffer// and andy king's sniffer// Revised May 7 99 to add is.nav5up and is.ie5up (see below). (see below).// Revised June 11 99 to add additional props, checks// Revised June 23 99 added screen props - gecko m6 doesn't support yet - abk//                    converted to var is_ from is object to work everywhere// 990624 - added cookie forms links frames checks - abk// 001031 - ie4 mod 5.0 -> 5. (ie5.5 mididentified - abk)//          is_ie4 mod tp work with ie6+ - abk// 001120 - ns6 released, document.layers false, put back in//        - is_nav6 test added - abk// 001121 - ns6+ added, used document.getElementById, better test, dom-compl// 010117 - actual version for ie3-5.5 by Michel Plungjan// 010118 - actual version for ns6 by Michel Plungjan// 010217 - netscape 6/mz 6 ie5.5 onload defer bug docs - abk// 011107 - added is_ie6 and is_ie6up variables - dmr// 020128 - added link to netscape's sniffer, on which this is based - abk//          updated sniffer for aol4-6, ie5mac = js1.4, TVNavigator, AOLTV,//          hotjava// 020131 - cleaned up links, added more links to example object detection// 020131 - a couple small problems with Opera detection. First, when Opera//          is set to be compatible with other browsers it will contain their//          information in the userAgent strings. Thus, to be sure we have//          Opera we should check for it before checking for the other bigs.//          (And make sure the others are !opera.) Also corrected a minor//          bug in the is_opera6up assignment.// 020214 - Added link for Opera/JS compatibility; added improvements for//          windows xp/2000 id in opera and aol 7 id (thanks to Les//          Hill, Les.Hill@getronics.com, for the suggestion).// 020531 - Added N6/7 and moz identifiers.// 020605 - Added mozilla guessing, Netscape 7 identification, and cleaner//          identification for Netscape 6. (this comment added after code//          changes)// 020725 - Added is_gecko. -- dmr// 021205 - Added is_Flash and is_FlashVersion, based on Doc JavaScript code.//          Added Opera 7 variables. -- dmr// 021209 - Added aol8. -- dmr// 030110 - Added is_safari, added 1.5 js designation for Opera 7. --dmr// 030128 - Added is_konq, per user suggestion (thanks to Sam Vilain).//          Removed duplicate Opera checks left over after last revision. - dmr// 030617 - Minor error corrections, two missing semicolons.//          Also made a couple changes to, IMHO, improve readability.//          Added is_MediaPlayer, is_MediaPlayer64, and is_MediaPlayer7up,//          based on code from Microsoft and eMedia Communications. - bdn//// Everything you always wanted to know about your JavaScript client// but were afraid to ask. Creates "is_" variables indicating:// (1) browser vendor://     is_nav, is_ie, is_opera// (2) browser version number://     is_major (integer indicating major version number: 2, 3, 4 ...)//     is_minor (float   indicating full  version number: 2.02, 3.01, 4.04 ...)// (3) browser vendor AND major version number//     is_nav2, is_nav3, is_nav4, is_nav4up, is_nav5, is_nav5up,//     is_nav6, is_nav6up, is_ie3, is_ie4, is_ie4up, is_ie5up, is_ie6...// (4) JavaScript version number://     is_js (float indicating full JavaScript version number: 1, 1.1, 1.2 ...)// (5) OS platform and version://     is_win, is_win16, is_win32, is_win31, is_win95, is_winnt, is_win98//     is_os2//     is_mac, is_mac68k, is_macppc//     is_unix//        is_sun, is_sun4, is_sun5, is_suni86//        is_irix, is_irix5, is_irix6//        is_hpux, is_hpux9, is_hpux10//        is_aix, is_aix1, is_aix2, is_aix3, is_aix4//        is_linux, is_sco, is_unixware, is_mpras, is_reliant//        is_dec, is_sinix, is_freebsd, is_bsd//     is_vms// (6) Windows Media Player version number (versions 6.4 and newer)://     is_WMP, is_WMP64, is_WMP7up, is_WMP7, is_WMP71, is_WMP8, is_WMP9//     is_WMP71up, is_WMP8up, is_WMP9up//     is_WMPMajor (integer indicating major player version number: 6, 7, 8 ...)//     is_WMPMinor (float   indicating full player version number: 6.4, 7.0, 7.1 ...)//// based in part on// [url="http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/sniffer/browser_type.html"]http://www.mozilla.org/docs/web-developer/...owser_type.html[/url]// The Ultimate JavaScript Client Sniffer// and Andy King's object detection sniffer//// Note: you don't want your Nav4 or IE4 code to "turn off" or// stop working when Nav5 and IE5 (or later) are released, so// in conditional code forks, use is_nav4up ("Nav4 or greater")// and is_ie4up ("IE4 or greater") instead of is_nav4 or is_ie4// to check version in code which you want to work on future// versions. For DOM tests scripters commonly used the// is_getElementById test, but make sure you test your code as// filter non-compliant browsers (Opera 5-6 for example) as some// browsers return true for this test, and don't fully support// the W3C's DOM1.//    // convert all characters to lowercase to simplify testing    var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();    var appVer = navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase();    // *** BROWSER VERSION ***    var is_minor = parseFloat(appVer);    var is_major = parseInt(is_minor);    var is_opera = (agt.indexOf("opera") != -1);    var is_opera2 = (agt.indexOf("opera 2") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/2") != -1);    var is_opera3 = (agt.indexOf("opera 3") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/3") != -1);    var is_opera4 = (agt.indexOf("opera 4") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/4") != -1);    var is_opera5 = (agt.indexOf("opera 5") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/5") != -1);    var is_opera6 = (agt.indexOf("opera 6") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/6") != -1); // new 020128- abk    var is_opera7 = (agt.indexOf("opera 7") != -1 || agt.indexOf("opera/7") != -1); // new 021205- dmr    var is_opera5up = (is_opera && !is_opera2 && !is_opera3 && !is_opera4);    var is_opera6up = (is_opera && !is_opera2 && !is_opera3 && !is_opera4 && !is_opera5); // new020128    var is_opera7up = (is_opera && !is_opera2 && !is_opera3 && !is_opera4 && !is_opera5 && !is_opera6); // new021205 -- dmr    // Note: On IE, start of appVersion return 3 or 4    // which supposedly is the version of Netscape it is compatible with.    // So we look for the real version further on in the string    var iePos  = appVer.indexOf('msie');    if (iePos !=-1) {       is_minor = parseFloat(appVer.substring(iePos+5,appVer.indexOf(';',iePos)));  //added missing ; - 030617 - bdn       is_major = parseInt(is_minor);    }    // ditto Konqueror    var is_konq = false;    var kqPos   = agt.indexOf('konqueror');    if (kqPos !=-1) {       is_konq  = true;       is_minor = parseFloat(agt.substring(kqPos+10,agt.indexOf(';',kqPos)));       is_major = parseInt(is_minor);    }    var is_getElementById   = (document.getElementById) ? "true" : "false"; // 001121-abk    var is_getElementsByTagName = (document.getElementsByTagName) ? "true" : "false"; // 001127-abk    var is_documentElement = (document.documentElement) ? "true" : "false"; // 001121-abk    var is_safari = ((agt.indexOf('safari')!=-1)&&(agt.indexOf('mac')!=-1))?true:false;    var is_khtml  = (is_safari || is_konq);    var is_gecko = ((!is_khtml)&&(navigator.product)&&(navigator.product.toLowerCase()=="gecko"))?true:false;    var is_gver  = 0;    if (is_gecko) is_gver=navigator.productSub;    var is_moz   = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla/5')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) &&                    (agt.indexOf('compatible')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')==-1)  &&                    (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)     &&                    (is_gecko) &&                    ((navigator.vendor=="")||(navigator.vendor=="Mozilla")));    if (is_moz) {       var is_moz_ver = (navigator.vendorSub)?navigator.vendorSub:0;       if(!(is_moz_ver)) {           is_moz_ver = agt.indexOf('rv:');           is_moz_ver = agt.substring(is_moz_ver+3);           is_paren   = is_moz_ver.indexOf(')');           is_moz_ver = is_moz_ver.substring(0,is_paren);       }       is_minor = is_moz_ver;       is_major = parseInt(is_moz_ver);    }    var is_nav  = ((agt.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (agt.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)                && (agt.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (agt.indexOf('opera')==-1)                && (agt.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (agt.indexOf('hotjava')==-1)                && (!is_khtml) && (!(is_moz)));    // Netscape6 is mozilla/5 + Netscape6/6.0!!!    // Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001108 Netscape6/6.0    // Changed this to use navigator.vendor/vendorSub - dmr 060502    // var nav6Pos = agt.indexOf('netscape6');    // if (nav6Pos !=-1) {    if ((navigator.vendor)&&        ((navigator.vendor=="Netscape6")||(navigator.vendor=="Netscape"))&&        (is_nav)) {       is_major = parseInt(navigator.vendorSub);       // here we need is_minor as a valid float for testing. We'll       // revert to the actual content before printing the result.       is_minor = parseFloat(navigator.vendorSub);    }    var is_nav2 = (is_nav && (is_major == 2));    var is_nav3 = (is_nav && (is_major == 3));    var is_nav4 = (is_nav && (is_major == 4));    var is_nav4up = (is_nav && is_minor >= 4);  // changed to is_minor for                                                // consistency - dmr, 011001    var is_navonly      = (is_nav && ((agt.indexOf(";nav") != -1) ||                          (agt.indexOf("; nav") != -1)) );    var is_nav6   = (is_nav && is_major==6);    // new 010118 mhp    var is_nav6up = (is_nav && is_minor >= 6); // new 010118 mhp, added missing ; - 030617 - bdn    var is_nav5   = (is_nav && is_major == 5 && !is_nav6); // checked for ns6    var is_nav5up = (is_nav && is_minor >= 5);    var is_nav7   = (is_nav && is_major == 7);    var is_nav7up = (is_nav && is_minor >= 7);    var is_ie   = ((iePos!=-1) && (!is_opera) && (!is_khtml));    var is_ie3  = (is_ie && (is_major < 4));    var is_ie4   = (is_ie && is_major == 4);    var is_ie4up = (is_ie && is_minor >= 4);    var is_ie5   = (is_ie && is_major == 5);    var is_ie5up = (is_ie && is_minor >= 5);    var is_ie5_5  = (is_ie && (agt.indexOf("msie 5.5") !=-1)); // 020128 new - abk    var is_ie5_5up =(is_ie && is_minor >= 5.5);                // 020128 new - abk    var is_ie6   = (is_ie && is_major == 6);    var is_ie6up = (is_ie && is_minor >= 6);// KNOWN BUG: On AOL4, returns false if IE3 is embedded browser    // or if this is the first browser window opened.  Thus the    // variables is_aol, is_aol3, and is_aol4 aren't 100% reliable.    var is_aol   = (agt.indexOf("aol") != -1);    var is_aol3  = (is_aol && is_ie3);    var is_aol4  = (is_aol && is_ie4);    var is_aol5  = (agt.indexOf("aol 5") != -1);    var is_aol6  = (agt.indexOf("aol 6") != -1);    var is_aol7  = ((agt.indexOf("aol 7")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("aol7")!=-1));    var is_aol8  = ((agt.indexOf("aol 8")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("aol8")!=-1));    var is_webtv = (agt.indexOf("webtv") != -1);    // new 020128 - abk    var is_TVNavigator = ((agt.indexOf("navio") != -1) || (agt.indexOf("navio_aoltv") != -1));    var is_AOLTV = is_TVNavigator;    var is_hotjava = (agt.indexOf("hotjava") != -1);    var is_hotjava3 = (is_hotjava && (is_major == 3));    var is_hotjava3up = (is_hotjava && (is_major >= 3));    // end new    // *** JAVASCRIPT VERSION CHECK ***    // Useful to workaround Nav3 bug in which Nav3    // loads <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2">.    // updated 020131 by dragle    var is_js;    if (is_nav2 || is_ie3) is_js = 1.0;    else if (is_nav3) is_js = 1.1;    else if ((is_opera5)||(is_opera6)) is_js = 1.3; // 020214 - dmr    else if (is_opera7up) is_js = 1.5; // 031010 - dmr    else if (is_khtml) is_js = 1.5;   // 030110 - dmr    else if (is_opera) is_js = 1.1;    else if ((is_nav4 && (is_minor <= 4.05)) || is_ie4) is_js = 1.2;    else if ((is_nav4 && (is_minor > 4.05)) || is_ie5) is_js = 1.3;    else if (is_nav5 && !(is_nav6)) is_js = 1.4;    else if (is_hotjava3up) is_js = 1.4; // new 020128 - abk    else if (is_nav6up) is_js = 1.5;    // NOTE: In the future, update this code when newer versions of JS    // are released. For now, we try to provide some upward compatibility    // so that future versions of Nav and IE will show they are at    // *least* JS 1.x capable. Always check for JS version compatibility    // with > or >=.    else if (is_nav && (is_major > 5)) is_js = 1.4;    else if (is_ie && (is_major > 5)) is_js = 1.3;    else if (is_moz) is_js = 1.5;    // what about ie6 and ie6up for js version? abk    // HACK: no idea for other browsers; always check for JS version    // with > or >=    else is_js = 0.0;    // HACK FOR IE5 MAC = js vers = 1.4 (if put inside if/else jumps out at 1.3)    if ((agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1) && is_ie5up) is_js = 1.4; // 020128 - abk    // Done with is_minor testing; revert to real for N6/7    if (is_nav6up) is_minor = navigator.vendorSub;  // 030617 - removed unneccessary {} - bdn    // *** PLATFORM ***    var is_win   = ( (agt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) );    // NOTE: On Opera 3.0, the userAgent string includes "Windows 95/NT4" on all    //        Win32, so you can't distinguish between Win95 and WinNT.    var is_win95 = ((agt.indexOf("win95")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 95")!=-1));    // is this a 16 bit compiled version?    var is_win16 = ((agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1) ||               (agt.indexOf("16bit")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1) ||               (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1) );    var is_win31 = ((agt.indexOf("windows 3.1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("win16")!=-1) ||                    (agt.indexOf("windows 16-bit")!=-1));	var is_winme = ((agt.indexOf("win 9x 4.90")!=-1));    // new 020128 - abk    var is_win2k = ((agt.indexOf("windows nt 5.0")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 2000")!=-1)); // 020214 - dmr    var is_winxp = ((agt.indexOf("windows nt 5.1")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows xp")!=-1)); // 020214 - dmr    // NOTE: Reliable detection of Win98 may not be possible. It appears that:    //       - On Nav 4.x and before you'll get plain "Windows" in userAgent.    //       - On Mercury client, the 32-bit version will return "Win98", but    //         the 16-bit version running on Win98 will still return "Win95".    var is_win98 = ((agt.indexOf("win98")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows 98")!=-1));    var is_winnt = ((agt.indexOf("winnt")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("windows nt")!=-1));    var is_win32 = (is_win95 || is_winnt || is_win98 ||                    ((is_major >= 4) && (navigator.platform == "Win32")) ||                    (agt.indexOf("win32")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1));    var is_os2   = ((agt.indexOf("os/2")!=-1) ||                    (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("OS/2")!=-1) ||                    (agt.indexOf("ibm-webexplorer")!=-1));    var is_mac    = (agt.indexOf("mac")!=-1);    if (is_mac) { is_win = !is_mac; } // dmr - 06/20/2002    var is_mac68k = (is_mac && ((agt.indexOf("68k")!=-1) ||                               (agt.indexOf("68000")!=-1)));    var is_macppc = (is_mac && ((agt.indexOf("ppc")!=-1) ||                                (agt.indexOf("powerpc")!=-1)));    var is_sun   = (agt.indexOf("sunos")!=-1);    var is_sun4  = (agt.indexOf("sunos 4")!=-1);    var is_sun5  = (agt.indexOf("sunos 5")!=-1);    var is_suni86= (is_sun && (agt.indexOf("i86")!=-1));    var is_irix  = (agt.indexOf("irix") !=-1);    // SGI    var is_irix5 = (agt.indexOf("irix 5") !=-1);    var is_irix6 = ((agt.indexOf("irix 6") !=-1) || (agt.indexOf("irix6") !=-1));    var is_hpux  = (agt.indexOf("hp-ux")!=-1);    var is_hpux9 = (is_hpux && (agt.indexOf("09.")!=-1));    var is_hpux10= (is_hpux && (agt.indexOf("10.")!=-1));    var is_aix   = (agt.indexOf("aix") !=-1);      // IBM    var is_aix1  = (agt.indexOf("aix 1") !=-1);    var is_aix2  = (agt.indexOf("aix 2") !=-1);    var is_aix3  = (agt.indexOf("aix 3") !=-1);    var is_aix4  = (agt.indexOf("aix 4") !=-1);    var is_linux = (agt.indexOf("inux")!=-1);    var is_sco   = ((agt.indexOf("sco")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("unix_sv")!=-1));    var is_unixware = (agt.indexOf("unix_system_v")!=-1);    var is_mpras    = (agt.indexOf("ncr")!=-1);    var is_reliant  = (agt.indexOf("reliantunix")!=-1);    var is_dec   = ((agt.indexOf("dec")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("osf1")!=-1) ||           (agt.indexOf("dec_alpha")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphaserver")!=-1) ||           (agt.indexOf("ultrix")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("alphastation")!=-1));    var is_sinix = (agt.indexOf("sinix")!=-1);    var is_freebsd = (agt.indexOf("freebsd")!=-1);    var is_bsd = (agt.indexOf("bsd")!=-1);    var is_unix  = ((agt.indexOf("x11")!=-1) || is_sun || is_irix || is_hpux ||                 is_sco ||is_unixware || is_mpras || is_reliant ||                 is_dec || is_sinix || is_aix || is_linux || is_bsd || is_freebsd);    var is_vms   = ((agt.indexOf("vax")!=-1) || (agt.indexOf("openvms")!=-1));// additional checks, abk	var is_anchors = (document.anchors) ? "true":"false";	var is_regexp = (window.RegExp) ? "true":"false";	var is_option = (window.Option) ? "true":"false";	var is_all = (document.all) ? "true":"false";// cookies - 990624 - abk	document.cookie = "cookies=true";	var is_cookie = (document.cookie) ? "true" : "false";	var is_images = (document.images) ? "true":"false";	var is_layers = (document.layers) ? "true":"false"; // gecko m7 bug?// new doc obj tests 990624-abk	var is_forms = (document.forms) ? "true" : "false";	var is_links = (document.links) ? "true" : "false";	var is_frames = (window.frames) ? "true" : "false";	var is_screen = (window.screen) ? "true" : "false";// java	var is_java = (navigator.javaEnabled());// Flash checking code adapted from Doc JavaScript information;// see [url="http://webref.com/js/column84/2.html"]http://webref.com/js/column84/2.html[/url]   var is_Flash        = false;   var is_FlashVersion = 0;   if ((is_nav||is_opera||is_moz||is_fb||is_fx||is_khtml)||(is_mac&&is_ie5up)) {  //030617 - bdn - put on one line	                                                        //IMHO it makes it easier to follow flow      var plugin = (navigator.mimeTypes &&                    navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"] &&                    navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin) ?                    navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin : 0;      if (plugin) {         is_Flash = true;         is_FlashVersion = parseInt(plugin.description.substring(plugin.description.indexOf(".")-1));      }   }   if (is_win&&is_ie4up)   {      document.write(         '<scr' + 'ipt language=VBScript>' + '\n' +         'Dim hasPlayer, playerversion' + '\n' +         'hasPlayer = false' + '\n' +         'playerversion = 10' + '\n' +         'Do While playerversion > 0' + '\n' +            'On Error Resume Next' + '\n' +            'hasPlayer = (IsObject(CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." & playerversion)))' + '\n' +            'If hasPlayer = true Then Exit Do' + '\n' +            'playerversion = playerversion - 1' + '\n' +         'Loop' + '\n' +         'is_FlashVersion = playerversion' + '\n' +         'is_Flash = hasPlayer' + '\n' +         '<\/sc' + 'ript>'      );   }// Windows Media Player checking code adapted from// eMedia Communications Strategies information and Microsoft documentation// see [url="http://www.emediacommunications.biz/sm5/articlesm5.html"]http://www.emediacommunications.biz/sm5/articlesm5.html[/url]// and [url="http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;279022"]http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;279022[/url]////Note: Windows Media Player version 7+ ships with the old 6.4//      control as well as the newest version.  For this reason,//      is_WMP64 will remain true even if is_WMP7up//      is set to true.   var is_WMP = false;   var is_WMP64 = false;   var is_WMP7up = false;   if (is_win&&is_ie4up)  //use ActiveX test   {      var objMediaPlayer;      try {        objMediaPlayer = new ActiveXObject("MediaPlayer.MediaPlayer.1");        is_WMP = true;        is_WMP64 = true;      }      catch(objError) {        is_WMP = false;        is_WMP64 = false;      }      if (is_WMP) {        try {          objMediaPlayer = new ActiveXObject("WMPlayer.OCX");          is_WMP7up = true;        }        catch(objError) {          is_WMP7up = false;        }      }   }   else {  //use plugin test (this not tested yet)     var numPlugins = navigator.plugins.length;     for (var i = 0; i < numPlugins; i++) {       if (navigator.plugins[i].name.substring(0,20)=="Windows Media Player") {         is_WMP = true;         is_WMP64 = true;       }     }   }   var WMPVer;   if (is_WMP7up)   {      WMPVer = objMediaPlayer.versionInfo;      objMediaPlayer = null;   }   else WMPVer = "6.4";   var is_WMPMinor = parseFloat(WMPVer);   var is_WMPMajor = parseInt(is_WMPMinor);   var is_WMP7 = (is_WMPMinor == 7.0);   var is_WMP71 = (is_WMPMinor == 7.1);   var is_WMP8 = (is_WMPMajor == 8);   var is_WMP9 = (is_WMPMajor == 9);   var is_WMP71up = (is_WMPMinor >= 7.1);   var is_WMP8up = (is_WMPMinor >= 8);   var is_WMP9up = (is_WMPMinor >= 9);

It can be done with PHP, ASP, ASp.net, etc pretty much and server side language too.

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