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add user and table to script


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hi there i've been given a task to change the following script to create a new user, dev1 with password dev1 who has unlimited access. I have to create another table called university that has ID, name, address, number of students, date of frst contact! i have been trying but not getting anywhere. it seems fairly simple to do by copy and apstgin the original script and changing the names.the underlined code is what i attempted. i try the user thing but fail.

spool dbcre8.logconnect system/managerdrop user ora1 cascade;drop user ora2 cascade;create user ora1 identified by ora1;grant create session to ora1;grant create table to ora1;grant create view to ora1;grant create sequence to ora1;grant create synonym to ora1;grant create procedure to ora1;grant create trigger to ora1;grant create cluster to ora1;grant create type to ora1;alter user ora1 quota unlimited on system;drop user ora2 cascade;create user ora2 identified by ora2;grant create session to ora2;grant create table to ora2;grant create view to ora2;grant create sequence to ora2;grant create synonym to ora2;grant create procedure to ora2;grant create trigger to ora2;grant create type to ora2;grant create cluster to ora2;alter user ora2 quota unlimited on system;connect ora1/ora1CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE address_type AS OBJECT (street		VARCHAR2(25),city		VARCHAR2(25),country	VARCHAR2(20) )/CREATE TABLE person_address OF address_type;CREATE TABLE student (	student_id      	number(4)       not null,	student_fname   	varchar2(10)	not null,	student_lname   	varchar2(12)	not null,	address 		REF address_type SCOPE IS person_address,	tel_no          	varchar2(15),	fax_no          	number(15),	gender       		varchar2(1),	date_of_birth   	date,	student_desc            varchar2(250),	preferred_language      varchar2(2),	passport_program        varchar2(1),	company_id		number(2)       not null);CREATE TABLE company (	company_id      number(2)       not null,	company_name    varchar2(15),	city            varchar2(12),	industry        varchar2(15),	no_employees    number(5),	revenue         number(10),	training_budget number(6));CREATE TABLE instructor (	instructor_id   number(3)       not null,	instructor_name varchar2(15)	not null,	address 	REF address_type SCOPE IS person_address,	salary          number(6,2),	commission      number(6,2),	mentor_id       number(3),	date_hired      date,	profile		CLOB);CREATE TABLE course (	course_id       number(3)       not null,	title           varchar2(30),	duration        number(2),	cost            number(5),	subject_id      number(2),	brochure	bfile);CREATE TABLE authorization (	instructor_id   number(3)       not null,	course_id       number(3)       not null,	auth_date       date);CREATE TABLE subject_area (	subject_id      number(2)       not null,	subject_name    varchar2(30));CREATE TABLE offering (	offering_id     number(5)       not null,	course_id       number(3)       not null,	site_id         number(2)       not null,	instructor_id   number(4),	start_date      date,	max_no_students number(2));[u]CREATE TABLE university (                university_id  number(5)         not null,                name            varchar(20),                        number_of_students      number(6),                       date_of_first_contact      date,);[/u]CREATE TYPE classroom_type AS OBJECT(room_number NUMBER(2) ,capacity NUMBER(2) ,description VARCHAR2(200));/CREATE TYPE classroom_varray_type AS VARRAY(50) OF classroom_type;/CREATE TABLE site (	site_id         number(2)       not null,	address 	address_type,	classroom	classroom_varray_type,	location        varchar2(12));CREATE TABLE attendance (	offering_id     number(5)       not null,	student_id      number(4)       not null,	evaluation      varchar2(1),	amount_paid     number(6,2));CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE invoice_item_type AS OBJECT(student_lname		VARCHAR2(12) ,course_title		VARCHAR2(30) ,start_date		DATE ,end_date		DATE ,amount			NUMBER(7,2) );/CREATE TYPE invoice_item_table_type AS TABLE OF invoice_item_type;/CREATE TABLE invoice(invoice_number	NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,company_id		NUMBER(2) NOT NULL,billing_date		DATE NOT NULL,due_date		DATE,invoice_item		invoice_item_table_type)NESTED TABLE invoice_item STORE AS invoice_item_table;insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 BAY STATE ROAD', 'BOSTON', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 VALLEY WAY', 'SAN FERNANDO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('4545 ORACLE DRIVE', 'SAN FRANCISCO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('22 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE', 'SAN FRANCISCO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('77 ELM STREET', 'NEWARK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('544 42ND STREET', 'NEW YORK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 BEACHCOMBER PLACE', 'OCEANSIDE', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('25 MISSION WAY', 'SAN DIEGO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('177 AIRPORT ROAD', 'NEWARK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT', 'LONDON', 'UK');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 CRUISING WAY', 'TORTOLA', 'BVI');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('45 KING STREET', 'OTTAWA', 'CANADA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('45555 BIG STREET', 'DALLAS', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456', 'PARIS', 'FRANCE');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('562 HOCKEY STREET', 'TORONTO', 'CANADA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('4242 MISTY LANE', 'SEATTLE', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('KUNGSGATAN 56', 'STOCKHOLM', 'SWEDEN');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY', 'HAWAII', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('333 SAN JUAN BLVD', 'SAN JUAN', 'PUERTO RICO');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('7500 IMPERIAL BLVD', 'LOS ANGELES', 'USA');insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (1111, 'DIANE', 'BROWN', '(617)342-2345', 6173422345, 'F', '01-FEB-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 BAY STATE ROAD')where student_id = 1111;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (2299, 'CHRIS', 'ADAMS', '(213)334-2789', 2133342789, 'M', '22-MAR-1965', 'EN', 30);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='7500 IMPERIAL BLVD')where student_id = 2299;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (4568, 'KEVIN', 'COX', '(619)433-6845', 6194336845, 'M', '04-DEC-1963', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='25 MISSION WAY')where student_id = 4568;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (5556, 'JOHN', 'TYLER', '(212)444-9769', 2124449769, 'M', '13-JUN-1966', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='544 42ND STREET')where student_id = 5556;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6874, 'NANCY', 'GIBBS', '(714)346-2896', 7143462896, 'F', '15-JUL-1965', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 VALLEY WAY')where student_id = 6874;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6789, 'JENNY', 'ROSE', '(415)334-2345', 4153342345, 'F', '16-SEP-1963', 'SW', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4545 ORACLE DRIVE')where student_id = 6789;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (1199, 'FRANK', 'NELSON', '(609)345-2346', 6093452346, 'M', '22-APR-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='77 ELM STREET')where student_id = 1199;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6263, 'KEN', 'CRICK', '(415)345-2313', 4153452313, 'M', '14-MAR-1965', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='22 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE')where student_id = 6263;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (3452, 'NIGEL', 'TURNER', '(818)352-2511', 8183522511, 'M', '16-FEB-1962', 'SW', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 BEACHCOMBER PLACE')where student_id = 3452;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (2346, 'CARL', 'DUDLEY', '(609)223-7890', 6092237890, 'M', '28-NOV-1967', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT')where student_id = 2346;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (9842, 'MIKE', 'COOPER', '(713)726-9842', 7137269842, 'M', '18-OCT-1962', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='562 HOCKEY STREET')where student_id = 9842;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6901, 'LILY', 'GREEN', '(809)342-9621', 8093429621, 'F', '14-MAY-1964', 'EN', 30);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 CRUISING WAY')where student_id = 6901;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (7652, 'MARY', 'FRANKS', '(713)234-8521', 7132348521, 'F', '23-DEC-1965', 'EN', 60);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='45 KING STREET')where student_id = 7652;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (4631, 'JOE', 'FISHER', '(709)452-7392', 7094527392, 'M', '22-NOV-1962', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456')where student_id = 4631;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (3459, 'LARRY', 'MYERS', '(909)352-6216', 9093526216, 'M', '15-AUG-1967', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where student_id = 3459;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6738, 'NICK', 'CARTER', '(808)238-2358', 8082382358, 'M', '17-FEB-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY')where student_id = 6738;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (8390, 'CAROL', 'WOOD', '(809)342-2345', 8093422345, 'F', '01-MAR-1964', 'EN', 60);				   update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='KUNGSGATAN 56')where student_id = 8390;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (8872, 'DEBBY', 'ARCHER', '(980)247-2349', 9802472349, 'F', '01-SEP-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where student_id = 8872;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6474, 'PETER', 'HALL', '(707)843-2346', 7078432346, 'M', '22-FEB-1965', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='45555 BIG STREET')where student_id = 6474;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (9835, 'PAUL', 'MARKS', '(706)343-2345', 7063432345, 'M', '16-DEC-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where student_id = 9835;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (7777, 'FRED', 'FLINTSTONE', '(747)987-6543', 7478882929, 'M', '04-JUL-1904', 'FR', 70);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where student_id = 7777insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (10, 'USCABLES', 'WASHINGTON', 'MANUFACTURING', 250, 4000000, 50000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (20, 'KODAK', 'HOUSTON', 'MANUFACTURING', 2500, 10000000, 100000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (30, 'KLM', 'AMSTERDAM', 'SERVICE', 5000, 11000000, 990000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (40, 'HAMBRO', 'LONDON', 'SERVICE', 2000, 6000000, 500000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (50, 'FORD', 'DETROIT', 'MANUFACTURING', 8000, 20000000, 100000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (60, 'CITYBANK', 'BOSTON', 'FINANCE', 3000, 5000000, 200000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (70, 'DISNEY', 'ORLANDO', 'ARTS', 2500, 10000000, 300000);insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (835, 'SPARKS', 4000 , 200, 978, '16-DEC-1984');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 835;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (978, 'STEEL', 5000 , 250, 222, '16-JAN-1980');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 978;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (222, 'CAINE', 5500 , 350, NULL, '02-NOV-1976');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where instructor_id = 222;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (243, 'TUCKER', 2000 , NULL, 835, '18-DEC-1990');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY')where instructor_id = 243;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (263, 'JOHNSON', 4000 , NULL, 835, '18-JUL-1992');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='562 HOCKEY STREET')where instructor_id = 263;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (515, 'SHELLEY', 3500 , 200, 700, '20-JAN-1991');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where instructor_id = 515;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (453, 'LODGE', 2500 , 100, 835, '14-SEP-1988');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where instructor_id = 453;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (700, 'WAYNE', 4500 , 300, NULL, '16-MAY-1981');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456')where instructor_id = 700;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (628, 'MONROE', 3000 , NULL, 700, '16-JUN-1984');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT')where instructor_id = 628;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (790, 'NEWMAN', 3100 , 300, 700, '16-DEC-1982');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='544 42ND STREET')where instructor_id = 790;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (795, 'BOGART', 3200 , NULL, 700, '16-DEC-1983');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 CRUISING WAY')where instructor_id = 795;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (560, 'LAUREL', 5200 , 200, 978, '16-DEC-1983');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where instructor_id = 560;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (123, 'FLINTSTONE,FRED', 1000 , NULL, 978, '16-JUN-1989');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 123insert into course values (215, 'UNIX', 5, 1995, 10, null);insert into course values (315, 'C++', 5, 1995, 20, null);insert into course values (415, 'ADA', 4, 1500, 20, null);insert into course values (515, 'ORACLE', 5, 1995, 30, null);insert into course values (615, 'SYBASE', 3, 1200, 30, null);insert into course values (115, 'DOS', 1, 500, 10, null);insert into course values (715, 'VMS', 2, 995, 10, null);insert into course values (815, 'NETWARE', 5, 1995, 40, null);insert into course values (915, 'INFORMIX', 3, 1200, 30, null);insert into subject_area values (10, 'SYSTEMS');insert into subject_area values (20, 'LANGUAGES');insert into subject_area values (30, 'DBMS');insert into subject_area values (40, 'NETWORKS');insert into authorization values (222, 315, '14-MAR-1990');insert into authorization values (222, 415, '13-JAN-1992');insert into authorization values (978, 815, '14-MAR-1989');insert into authorization values (700, 315, '14-FEB-1991');insert into authorization values (835, 515, '12-MAR-1992');insert into authorization values (515, 915, '22-APR-1991');insert into authorization values (263, 215, '14-JUN-1992');insert into authorization values (263, 315, '14-FEB-1992');insert into authorization values (453, 615, '14-JUL-1993');insert into authorization values (453, 715, '14-AUG-1993');insert into authorization values (628, 315, '13-JUL-1991');insert into authorization values (790, 315, '14-AUG-1991');insert into site values (1, address_type('3 Place de Concorde','PARIS','FRANCE'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 24, null),				classroom_type (3, 30, null)),'Europe Ctr');insert into site values (2, address_type('1600 Pennsylvania','WASHINGTON','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'US East');insert into site values (3, address_type('22 Trafalgar Square','LONDON','UK'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 24, null),				classroom_type (3, 24, null)),'Europe West');insert into site values (4, address_type('Kungsgatan 26','STOCKHOLM','SWEDEN'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null)), 'Europe North');insert into site values (5, address_type('343 Elm Street','OTTAWA','CANADA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 20, null),				classroom_type (3, 20, null)), 'Canada Ctr');insert into site values (6, address_type('101 Boylston Street','BOSTON','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'US East');insert into site values (7, address_type('1010 Sepulveda','LOS ANGELES','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 20, null),				classroom_type (3, 20, null)) , 'US West');insert into site values (8, address_type('101 Younge Street','TORONTO','CANADA'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),				classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'Canada South'); insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1001, 315, 700, 1, '16-DEC-1994', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1002, 315, 263, 3, '16-JUL-1995', 20);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1003, 915, 560, 7, '23-NOV-1996', 30);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1004, 215, 263, 2, '26-SEP-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1005, 815, 978, 3, '15-OCT-1995', 20);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1006, 915, 560, 4, '04-JAN-1996', 22);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1007, 615, 453, 4, '30-SEP-1995', 30);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1008, 515, 835, 5, '20-JUN-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1009, 315, 790, 4, '21-JUN-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1010, 315, NULL, 4, '30-AUG-1997', 24);insert into attendance values (1001,1111, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1002,2299, NULL, 1000);insert into attendance values (1003,4568, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1002,6789, 4, 1150);insert into attendance values (1005,9835, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1006,9842, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1006,1199, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1006,3452, 2, 200);insert into attendance values (1007,8390, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1007,6474, 4, 900);insert into attendance values (1008,8390, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1003,1199, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1001,6738, 4, 850);insert into attendance values (1001,5556, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1001,6263, 1, 1995);insert into attendance values (1002,2346, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1003,6901, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1003,7652, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1003,4631, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1008,3459, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,2299, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,6789, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,6263, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1007,9842, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1007,4631, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1005,6738, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1005,3459, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1006,6474, 2, 1200);insert into attendance values (1006,9835, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1007,9835, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1009,3459, 3, 4000);commit;create sequence inv_no_seq start with 10000 ;insert into invoiceselect inv_no_seq.nextval, co.company_id, trunc(sysdate),   trunc(sysdate) + 30,CAST (MULTISET(select    s.student_lname, c.title, o.start_date   , o.start_date + c.duration, a.amount_paidfrom offering o , attendance a, course c, student swhere o.offering_id=a.offering_idand o.course_id = c.course_idand s.student_id = a.student_idand co.company_id = s.company_id) AS INVOICE_ITEM_TABLE_TYPE)FROM COMPANY CO;commit;spool off

Edited by aspnetguy
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hi there i've been given a task to change the following script to create a new user, dev1 with password dev1 who has unlimited access. I have to create another table called university that has ID, name, address, number of students, date of frst contact! i have been trying but not getting anywhere. it seems fairly simple to do by copy and apstgin the original script and changing the names.the underlined code is what i attempted. i try the user thing but fail.
spool dbcre8.logconnect system/managerdrop user ora1 cascade;drop user ora2 cascade;create user ora1 identified by ora1;grant create session to ora1;grant create table to ora1;grant create view to ora1;grant create sequence to ora1;grant create synonym to ora1;grant create procedure to ora1;grant create trigger to ora1;grant create cluster to ora1;grant create type to ora1;alter user ora1 quota unlimited on system;drop user ora2 cascade;create user ora2 identified by ora2;grant create session to ora2;grant create table to ora2;grant create view to ora2;grant create sequence to ora2;grant create synonym to ora2;grant create procedure to ora2;grant create trigger to ora2;grant create type to ora2;grant create cluster to ora2;alter user ora2 quota unlimited on system;connect ora1/ora1CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE address_type AS OBJECT (street  VARCHAR2(25),city  VARCHAR2(25),country	VARCHAR2(20) )/CREATE TABLE person_address OF address_type;CREATE TABLE student (	student_id      	number(4)       not null,	student_fname    varchar2(10)	not null,	student_lname    varchar2(12)	not null,	address  	REF address_type SCOPE IS person_address,	tel_no          	varchar2(15),	fax_no          	number(15),	gender        	varchar2(1),	date_of_birth    date,	student_desc            varchar2(250),	preferred_language      varchar2(2),	passport_program        varchar2(1),	company_id  number(2)       not null);CREATE TABLE company (	company_id      number(2)       not null,	company_name    varchar2(15),	city            varchar2(12),	industry        varchar2(15),	no_employees    number(5),	revenue         number(10),	training_budget number(6));CREATE TABLE instructor (	instructor_id   number(3)       not null,	instructor_name varchar2(15)	not null,	address  REF address_type SCOPE IS person_address,	salary          number(6,2),	commission      number(6,2),	mentor_id       number(3),	date_hired      date,	profile  CLOB);CREATE TABLE course (	course_id       number(3)       not null,	title           varchar2(30),	duration        number(2),	cost            number(5),	subject_id      number(2),	brochure	bfile);CREATE TABLE authorization (	instructor_id   number(3)       not null,	course_id       number(3)       not null,	auth_date       date);CREATE TABLE subject_area (	subject_id      number(2)       not null,	subject_name    varchar2(30));CREATE TABLE offering (	offering_id     number(5)       not null,	course_id       number(3)       not null,	site_id         number(2)       not null,	instructor_id   number(4),	start_date      date,	max_no_students number(2));[u]CREATE TABLE university (                university_id  number(5)         not null,                name            varchar(20),                        number_of_students      number(6),                       date_of_first_contact      date,);[/u]CREATE TYPE classroom_type AS OBJECT(room_number NUMBER(2) ,capacity NUMBER(2) ,description VARCHAR2(200));/CREATE TYPE classroom_varray_type AS VARRAY(50) OF classroom_type;/CREATE TABLE site (	site_id         number(2)       not null,	address  address_type,	classroom	classroom_varray_type,	location        varchar2(12));CREATE TABLE attendance (	offering_id     number(5)       not null,	student_id      number(4)       not null,	evaluation      varchar2(1),	amount_paid     number(6,2));CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE invoice_item_type AS OBJECT(student_lname  VARCHAR2(12) ,course_title  VARCHAR2(30) ,start_date  DATE ,end_date  DATE ,amount  	NUMBER(7,2) );/CREATE TYPE invoice_item_table_type AS TABLE OF invoice_item_type;/CREATE TABLE invoice(invoice_number	NUMBER(6) NOT NULL,company_id  NUMBER(2) NOT NULL,billing_date  DATE NOT NULL,due_date  DATE,invoice_item  invoice_item_table_type)NESTED TABLE invoice_item STORE AS invoice_item_table;insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 BAY STATE ROAD', 'BOSTON', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 VALLEY WAY', 'SAN FERNANDO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('4545 ORACLE DRIVE', 'SAN FRANCISCO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('22 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE', 'SAN FRANCISCO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('77 ELM STREET', 'NEWARK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('544 42ND STREET', 'NEW YORK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 BEACHCOMBER PLACE', 'OCEANSIDE', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('25 MISSION WAY', 'SAN DIEGO', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('177 AIRPORT ROAD', 'NEWARK', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT', 'LONDON', 'UK');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('111 CRUISING WAY', 'TORTOLA', 'BVI');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('45 KING STREET', 'OTTAWA', 'CANADA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('45555 BIG STREET', 'DALLAS', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456', 'PARIS', 'FRANCE');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('562 HOCKEY STREET', 'TORONTO', 'CANADA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('4242 MISTY LANE', 'SEATTLE', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('KUNGSGATAN 56', 'STOCKHOLM', 'SWEDEN');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY', 'HAWAII', 'USA');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('333 SAN JUAN BLVD', 'SAN JUAN', 'PUERTO RICO');insert into person_address (street, city, country)values ('7500 IMPERIAL BLVD', 'LOS ANGELES', 'USA');insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (1111, 'DIANE', 'BROWN', '(617)342-2345', 6173422345, 'F', '01-FEB-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 BAY STATE ROAD')where student_id = 1111;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (2299, 'CHRIS', 'ADAMS', '(213)334-2789', 2133342789, 'M', '22-MAR-1965', 'EN', 30);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='7500 IMPERIAL BLVD')where student_id = 2299;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (4568, 'KEVIN', 'COX', '(619)433-6845', 6194336845, 'M', '04-DEC-1963', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='25 MISSION WAY')where student_id = 4568;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (5556, 'JOHN', 'TYLER', '(212)444-9769', 2124449769, 'M', '13-JUN-1966', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='544 42ND STREET')where student_id = 5556;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6874, 'NANCY', 'GIBBS', '(714)346-2896', 7143462896, 'F', '15-JUL-1965', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 VALLEY WAY')where student_id = 6874;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6789, 'JENNY', 'ROSE', '(415)334-2345', 4153342345, 'F', '16-SEP-1963', 'SW', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4545 ORACLE DRIVE')where student_id = 6789;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (1199, 'FRANK', 'NELSON', '(609)345-2346', 6093452346, 'M', '22-APR-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='77 ELM STREET')where student_id = 1199;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6263, 'KEN', 'CRICK', '(415)345-2313', 4153452313, 'M', '14-MAR-1965', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='22 GOLDEN GATE DRIVE')where student_id = 6263;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (3452, 'NIGEL', 'TURNER', '(818)352-2511', 8183522511, 'M', '16-FEB-1962', 'SW', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 BEACHCOMBER PLACE')where student_id = 3452;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (2346, 'CARL', 'DUDLEY', '(609)223-7890', 6092237890, 'M', '28-NOV-1967', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT')where student_id = 2346;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (9842, 'MIKE', 'COOPER', '(713)726-9842', 7137269842, 'M', '18-OCT-1962', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='562 HOCKEY STREET')where student_id = 9842;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6901, 'LILY', 'GREEN', '(809)342-9621', 8093429621, 'F', '14-MAY-1964', 'EN', 30);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 CRUISING WAY')where student_id = 6901;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (7652, 'MARY', 'FRANKS', '(713)234-8521', 7132348521, 'F', '23-DEC-1965', 'EN', 60);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='45 KING STREET')where student_id = 7652;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (4631, 'JOE', 'FISHER', '(709)452-7392', 7094527392, 'M', '22-NOV-1962', 'EN', 50);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456')where student_id = 4631;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (3459, 'LARRY', 'MYERS', '(909)352-6216', 9093526216, 'M', '15-AUG-1967', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where student_id = 3459;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6738, 'NICK', 'CARTER', '(808)238-2358', 8082382358, 'M', '17-FEB-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY')where student_id = 6738;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (8390, 'CAROL', 'WOOD', '(809)342-2345', 8093422345, 'F', '01-MAR-1964', 'EN', 60);       update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='KUNGSGATAN 56')where student_id = 8390;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (8872, 'DEBBY', 'ARCHER', '(980)247-2349', 9802472349, 'F', '01-SEP-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where student_id = 8872;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (6474, 'PETER', 'HALL', '(707)843-2346', 7078432346, 'M', '22-FEB-1965', 'EN', 10);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='45555 BIG STREET')where student_id = 6474;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (9835, 'PAUL', 'MARKS', '(706)343-2345', 7063432345, 'M', '16-DEC-1964', 'EN', 20);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where student_id = 9835;insert into student (student_id, student_fname, student_lname, tel_no, fax_no, gender,date_of_birth, preferred_language, company_id)values (7777, 'FRED', 'FLINTSTONE', '(747)987-6543', 7478882929, 'M', '04-JUL-1904', 'FR', 70);update student set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where student_id = 7777insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (10, 'USCABLES', 'WASHINGTON', 'MANUFACTURING', 250, 4000000, 50000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (20, 'KODAK', 'HOUSTON', 'MANUFACTURING', 2500, 10000000, 100000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (30, 'KLM', 'AMSTERDAM', 'SERVICE', 5000, 11000000, 990000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (40, 'HAMBRO', 'LONDON', 'SERVICE', 2000, 6000000, 500000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (50, 'FORD', 'DETROIT', 'MANUFACTURING', 8000, 20000000, 100000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (60, 'CITYBANK', 'BOSTON', 'FINANCE', 3000, 5000000, 200000);insert into company (company_id, company_name, city, industry, no_employees, revenue, training_budget)values (70, 'DISNEY', 'ORLANDO', 'ARTS', 2500, 10000000, 300000);insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (835, 'SPARKS', 4000 , 200, 978, '16-DEC-1984');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 835;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (978, 'STEEL', 5000 , 250, 222, '16-JAN-1980');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 978;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (222, 'CAINE', 5500 , 350, NULL, '02-NOV-1976');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where instructor_id = 222;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (243, 'TUCKER', 2000 , NULL, 835, '18-DEC-1990');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='11-882 KAMEHAMEHA HIGHWAY')where instructor_id = 243;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (263, 'JOHNSON', 4000 , NULL, 835, '18-JUL-1992');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='562 HOCKEY STREET')where instructor_id = 263;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (515, 'SHELLEY', 3500 , 200, 700, '20-JAN-1991');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where instructor_id = 515;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (453, 'LODGE', 2500 , 100, 835, '14-SEP-1988');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='4242 MISTY LANE')where instructor_id = 453;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (700, 'WAYNE', 4500 , 300, NULL, '16-MAY-1981');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='AVENUE CHAMPS-ELYSEES 456')where instructor_id = 700;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (628, 'MONROE', 3000 , NULL, 700, '16-JUN-1984');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='5567 KNIGHTSBRIDGE COURT')where instructor_id = 628;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (790, 'NEWMAN', 3100 , 300, 700, '16-DEC-1982');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='544 42ND STREET')where instructor_id = 790;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (795, 'BOGART', 3200 , NULL, 700, '16-DEC-1983');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='111 CRUISING WAY')where instructor_id = 795;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (560, 'LAUREL', 5200 , 200, 978, '16-DEC-1983');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='333 SAN JUAN BLVD')where instructor_id = 560;insert into instructor (instructor_id, instructor_name, salary, commission, mentor_id, date_hired)values (123, 'FLINTSTONE,FRED', 1000 , NULL, 978, '16-JUN-1989');update instructor set address = (select ref(x) from person_address xwhere x.street='177 AIRPORT ROAD')where instructor_id = 123insert into course values (215, 'UNIX', 5, 1995, 10, null);insert into course values (315, 'C++', 5, 1995, 20, null);insert into course values (415, 'ADA', 4, 1500, 20, null);insert into course values (515, 'ORACLE', 5, 1995, 30, null);insert into course values (615, 'SYBASE', 3, 1200, 30, null);insert into course values (115, 'DOS', 1, 500, 10, null);insert into course values (715, 'VMS', 2, 995, 10, null);insert into course values (815, 'NETWARE', 5, 1995, 40, null);insert into course values (915, 'INFORMIX', 3, 1200, 30, null);insert into subject_area values (10, 'SYSTEMS');insert into subject_area values (20, 'LANGUAGES');insert into subject_area values (30, 'DBMS');insert into subject_area values (40, 'NETWORKS');insert into authorization values (222, 315, '14-MAR-1990');insert into authorization values (222, 415, '13-JAN-1992');insert into authorization values (978, 815, '14-MAR-1989');insert into authorization values (700, 315, '14-FEB-1991');insert into authorization values (835, 515, '12-MAR-1992');insert into authorization values (515, 915, '22-APR-1991');insert into authorization values (263, 215, '14-JUN-1992');insert into authorization values (263, 315, '14-FEB-1992');insert into authorization values (453, 615, '14-JUL-1993');insert into authorization values (453, 715, '14-AUG-1993');insert into authorization values (628, 315, '13-JUL-1991');insert into authorization values (790, 315, '14-AUG-1991');insert into site values (1, address_type('3 Place de Concorde','PARIS','FRANCE'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 24, null),    classroom_type (3, 30, null)),'Europe Ctr');insert into site values (2, address_type('1600 Pennsylvania','WASHINGTON','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'US East');insert into site values (3, address_type('22 Trafalgar Square','LONDON','UK'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 24, null),    classroom_type (3, 24, null)),'Europe West');insert into site values (4, address_type('Kungsgatan 26','STOCKHOLM','SWEDEN'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null)), 'Europe North');insert into site values (5, address_type('343 Elm Street','OTTAWA','CANADA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 20, null),    classroom_type (3, 20, null)), 'Canada Ctr');insert into site values (6, address_type('101 Boylston Street','BOSTON','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'US East');insert into site values (7, address_type('1010 Sepulveda','LOS ANGELES','USA'),classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 20, null),    classroom_type (3, 20, null)) , 'US West');insert into site values (8, address_type('101 Younge Street','TORONTO','CANADA'), classroom_varray_type (classroom_type (1, 20, null),    classroom_type (2, 24, null)), 'Canada South'); insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1001, 315, 700, 1, '16-DEC-1994', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1002, 315, 263, 3, '16-JUL-1995', 20);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1003, 915, 560, 7, '23-NOV-1996', 30);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1004, 215, 263, 2, '26-SEP-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1005, 815, 978, 3, '15-OCT-1995', 20);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1006, 915, 560, 4, '04-JAN-1996', 22);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1007, 615, 453, 4, '30-SEP-1995', 30);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1008, 515, 835, 5, '20-JUN-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1009, 315, 790, 4, '21-JUN-1995', 24);insert into offering (offering_id, course_id, instructor_id, site_id, start_date, max_no_students)values (1010, 315, NULL, 4, '30-AUG-1997', 24);insert into attendance values (1001,1111, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1002,2299, NULL, 1000);insert into attendance values (1003,4568, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1002,6789, 4, 1150);insert into attendance values (1005,9835, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1006,9842, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1006,1199, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1006,3452, 2, 200);insert into attendance values (1007,8390, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1007,6474, 4, 900);insert into attendance values (1008,8390, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1003,1199, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1001,6738, 4, 850);insert into attendance values (1001,5556, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1001,6263, 1, 1995);insert into attendance values (1002,2346, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1003,6901, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1003,7652, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1003,4631, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1008,3459, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,2299, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,6789, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1004,6263, 4, 1995);insert into attendance values (1007,9842, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1007,4631, 3, 1200);insert into attendance values (1005,6738, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1005,3459, 3, 1995);insert into attendance values (1006,6474, 2, 1200);insert into attendance values (1006,9835, 4, 1000);insert into attendance values (1007,9835, 4, 1200);insert into attendance values (1009,3459, 3, 4000);commit;create sequence inv_no_seq start with 10000 ;insert into invoiceselect inv_no_seq.nextval, co.company_id, trunc(sysdate),   trunc(sysdate) + 30,CAST (MULTISET(select    s.student_lname, c.title, o.start_date   , o.start_date + c.duration, a.amount_paidfrom offering o , attendance a, course c, student swhere o.offering_id=a.offering_idand o.course_id = c.course_idand s.student_id = a.student_idand co.company_id = s.company_id) AS INVOICE_ITEM_TABLE_TYPE)FROM COMPANY CO;commit;spool off

omg Edited by aspnetguy
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yeh that would've been a good idea. I'm a bit behind on my SQL so just rushed the post. This forum seems to calm me down so u won't get anymore of that wild posting out of me. With this task i have to add 2 users, ones called dev1 and the other ukacademic1. dev1 has a password named dev1 and ukacademic1 has a password ukacc1. dev1 has unlimited access but ukacademic1 has only the read only access to a view of the student, instructor and university tables but be restricted to the students/ instructors who have links with UK universities. how would i go about doing this?

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ok thank god we got that code box thing out the way, phew was that a hum-dinger of a problem now back to adding 2 users and granting readonly access to 3 tables where they are linked to uk universtities. any clues? i'll be on here all nite. yep setting upcamp!

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