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IE7 Template CSS Help


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Greetings everyone,I'm not 100% if it is CSS Problem but I've best bet it would be.Lets get right to it:Site: http://www.tapanime.com/cms/CSS: http://www.tapanime.com/cms/assets/templat...animetor-4b.zipI just updated windows xp with IE7 figured I'd give it a try, not bad, but now when I tried to view my page in IE7 it doesn't display right (right when I was going to go live for Jan 1) What I'm seeing is the right column is together with the left column and the center one is off center to the left.Any help? I'm a newbie to CSS and all that good stuff so be gentle with the fixes (I'm a noob with this stuff)Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read thisPeace

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As things stand, not all your divs are controlled with css, so it probably just happened to line up OK before. I think you are going to need to look more closely at css for divs, such as positioning: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_positioning.aspI suggest you take a copy of your page and rip out everything except your basic left, centre, right divs, till it will line up correctly using the various aspects of css that you can read about at the above link or elsewhere on the web. Then gradually re-add your content so you can see what changes are needed. Hope this helps.

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You will need to create several versions of your style sheets.One for Fire Fox and other compliant browsers.One for IE6One for IE7Use conditional commenting to create the 2 sheets for IE.If you make changes to display correctly for version 7, it will mess up your display for version 6. (Because IE is so awesome like that)Most of the population is still on version 6, so I would defiantly make sure your page renders correctly in that version before I worried a whole lot about 7.Read my post here:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.ph...itional+Comment

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Thanks,Reg Edit - Thanks for the link, but as I stated I'm not all good with this kind of stuff I'm a noob, so to go through stripping things down and doing all that I would have to know what I was doing to begin with, but I will attempt to look over the div vs css and see if I can't figure out what you are talking about.S@m - The site works in FF and IE6 it's IE7 that is having the issue. Same thing I'm not good at all this so all the suggestions you made, they sound good but I wouldn't even know where to begin with all that.Any othe suggestions or help actually doing these suggestions or any other new ones?Thanks

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No problem.When all is said and done, you will end up with 3 .css files.1 for all of the "good" browsers (Firefox, Opera, etc.) and 2 for stupid IE. (v6 and v7)This is how you normally call in your style sheet agree?

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style.css" />

Then, just below that put this line of code:

<!--[if lte IE 6]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="tyle_IE.css" /><![endif]-->

That will detect/serve a style sheet for ONLY IE6 and below. In all honesty, I would not worry about anything lower than IE6.Then below that, add this:

<!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="style_IE7.css" /><![endif]-->

That will detect/serve a style sheet for IE 7, but leave your styles alone for IE6. Pretty slick huh?IMO, this is the only way to go. The effort up front is a little more than hacking together a single style sheet. But, the results in the long run FAR outnumber the initial setup. You will be glad you did it this way.Hope this helps!

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As you can see things are a little different now.After many hours and internal thoughts about my website and this iswhat I have come up with.I've always like the site to be unique in design. As my life haschanged and the way the fandom wo <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/sitenews/31.php">[ More ]</a></div></div><br><div class="ditto_summaryPost"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/sitenews/dittotest.php">Ditto Test</a> by <strong>Chris Heilman</strong> on 26-Nov-06 15:37<div>While the site grows and new things come about I must check things out.    </div></div><br><br><br><br>ANN News:<br><br><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-04/poll-favorite-anime-directors-part-2" target="_newwindow"><b>Poll: Favorite Anime Directors Part 2 (2007-01-04 18:51:08)</b></a><br>Another look at your favorite director, given a limited list (that doesn't include Hayao Miyazaki), who would you chose ? [ <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-04/poll-favorite-anime-directors-part-2" target="_newwindow">More</a> ]</p><p><b>Naruto, Fruits Basket Back on Booklist (2007-01-04 12:52:22)</b><br>Naruto volume 12 climbed from #164 to #77 on the <a href="http://booklist.usatoday.com/">USA Today Booklist</a> for the week ending December 31. It was joined by Fruits Basket volume 12, which rose from #182 to #82 on the list. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kids off the Couch Program Features Spirited Away (2007-01-03 21:25:16)</b><br>Spirited Away is among the films featured in Los Angeles' <a href="http://www.calendarlive.com/family/cl-wk-kids4jan04,0,2501577.story?coll=cl-home-more-channels">Kids off the Couch</a>program linking films to "cultural activities." The movie is used tointroduce the "anime-themed stores and ramen restaurants of SawtelleBoulevard." [ No More ]</p><p><b>Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles in Columbus, Portland (2007-01-03 21:20:15)</b><br>Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles will show this Saturday at 11:51 a.m. at the <a href="http://www.arenagrand.com/">Arena Grand Theater</a> in Columbus and January 5-7 at the <a href="http://www.hollywoodtheatre.org/calendar/robotech.html">Hollywood Theatre</a> in Portland. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Air Gear Episode 1 Online (2007-01-03 21:09:03)</b><br>IGN is hosting the entire first episode of ADV's upcoming release of Air Gear, dubbed in English, <a href="http://media.tv.ign.com/media/873/873849/vids_1.html">here</a>. ADV's release of Air Gear is scheduled for February 6. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Cantarella Joins ALA READ Program (2007-01-03 17:04:18)</b><br>The American Library Association is now <a href="http://www.alastore.ala.org/SiteSolution.taf?_sn=catalog&_pn=sub_category&_op=44">selling</a>posters and bookmarks that feature You Higuri's Cantarella manga. Thisis the first time that a manga artist has created a poster for the ALAREAD program. [ No More ]</p><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-03/ten-biggest-anime-conventions-of-2006" target="_newwindow"><b>Ten Biggest Anime Conventions of 2006 (2007-01-03 14:16:41)</b></a><br>Anime Expo is #1 with 40,647 (32,930 paid) [ <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-03/ten-biggest-anime-conventions-of-2006" target="_newwindow">More</a> ]</p><p><b>DBZ Remastered: Before and After (2007-01-03 14:11:24)</b><br>Funimation has a new <a href="http://media.funimation.com/trailers/DBZ/dbz_tech_Large.mov">tech trailer</a>that demonstrates the improvements in the upcoming remastered,widescreen release of Dragon Ball Z. The remastered season sets drop onFebruary 6. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Hitohira Trailer Online (2007-01-03 14:07:36)</b><br>A new trailer for the Hitohira anime is now <a href="http://www.hitohira.tv/files/pv.asx">online</a>. The series premieres this spring in Japan. Source: <a href="http://www.animenation.com/">Anime Nation</a> [ No More ]</p><p><b>ANN Interview: Milton Griepp and the American Anime Awards (2007-01-03 13:43:02)</b><br>Ourinterview with the man responsible for the balloting and nominationprocedure for the American Anime Awards, ICv2's Milton Griepp, is nowavailable. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Naruto for Nintendo DS This Spring (2007-01-03 13:34:24)</b><br>TOMY and D3Publisher will <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/press-release/2007-01-03/naruto-for-the-nintendo-ds">release</a> Naruto: Ninja Council 3 for the Nintendo DS in "Spring 2007." [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kyoko Kishida Dead at 76 (2007-01-03 10:44:42)</b><br>A slightlyoverdue obituary item, Kyoko Kishida, the voice of Moomin Troll, diedon December 17 of a brain tumor. Kishida was also well known as thestar of Hiroshi Teshigahara's “Woman in the Dunes.†The 1964 moviewon a special jury prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Thanks ScottGreen. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Watch Afro Samurai Episode 1 Now (2007-01-02 18:46:31)</b><br>Afro Samurai episode 1 is now <a href="http://www.spiketv.com/#shows/afrosamurai/index.jhtml">available</a> on Spike TV's website. The show premieres Thursday at 11 p.m. Eastern. Thanks, Bob. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kurau Phantom Memory in April (2007-01-02 18:40:54)</b><br>ADV will <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/press-release/2007-01-02/adv-announces-april-10-release-for-kurau-phantom-memory">release</a> volume 1 of Kurau Phantom Memory on April 10. The title was <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/article.php?id=5174">announced</a> at Anime Expo 2004 but had not received a release date. [ No More ]</p><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-02/ann-staff-opening-video-game-critic" target="_newwindow"><b>ANN Staff Opening: Video Game Critic (2007-01-02 17:43:00)</b></a><br>AnimeNews Network is currently seeking a video game critic. Click forfurther details, or scroll down to our Staff Openings page. 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The position of the floated div makes a difference. Insert the floated div's first in the html and make sure they are in the correct wrappers.

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As you can see things are a little different now.After many hours and internal thoughts about my website and this iswhat I have come up with.I've always like the site to be unique in design. As my life haschanged and the way the fandom wo <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/sitenews/31.php">[ More ]</a></div></div><br><div class="ditto_summaryPost"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/sitenews/dittotest.php">Ditto Test</a> by <strong>Chris Heilman</strong> on 26-Nov-06 15:37<div>While the site grows and new things come about I must check things out.    </div></div><br><br><br><br>ANN News:<br><br><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-04/poll-favorite-anime-directors-part-2" target="_newwindow"><b>Poll: Favorite Anime Directors Part 2 (2007-01-04 18:51:08)</b></a><br>Another look at your favorite director, given a limited list (that doesn't include Hayao Miyazaki), who would you chose ? [ <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-04/poll-favorite-anime-directors-part-2" target="_newwindow">More</a> ]</p><p><b>Naruto, Fruits Basket Back on Booklist (2007-01-04 12:52:22)</b><br>Naruto volume 12 climbed from #164 to #77 on the <a href="http://booklist.usatoday.com/">USA Today Booklist</a> for the week ending December 31. It was joined by Fruits Basket volume 12, which rose from #182 to #82 on the list. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kids off the Couch Program Features Spirited Away (2007-01-03 21:25:16)</b><br>Spirited Away is among the films featured in Los Angeles' <a href="http://www.calendarlive.com/family/cl-wk-kids4jan04,0,2501577.story?coll=cl-home-more-channels">Kids off the Couch</a>program linking films to "cultural activities." The movie is used tointroduce the "anime-themed stores and ramen restaurants of SawtelleBoulevard." [ No More ]</p><p><b>Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles in Columbus, Portland (2007-01-03 21:20:15)</b><br>Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles will show this Saturday at 11:51 a.m. at the <a href="http://www.arenagrand.com/">Arena Grand Theater</a> in Columbus and January 5-7 at the <a href="http://www.hollywoodtheatre.org/calendar/robotech.html">Hollywood Theatre</a> in Portland. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Air Gear Episode 1 Online (2007-01-03 21:09:03)</b><br>IGN is hosting the entire first episode of ADV's upcoming release of Air Gear, dubbed in English, <a href="http://media.tv.ign.com/media/873/873849/vids_1.html">here</a>. ADV's release of Air Gear is scheduled for February 6. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Cantarella Joins ALA READ Program (2007-01-03 17:04:18)</b><br>The American Library Association is now <a href="http://www.alastore.ala.org/SiteSolution.taf?_sn=catalog&_pn=sub_category&_op=44">selling</a>posters and bookmarks that feature You Higuri's Cantarella manga. Thisis the first time that a manga artist has created a poster for the ALAREAD program. [ No More ]</p><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-03/ten-biggest-anime-conventions-of-2006" target="_newwindow"><b>Ten Biggest Anime Conventions of 2006 (2007-01-03 14:16:41)</b></a><br>Anime Expo is #1 with 40,647 (32,930 paid) [ <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-03/ten-biggest-anime-conventions-of-2006" target="_newwindow">More</a> ]</p><p><b>DBZ Remastered: Before and After (2007-01-03 14:11:24)</b><br>Funimation has a new <a href="http://media.funimation.com/trailers/DBZ/dbz_tech_Large.mov">tech trailer</a>that demonstrates the improvements in the upcoming remastered,widescreen release of Dragon Ball Z. The remastered season sets drop onFebruary 6. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Hitohira Trailer Online (2007-01-03 14:07:36)</b><br>A new trailer for the Hitohira anime is now <a href="http://www.hitohira.tv/files/pv.asx">online</a>. The series premieres this spring in Japan. Source: <a href="http://www.animenation.com/">Anime Nation</a> [ No More ]</p><p><b>ANN Interview: Milton Griepp and the American Anime Awards (2007-01-03 13:43:02)</b><br>Ourinterview with the man responsible for the balloting and nominationprocedure for the American Anime Awards, ICv2's Milton Griepp, is nowavailable. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Naruto for Nintendo DS This Spring (2007-01-03 13:34:24)</b><br>TOMY and D3Publisher will <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/press-release/2007-01-03/naruto-for-the-nintendo-ds">release</a> Naruto: Ninja Council 3 for the Nintendo DS in "Spring 2007." [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kyoko Kishida Dead at 76 (2007-01-03 10:44:42)</b><br>A slightlyoverdue obituary item, Kyoko Kishida, the voice of Moomin Troll, diedon December 17 of a brain tumor. Kishida was also well known as thestar of Hiroshi Teshigahara's “Woman in the Dunes.†The 1964 moviewon a special jury prize at the Cannes Film Festival. Thanks ScottGreen. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Watch Afro Samurai Episode 1 Now (2007-01-02 18:46:31)</b><br>Afro Samurai episode 1 is now <a href="http://www.spiketv.com/#shows/afrosamurai/index.jhtml">available</a> on Spike TV's website. The show premieres Thursday at 11 p.m. Eastern. Thanks, Bob. [ No More ]</p><p><b>Kurau Phantom Memory in April (2007-01-02 18:40:54)</b><br>ADV will <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/press-release/2007-01-02/adv-announces-april-10-release-for-kurau-phantom-memory">release</a> volume 1 of Kurau Phantom Memory on April 10. The title was <a href="http://www.tapanime.com/article.php?id=5174">announced</a> at Anime Expo 2004 but had not received a release date. [ No More ]</p><p><a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-02/ann-staff-opening-video-game-critic" target="_newwindow"><b>ANN Staff Opening: Video Game Critic (2007-01-02 17:43:00)</b></a><br>AnimeNews Network is currently seeking a video game critic. Click forfurther details, or scroll down to our Staff Openings page. [ <a href="http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-01-02/ann-staff-opening-video-game-critic" target="_newwindow">More</a> ]</p><br></div> <!-- close center --></div> <!-- close center_wrapper --><div id="left"><br><center><img alt="TAP Hello" src="The%20Anime%20Powerhouse%20%20Adventure%20Begins_files/chibi_animate.gif" border="0" height="107" width="75"><div id="leftMenu" class="leftBlock"><ul class="outer"><li class="row first level1 active self"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/index.php" title="Adventure Begins">Home Page</a></li><li class="row level1 parent"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/4.php" title="Test1">Test 1</a><ul class="inner"><li class="row first level2"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/4/pagefaqs.php" title="Page FAQs">Page FAQs</a></li><li class="row last level2"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/4/thegenres.php" title="The Genres">The Genres</a></li></ul></li><li class="row level1 parent"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/5.php" title="Test2">Test2</a><ul class="inner"><li class="row first level2"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/5/whatisanime.php" title="What Is Anime?">What Is Anime</a></li><li class="row last level2"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/5/whatismanga.php" title="What Is Manga?">What Is Manga</a></li></ul></li><li class="row level1 parent"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/pageinfo.php" title="Page Info">Page Info</a><ul class="inner"><li class="row first level2"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/pageinfo/contact.php" title="Contact Form">Contact Form</a></li></ul></li><li class="row level1"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/polltest.php" title="Poll Test">Poll Test</a></li><li class="row level1 parent"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/cms/seriesinfo.php" title="Series Info">Series Info</a></li><li class="row last level1"><a href="http://www.tapanime.com/series/devil/devil.html" title="DHY">DHY</a></li></ul></div></center>	<script type="text/JavaScript">		function getElementById(id){			var o, d=document;			if (d.layers) {o=d.layers[id];if(o) o.style=o};			if (!o && d.getElementById) o=d.getElementById(id);			if (!o && d.all) o = d.all[id];			return o;		}			function webLoginShowForm(i){			var a = getElementById('WebLoginLayer0');			var b = getElementById('WebLoginLayer2');			if(i==1 && a &&  {				a.style.display="block";				b.style.display="none";				document.forms['loginreminder'].txtpwdrem.value = 0;			}			else if(i==2 && a &&  {				a.style.display="none";				b.style.display="block";					document.forms['loginreminder'].txtpwdrem.value = 1;			}		};				function webLoginCheckRemember () {			if(document.loginfrm.rememberme.value==1) {				document.loginfrm.rememberme.value=0;				} else {				document.loginfrm.rememberme.value=1;			}		}		function webLoginEnter(nextfield,event) {			if(event && event.keyCode == 13) {				if(nextfield.name=='cmdweblogin') {					document.loginfrm.submit();					return false; 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The position of the floated div makes a difference. Insert the floated div's first in the html and make sure they are in the correct wrappers.

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Thanks everyone so far,jlhaslip - I checked the template/html the div/wrapper divs seem to be correct. The CSS wrappers they have float correctly except it seems that like the center wrapper and the IE hack for 5 or something they are both float left, I did try to change them but either messed up the page or didn't do anything. Unless you wanted me to do something else? Any other suggestions? Here is my layout html for you to see:http://www.tapanime.com/extras/Taplayout.zipAnyone else, any other suggestions? Again remember I'm a noob to this stuff so you might have to explain a little bit :)Thanks to all

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