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.net and php


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i dont know why ppl still use .net for web developmentiam aiming to learn alittle bit of (.net) to see the differencebut dont u agree with me that :

  1. - .net web sites are slow
  2. - writing srcipts is more complicated than php and asp
  3. - u cannot build good view/interface on .net when you showing data from a database

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.NET and things like PHP are fundamentally different. .NET applications are compiled applications, PHP applications are interpreted. That gives .NET a speed advantage over the same code, compiled code is much faster then interpreted code. That being said, it might be possible to do the same thing with less code in PHP, depending on the task. .NET is more complicated then PHP because .NET is entirely object-oriented, whereas PHP is moving to object-orientation but still has a lot of functional and procedural applications. The object orientation helps with .NET because that makes it very easy to do relatively complex tasks if there are objects that you can use to do those, or objects that you can inherit from to create your own object that does the job. As far as interfaces go, a lot of things in .NET are automated to the point that the programmer doesn't have a lot of control over it, but for the most part you don't really need to. One example of that is forms, an ASP.NET page cannot have more then one form on it (as far as I know). The form is created automatically by the output engine and all of the stuff like persisting form data is done automatically by .NET. It's not a big deal to set up PHP to do the same thing, but beginning programmers do not know how to do that, that's a fairly common question on here, or it's even more common where people ignore it entirely. .NET makes things like that automatic where you don't have to even know what's going on. That might also be seen as detrimental, I like the fact that I make all the decisions with PHP, I don't like the level of control that is removed when I'm using .NET. But .NET has several controls like repeaters, rotating banners, etc that make displaying information from a database pretty easy. Again, I've duplicated a lot of that functionality in a template engine I made but it would probably take several years for a beginning PHP programmer to reach the level where they could do that on their own. Since .NET is a Microsoft technology designed to work with Microsoft servers, it also has much tighter integration with the web server then you can get with PHP.Also..

i dont know why ppl still use .net for web development
.NET is more recent then PHP, at least PHP 4 which many people still use.
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