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Import a xml file from a xsl sheet


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Hi,I have to make this code dynamic

<xsl:for-each select="document('pbxglobal.xml')//show/filter" >

Actually the file pbxglobal.xml is added manually in the project, but it's a file that often change its contents.The best would be to get this file directly in the xsl sheet, but pbxglobal.xml is on a server that requires an authenticationI thought of course about doing that

<xsl:for-each select="document('')//show/filter" >

but because of the authentication seems not to work.Does somebody have a solution?

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The fact that want authentication makes the files secured. So secured you can't get them(sad, isn't it). Try making a server side script that would copy the file another server without authentication and then use this XSLT to acces that copy.Sorry, but I don't think XSLT can pass through authentications.

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The fact that want authentication makes the files secured. So secured you can't get them(sad, isn't it). Try making a server side script that would copy the file another server without authentication and then use this XSLT to acces that copy.Sorry, but I don't think XSLT can pass through authentications.

Ok it means the only way is to import the pbxglobal.xml file from the server via my .aspx code and copy the file in the same folder than my project...But how? That is the question now...
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