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Everything posted by Vamsy

  1. try this--------<a href="java script:history.goback();">GoBack</a>This is redirect to back page
  2. Vamsy


    Test this Function--------------------function fn_check(){ for (i=0 ; i<document.f1.elements.length; i++) { if (document.f1.elements.type == "checkbox") { document.f1.elements.checked = true; } }}where f1 is the FORM namethe beauty of this :- first it will get all the elements in form and if that element type is checkbox then it will check. For uncheck write another function called fn_uncheck and change (document.f1.elements.checked = true;) to (document.f1.elements.checked = false;). it will work.Luv,Vamsy.
  3. Vamsy

    Append Query

    Try this,select * into <New Table Name> from <Old Table Name>
  4. Vamsy

    Rank in SQL

    Hai,U want to display top 10, with my knowledge we can do it in 2 ways1. is using TOP keyword in sql (which u already tried)2. is using record set propertyby using option 2 we can restrict the record set to read n records. Just go thru record set properties, since i forget the syntax.Bye,Vamsy
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