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Everything posted by swindmiller

  1. Perfect, I knew it was something simple Thanks
  2. I have a RS object: rs.Fields.item("FreeHardDiskSpace") that outputs like this: 476938.03125 I want to convert it to Gigabytes, so to start I want to remove everything after the period, the rest I think I can handle. I am still very new to all of this and see different ways to do it but am having trouble referencing and displaying it. Right now I use this to display it: <td>Free Space: <%Response.Write(rs.fields.item("FreeHardDiskSpace").Value)%></td> Sorry but I need a little hand holding Can someone tell me how to strip everything after the period and then how to display it? I was able to accomplish what I wanted with TotalMemory which was showing "8192" by using this: <%TotalMemory = rs.fields.item("TotalMemory")/1024%><td>Total Memory: <%Response.Write(TotalMemory)%></td> Thanks, Scott
  3. I am just learing CSS and am very new so I know this is a very basic and stupid question. I know what I have is wrong but i was just playing with different settings to try to get what I wanted. I am trying to duplicate this (just the lower row of icons): I came up with this (I know the colors are wrong): My problem is with the size (width in particular). Here is my CSS and HTML: #menu li{ width: 550px; height: auto;display: inline; font-size: 58px; text-align: center; background-color: #8AD9FF; border-radius: 0px; margin: 0px; border: 5px solid #0000ff;} <body><div id="menu" class="midRoundBorder"><ul><li><a href="Speakers.html"><img src="../../images/Speakers.png" alt="Speakers" /></a></li><li><a href="Standby.html"><img src="../../images/Standby.png" alt="Standby" /></a></li><li><a href="Settings.html"><img src="../../images/Settings.png" alt="Settings" /></a></li><li><a href="Search.html"><img src="../../images/Search.png" alt="Search" /></a></li></ul></div> The png's are just white icons and the size of those are fine but I cannot get the light blue part of the image (width) to change without making the icon bigger. Again I know I am doing this wrong but need an example doing it the correct way Thanks, Scott
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