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Everything posted by oldscholar

  1. It seems that It can't get the file its trying to open. Please use fopen instead to test thouroughly.http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.fopen.php
  2. I think the most appropriate quesry is as follow: $sql = @mysql_query('SELECT mo_id, month_name FROM month WHERE mo_id >= MONTH(CURDATE()) ORDER BY mo_id'); You'll get the current date and the current month in numeric representation.
  3. // I think the proper code for this is as follows://Please take note that MD5 or PASSWORD function of mysql varies from version 4 to version 5. $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET password = MD5($password) WHERE email ='$email''"); //or $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE `users` SET password = PASSWORD($password) WHERE email ='$email''"); Please read further regarding the changes of the password hash. http://dev.mysql.com...rd-hashing.html
  4. $i = 1;$sql = "select name,price,short_description,sku,weight,promotion from catalog_product_flat_'".$i."'". "UNION ALL";$query=$sql.substr(0,$sql.strlen($sql)-9);echo $query;//It seems you have problesm with the concatenation of values in the variable $query. Please inspect it again.
  5. It seems that .php files are considered ordinary files and not being parsed by PHP. To resolve this, you need to modify your Apache httpd.conf file. At the bottom of the file and the following libes of directives. (Before adding, search the entire file and modify it) LoadModule php5_module "location/of/your/php/module"AddType application/x-httpd-php .php Restart your Apache server. Then test.
  6. Try this <?$data = array();$data[0] = "test";$data[1] = "price";$data[2] = "img";$data[3] = "img"; $new_data = array_unique($data); foreach($new_data as $elements){ echo "<br>" . $elements; } ?>
  7. I think the error was in the'$_POST[class]'' should be '$_POST[class]'Maybe you unintentionally doubled the single quote.
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