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Everything posted by dbarto

  1. dbarto

    CSS not loading

    It seems your stylesheet hasn't been uploaded correctly. Please try opening it through the url http://adrienne.jensenonline.org/adrienne.css.
  2. From what I see it's not the list being pushed up. It's the alignment of the table cell next to it being aligned differently. Please add the rest of the code, so we can help you with this.
  3. dbarto

    IE7 Layout issue

    I'd use tables to get a nicer layout. I guess that IE7 has problems with the positioning, but you can avoid this by using tables.<TABLE><TR> <TD><DIV class=left>left</DIV></TD> <TD><DIV class=center>center</DIV></TD> <TD><DIV class=right>right</DIV></TD></TR></TABLE>HAPPY 2007
  4. I would rewrite some of your code. It's better to use tables and styles to format the layout.A small example:<HTML><HEAD><STYLE type="text/css">BODY { background: #FFFFFF;}TABLE.mainlayout { background: url("http://www.geocities.com/videoawards/images2/600.jpg") center repeat-y; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0;}IMG { border: 0;}.center { text-align: center;}</STYLE></HEAD><BODY><CENTER><TABLE class=mainlayout><TR><TD colspan=2><IMG src="http://www.geocities.com/videoawards/images2/mainlayout.jpg"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=center>Some text here</TD><TD class=center>Some more here</TD></TR></CENTER></TABLE></BODY></HTML>I know it doesn't actually solve your problem, but it shows you how to align backgrounds.Hope this helps.HAPPY 2007
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