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Posts posted by raviprakashg

  1. Dear friend,i have Creates a Class file "Class1.vb" in an Asp.Net Project Using VB Script/ Language But I Can'nt able to Call the Class in My Form The List ( By Pressing ctrl + Space Bar) Dosen't Show the Class File, Whaty Whould be the Problem and What are the thinks I have to Check?Thanks ursraviprakashg

  2. Dear Friends,i have a refreshing problem with Usercontrol or MaseterPagres.maser What actullay happening is, The Page Dosen't Refresh when i made changes to the MasterPage or Userecontrol, Ihave to Refresh evertime or i haveto Submit it to View the Changes, i dont to the problem is Please Help me :)Thanksursraviprakashg

  3. Dear FriendsThis is My XML file

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><rootLevel><Table>  <Level id ="1"> 1    <Link Id ="HomePage.aspx">Home</Link>    <Link id ="PlaceOrder.aspx"> Order Entry</Link>    <Link id ="OrderStatus.aspx">Order Status</Link>    <Link id ="My Task.aspx">My Task</Link>   </Level></Table><Table>  <Level id ="2"> 2    <Link Id ="HomePage.aspx">Home</Link>    <Link id ="PlaceOrder.aspx"> Order Entry</Link>    <Link id ="My Task.aspx">My Task</Link>  </Level></Table><Table>  <Level id ="3"> 3    <Link Id ="HomePage.aspx">Home</Link>    <Link id ="My Task.aspx">My Task</Link>  </Level><Table><Table>  <Level id="4"> 4    <Link id ="Logout.aspx"> Logout</Link>  </Level> </Table></rootLevel>

    Now what i want to do is, i have to take Only the Set of Information Under the Level 1 If my QueryString Passes Value 1, and i use Datarepeter to display the set of Infortmation in that i Use HyperLink, So Shall i have to take the ID of <Link> as URL to NavigateUr Help is highly needthanx in Adv.ursRaviprakashg

  4. Dear FriendFine,great and Thnx VerymuchI worked with it, but the display format of wordfile are not appears in Richtextbox, How to bring Appearence of word file into Richtextboxand also i can't able to give Both Bold and italic for selected text, it take only bold or italic (if i click bold when italic is on then italic will goes off)How to set both italic and bold for selected text Solution Pls?URSraviprakashg

  5. are you laying them out with HTML or are you using absolute positioning?
    My Button Tag "<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Show Calendar" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="7pt" Width="96px" />"My Calendar Tag <asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" BackColor="#FFFFCC" BorderColor="#FFCC66" BorderWidth="1px" DayNameFormat="Shortest" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="#663399" Height="200px" NextPrevFormat="ShortMonth" ShowGridLines="True" Style="z-index: 100; left: 440px; position: absolute; top: 120px" Width="220px" Visible="False"> <SelectedDayStyle BackColor="#CCCCFF" Font-Bold="True" /> <TodayDayStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" ForeColor="White" /> <SelectorStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" /> <OtherMonthDayStyle ForeColor="#CC9966" /> <NextPrevStyle Font-Size="9pt" ForeColor="#FFFFCC" /> <DayHeaderStyle BackColor="#FFCC66" BorderColor="White" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Bold="True" Height="1px" /> <TitleStyle BackColor="#990000" Font-Bold="True" Font-Size="9pt" ForeColor="#FFFFCC" /> </asp:Calendar>
  6. Dear Friends,How to Get Screen Position of an Object like Button, Textbox ectI got two Buttons Called "Show Calendar For Order "and "Show Calendar for Delivery" and i have ASP.Net Calander. I want to Show(popup) the Calendar near to the Button i clicked, if i Clicked First Button The Calendar Should Display near or Below First Button and it should be happen for second button too.i think u have understand my Querywaiting for ur valuable reply thnxursraviprakashg

  7. hi friends,here i got a problem, How to take value from an Embedded Equipment, For EX. " an industry is do there employee attendance from the ID Card by Scraching in the Machine", so i want to take the information from the machine and stored into the database in that movement (pls note this to be done in online).did anybody got experience on it, or any Components or Articals about Embedded Solution Pls.pls let me know the urls for the above Topic or give me suggestionthnxbeyursraviprakashg

  8. How to check php mailer in localhost? when i am try use php mailer in localhost, but it reply error message Any component to install for it??:)

  9. dear friends,shall i get any articles (link) about tracing User loging misuse and block the process immediatly, this should be done to me in ASP.net C#Explaing my QueryAssume that i have an UserID and going to browse, But Somebody steal my Password and using when iam going to browse. at this time the machine should tell me that you have been logged already, the thing is the user id is misused by somebody so i have to block the hacker access by changing my password ect.. and its should be reflect immediately to the hacker whereever he is.Thanks, Have a goodday.ursraviprakashg

  10. Dear Friendsi am maintaing an logSheet of Lastlogin Details in XML sheet the Sheet contains (tags) Like this<LogSheet> <UserID>SomeID </UserID> <UserName>SomeName </UserName> <LastLogDT>09/15/2006</LastLogDT></LogSheet>My QUS is how to Edit the Date "<LastLogDT>" in XML Sheet when a user logged init is possble?pls replay in detail, if there is any valuable link pls give me this is very urgentthnx to all in advanceraviprakashg :)

  11. it is possible to set session time out to one of the session variable form collection of session variable for Ex.i have three Session Var calling ["Id"], ["User"], ["UserStatus"]i want to set timeout only for ["UserStates"], and Other should have default timeouti think u will understand my query, if there is any other way pls. give me in detailthankshav a goodayLEARN A WORD IN TAMIL (A SOUTH INDIAN LANGUAGE)HELLO = "Vanakkam" :)

  12. hi friends,i'm newbie in asp. net i have problem creating cookies and the code is

      Dim Cki_UserInfo As HttpCookie       Cki_UserInfo = New HttpCookie("UserID")       Cki_UserInfo.Value = rs.Fields(3).Value & "_" & fullname & "_" & userroleid       Response.Cookies.Add(Cki_UserInfo)

    i use to create cookie and this is written when clicking LogIn Button but i can'nt able to retrive the cookie value using Response.Cookies("UserID").Value in another page, i can'nt understand whats happening there. r iam in correct way?Pls help me, Very Urgentthks

  13. Someone Help Me how to Copy an Image File to Web Server from Client Systemi tried with FSO and follow the steps as in W3school, the file copy only from localhost, but while accessing from another system it shows error: file not found the error found in LINE : set get_file = fso.getfile("filepath") Important : While Copying IMage i save some Info to Db too, these should be done in one Submit Button clickANY SOLUTION / IDEA ,PLSSSSSSSSSursraviprakashg

  14. On the web page I want to display 6 different images for different advertises which are taken from database(Ms Access). After 2 hours that 6 advertises are replaced by 6 different set of advertises from database.Same after every 2 hours

    Get Date to ur Table as Image Name , FromTime, ToTime then Process as Ur Required this will Not fix u only for 6 Images.
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