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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    possibly but I am pretty sure /home is the same as My Documents so it makes sense that you would own it. I am out of ideas.How are you managing your website? cPanel???
  2. here is an overview: I am working with a CMS I wrote for our company. It has templates with "tags" in them that the CMS replaces with content. <%=tag name%>Well the templates are created visually with a Rich Text Editor on a webform. In IE, in the RTE, IE "rewrites the code", just like it does in Frontpage (grr) to HTML 4 Transitional meaning is uppercases all tags <img> becomes <IMG>, so my regexp pattern was checking for only lowercase thus the [img|img] (find upper or lowercase)also the end of the pattern was tring to find ">" but it found it at the end of the CMS tag %> not the end of the img tag. so I temporaily replaced the tag markers while search with regexp.
  3. SOLVED:Arggg IE was the problem. The <img> was create ina Rich Text Editor and IE auto messup the code making it HTML 4.01 transitional and uppercasiing the tags. Also my expression was dying at the %> so I replaced all <%= with { and %> with } before comparing and the following pattern worked fine<[img|img].*?{sHead_Logo}.*?>
  4. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    does it have an index.html page that contains the message you are seeing when you go to your subdomain? Are you on a linux server? Does Linux have a /home folder already? Are you sure this was created only when you made the subdomain?
  5. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    some hosts like awardspace.com setup a new folder by default for each subdomain you setup. Is this the case with this host?
  6. aspnetguy

    Domain Name

    what host are you using?
  7. by looks of their tutorials they appear to be mostly programmers not web designers. Some programmers can't even match their socks color let alone make a nice website.
  8. Once again my pitiful RegExp skills have let me down.I need a regular expression that can find and <img> with <%=sHead_Logo%> somewhere in the src=""IE <img src="/images/<%=sHead_Logo%>" alt="Logo">Here is the pattern I have that is not working <img.*?<%=sHead_Logo%>.*?>Thanks.
  9. Dim fi As FileInfo = New FileInfo(strPagePath)strPageId = fi.Name Dim directory As String = fi.DirectoryNameDim parts As String() = directory.Split("\"C)strMainDir = parts(1)If parts.Length > 2 Then strSubDir1 = parts(2) If parts.Length > 3 Then strSubDir2 = parts(3) End IfEnd If I think I got it If there are mistakes blame the converter at http://www.developerfusion.co.uk/utilities...csharptovb.aspxBTW it did not like Split(new char[] {'\'} ) even though it is valid code so I changed it Split('\\')BTW Jesh what is the diffrence between the above to ways of splitting?
  10. the best I could come up with is if(document.all) window.opener = "x";window.close(); It works in IE, Opera closes the origianl tab and nothing happens in Firefox, not even a popup.
  11. aspnetguy

    Some questions

    I have been working with CSS for 6 years and occasionally check w3schools for a reference or somehting. You will never learn or memorize it all. Just start using it in your projects and search when you get stuck. After a while it will become second nature using CSS.
  12. just a note choco. That code I gave you a while back already works with CTRL+B, etc...except in Firefox...Firefox already has shortcuts setup on CTRL+B and some other common formatting combos (stupid if you ask me) so I don't know if your key press detection could override that or if Firefox functiosn take precidence. Might be better to come up with your own combos, I like the CRTL, CTRL, B idea.
  13. aspnetguy


    I know what you mean. I have no good digital pictures of me. I do have some good printed ones but I am too lazy to put them int he scanner
  14. ASP can't but you could do your checking in JS and use AJAX to send requests back tot he server.
  15. post all your code, there is no sense in playing a guessing game.
  16. Firefox appears to be alot smarter than IE. It is probably checking for an actual window object...Firefox may also make window.opener readonly which would mean you cannot set it.
  17. DDL - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_link_libraryP2P - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_to_peerThere is no such thing as a peer to peer website.
  18. myMail.TextBody=Request.Form("TextBody")
  19. in your ASP script use this javascript (client side) var parentDocument = parent.document;var parentWindow = parent.window; with those 2 variables you can check anything in the parent's document and window objects.the only possible issue is that this will give an Access Denied error in keeping with cross domain rules.
  20. it is not shown in the toolbar but you can use
  21. actually the easiest way, ossibly the only way, is with a server side language.do a google search for "screen scraping" for your language of choice.You'll need to have strong string manipulation and regular expression skills.good luck
  22. lol I wasn't really serious, bt I'll take it anyways :D

  23. brinkster.com free accounts support ASP and ASP.Net
  24. aspnetguy


    yes it is a new feature
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