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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. I think it is saying there is an SQL error
  2. nope that is the way to do it. Just liek the tuorial says http://www.w3schools.com/asp/asp_send_email.asp
  3. Are you using Windows XP? If so you can't. There is a hard limit of 10 concurrent users. You have to buy Windows Server to get around the user limit.
  4. aspnetguy

    Apache Crashes

    did you install php in C:\Program Files\PHP??? if not you have to set the extension_dir in php.ini to the correct location (%install dir%\PHP\ext) and then restart apache.
  5. you'll have to be more specific. Generally grids are filled from data already in a database. Do you mean update the grid and have it update the database? If so try this http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms972948.aspx
  6. aspnetguy

    div vs Tables

    lists are the W3C recommendation and it helps search engines know that it is your menu not part of your content. Google tends to treat content in <p></p> as main site content because by definition that is what <p></p> is generally used for.
  7. try this http://www.dyn-web.com/javascript/rotate-img/
  8. you need to pass the form to an ASP page <form action="yourasppage.asp" method="post">Then on hte asp page you can get the values likeRequest.Form("elementName")
  9. best thing to do is post the code that is giving to the fatal errors. It is hard to give an answer without the structure of all 3 tables.
  10. My setup is fine for now sinceI only use it for testing. I do have a standalone FF1.5 with FF2.0 on the same machine though
  11. you'll need a server side language like PHP or ASP.Net to do that
  12. awesome the only way I had heard to do that was to do a lot of registry editing and still it wasn;t stable. I have mine on 2 different machines.
  13. you can't uninstall IE it is integrated with the Windows OS.vchris how do you have IE6 and IE7, are they on different machines?
  14. do you mean a new page not a new site?Use php to automatically create n.php where n is the id number.
  15. keyword shouldn't but this is one thing that bugs me about Firefox.
  16. I doubt what you are tryign to do will work. use fopen() and physically open the file and read the contents into a variable.
  17. again Firefox will be tricky with percentages because as soon as you add margins or padding to either div it will wrap because Firefox calculates the width like 50% + padding + margins not 50% including padding and margins.IE works fine though.
  18. I have never tried it but this should work $var = "file.php";include($var);
  19. aspnetguy


    I ran Windows Server 2003 on a Pentium MMX 233Mhx, 128Mb ram for a while, it was deathly slow but it worked.My parents ran XP on 64Mb on ram before I had enough and upgraded them. they didn't seem to mind waiting an eternity for Windows Explorer to load the file system
  20. you can run as many browsers on your computer as you like. You just can't (usually) run different versions of the same browser.
  21. you may or may not have to add a width to those floating divs, I think either IE or Firefox dosen't display right without it.
  22. aspnetguy


    try this thread http://forums.asp.net/thread/1489318.aspx
  23. aspnetguy


    go to www.asp.net and follow the instructions. If you get stuck just ask.
  24. Find a host that supports ASP.Net and buy a plan!
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