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Everything posted by aspnetguy

  1. Yeah the new fast reply is awesome...but mostly happy about the security updates and the new mod tools for managing spam. Thanks Kajim
  2. haha yeah I could just change it now...reality? What's that?
  3. how about you post your code.
  4. in head var bodyFrame;//W3Cif(document.getElementById('iframeid').contentDocument){ bodyFrame = document.getElementById('iframeid').contentDocument;}//IEelse{ bodyFrame = document.frames['framename'].document;}bodyFrame.write("I wrote this fromt he head frame!");
  5. When I reach Sacred Member I would like to be refered to as the Oracle. You will be required to bring me tribute in order for me to bestow my wisdom upon you :)
  6. aspnetguy


    Not sure what you're asking but by higer level I mean there is more functionality in the framework. You don't have to dispose every object you create like in C. C#'s garbage collector will do this when the program ends and frees up the memory for you.C# has builtin classes for workign with Graphics (GDI+) which is easier to use than Win32 graphics. C# has builtin functions to deal with sockets and network programming which is far more easy than C or C++.Basically it has alot of stuff builtin that you would have to built from scratch in C or C++.
  7. aspnetguy


    Actually it is more like JAVA than C or C++. Infact it was developed by the same guy that start JAVA (or so I've heard).It is object oriented. It is a higher level language than C or C++,a lot less memory management to worry about and a lot more builtin features/controls.
  8. you'll have to be a bit more specific about what you want. Do you mean you want source code for a product review system?
  9. aspnetguy

    Bored at work

    Where do you work? Got any openings?
  10. brinkster.com, asp and asp.net free hosting
  11. aspnetguy

    Bored at work

    Well I am always coding in C# or ASP.Net so that is a plus, no switching back and forth.
  12. aspnetguy

    Bored at work

    That maybe true...I enjoyed making templates before I became a web developer for a job. Now after 9+ hours of coding I don't feel much like doing it for fun :)I wish I had time to be bored. As the only full-time programmer and a half dozen projects on the go at any given time (websites, custom apps, etc) some days it's hard to keep up.
  13. yes that will work...if you change the CONTENT from 0 to a reasonable number
  14. aspnetguy

    Bored at work

    According to you, you are a guy that gets paid for lots of hours without doing any work
  15. Please do not double post your questions. I will close this and not delete it since someone has already suplied a suggestion.
  16. actually I would use image[1] = '<img src=" instead to keep with good markup.you could also do thisimage[1] = "<img src=\"the url\" alt=\"alt text\">"
  17. the path would be ../photo.html../ is used to go back a folder
  18. you will need to use AJAX to access a text file on the server. It cannot be done with plain client js alone.
  19. you would have to do this outside the gridview control. using the builtin sdorting of the contorl will sort all data.
  20. The best solution would be a captcha (random code use must fill in).If you do not want the users to have to fill in extra stuff like a captcha then you could put new entries in a moderating que and you would have to approve/disapprove them manually.
  21. you want to make an image of what a popup window looks like?
  22. you'll have to post the code so we can see it.
  23. aspnetguy

    Style Sheets

    what is the code in the stylesheet and what class and attribute are you trying to change?
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