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  1. ok then lol well im redesignin the buttons n stuff an whats to happen.. so now what i need top happen it:1- work in ff2- user clicks play and the button changes to pause during play (similar to windows media player 11)anyone have any ideas?EDIT: never mind bout number 2.. check www.philipworld.co.uk/tests.html for the latest update of the file
  2. yey someone else who it dont work for lol so yeh.. you know any work around ?
  3. didnt even no that code existed lol.. umm ok it works on ff for you but me and my girlfriend usin ff on two different computer cant get it to work
  4. by that i guess that it works then?
  5. haha thats not horrible music for the peope its intended for.. its a teen website and that part is for the hardcore dance people lol...i got the player working now anyways.. just its not workin for ff.. can anyone code it for firefoxheres the new code<html><head><title>Music Player</title><script language="JavaScript">var state;//URL of song - Direct pathfunction playerinit(){ player.url="http://www.layer2hosting.com/~idesign/Philipworld/other/intro.mp3"; player.settings.autoStart = true ;}//Play Functionfunction play(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('play')) { player.controls.play(); state=setInterval("updatetime()",1000); playerinfo.innerHTML = "Play"; }}//Pause Functionfunction pause(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('pause')) { player.controls.pause(); clearInterval(state); playerinfo.innerHTML = "Paused"; }}//Stop Functionfunction stop(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('stop')) { player.controls.stop(); clearInterval(state); playerinfo.innerHTML = "Stopped"; }}//Volume down functionfunction voldown(){ if ( player.settings.volume < 5 ) { player.settings.volume = 0; playerinfo.innerHTML = "0"; } else { player.settings.volume -= 20; playerinfo.innerHTML = "Volume " + player.settings.volume +"%"; }}//Volume up functionfunction volup(){ if ( player.settings.volume > 90 ) { player.settings.volume = 100; playerinfo.innerHTML = "Volume 100%"; } else { player.settings.volume += 20; playerinfo.innerHTML = "Volume " + player.settings.volume +"%"; }}//Time Functionfunction updatetime(){ playerinfo.innerHTML = player.status;}</script></head><body onload="playerinit();"><table align='center'> <tr> <td align="center"><!-- START PLAYER --><!-- Default Player Settings --><object id="player" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" width="0" height="0"><param name="autoStart" value="0"><param name="balance" value="0"><param name="currentPosition" value="0"><param name="currentMarker" value="0"><param name="enableContextMenu" value="0"><param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0"><param name="enabled" value="-1"><param name="fullScreen" value="0"><param name="invokeURLs" value="0"><param name="mute" value="-1"><param name="playCount" value="1"><param name="rate" value="1"><param name="uiMode" value="none"><param name="volume" value="100"><param name="URL" value><param name="defaultFrame" value><param name="baseURL" value><param name="stretchToFit" value="0"><param name="windowlessVideo" value="0"><param name="SAMIStyle" value><param name="SAMILang" value><param name="SAMIFilename" value><param name="captioningID" value><embed id="player" type="application/x-mplayer2" src="" height="0" width="0"></object><!-- END Default Player Settings --><br /><!-- Player Controls --><input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPlay.gif" alt="Play" value="Play " name="play" onclick="play();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPause.gif" alt="Pause" value="Pause" name="pause" onclick="pause();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerStop.gif" alt="Stop" value="Stop" name="stop" onclick="stop();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerMinus.gif" alt="Volume Down" value="-" name="voldown" onclick="voldown();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPlus.gif" alt="Volume Up" value="+" name="volup" onclick="volup();"><!-- END Player Controls --> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" height="40"><font size="-1"><b><span id="playerinfo"></span></b></font></td> </tr></table><!-- Player New State --><script language="JavaScript" for = player event = playstatechange(newstate)>switch (newstate){ case 1: playerinfo.innerHTML = "Loading.."; break; case 2: playerinfo.innerHTML = "Loading..."; break; case 3: playerinfo.innerHTML = "Loading...."; break; case 10: playerinfo.innerHTML = "Press play button to load song";}</script><!-- END Player New State --></body></html>
  6. Hey all, i need help with this code <html><head><title>Music Player</title><script language="JavaScript">var state;//URL of song - Direct pathfunction playerinit(){ player.url="http://www.layer2hosting.com/~idesign/Philipworld/other/intro.mp3"; player.settings.autoStart = true;}//Play Functionfunction play(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('play')) { player.controls.play(); state=setInterval("updatetime()",1000); }}//Pause Functionfunction pause(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('pause')) { player.controls.pause(); clearInterval(state); }}//Stop Functionfunction stop(){ if (player.controls.isavailable('stop')) { player.controls.stop(); clearInterval(state); }}//Step Functionfunction step(){ if (player.controls.isavailable( 'step' )) player.controls.step( 1 );}//Volume down functionfunction voldown(){ if ( player.settings.volume < 5 ) { player.settings.volume = 0; } else { player.settings.volume -= 20; }}//Volume up functionfunction volup(){ if ( player.settings.volume > 90 ) { player.settings.volume = 100; } else { player.settings.volume += 20; }}//Mute Functionfunction mute(){ player.settings.mute = !player.settings.mute;}//Fast Forward function (NOT USED - FIX)function fastforward(){ player.settings.rate = 2.0;}//Rewind function (NOT USED - FIX)function rewind(){ player.settings.rate = -0.0;}</script></head><body onload="playerinit();"><!-- START PLAYER --><!-- Default Player Settings --><object id="player" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" type="application/x-oleobject" width="0" height="0"><param name="autoStart" value="false"><param name="balance" value="0"><param name="currentPosition" value="0"><param name="currentMarker" value="0"><param name="enableContextMenu" value="false"><param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="false"><param name="enabled" value="true"><param name="fullScreen" value="false"><param name="invokeURLs" value="false"><param name="mute" value="true"><param name="playCount" value="1"><param name="rate" value="1"><param name="uiMode" value="none"><param name="volume" value="100"></object><!-- END Default Player Settings --><br /><!-- Player Controls --><input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPlay.gif" class="but21" onmouseover=this.className="but22"; onmouseout=this.className="but21"; value="Play " name="play" onclick="play();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPause.gif" class="but31" onmouseover=this.className="but32"; onmouseout=this.className="but31"; value="Pause" name="pause" onclick="pause();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerStop.gif" class="but41" onmouseover=this.className="but42"; onmouseout=this.className="but41"; value="Stop" name="stop" onclick="stop();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerMinus.gif" class="but61" onmouseover=this.className="but62"; onmouseout=this.className="but61"; value="-" name="voldown" onclick="voldown();"> <input TYPE="image" src="images/player/playerPlus.gif" class="but61" onmouseover=this.className="but62"; onmouseout=this.className="but61"; value="+" name="volup" onclick="volup();"><!-- END Player Controls --></body></html> when i try that code on my browser, it works but the browser says theres an error also... the code doesnt same to work for anything other than IE
  7. they are close to what im looking for, the closest and easiest being the one from dynamic drive but it creates a gap between the arrow images and the link images... i think ill just make a dhtml instead unless anyone can get a prefectly tight scroller
  8. hey all... i need help with finding a script that can be used to scroll link buttons along the top of a pagethe page navigation is what i want to scroll but do not no the correct way to approach it... what method should i use... perferring a javascript methodneways here is the idea below:< arrow left - image link 1 - image link 2 - image link 3 - image link 4 - image link 5 - arrow right >the user is to hover the mouse over eiher arrow an the links will scroll either way to produce the same as above but this time:< arrow left - image link 2 - image link 3 - image link 4 - image link 5 - image link 6 - arrow right >
  9. ok i had the user greeting workin on an old server as a test page but now my sites on the new server im havin problems.. user doesnt enter name works ok.. displays null.. dnt mind dat... but wen user enters name it doesnt show the greetin...site page here: http://www.philipworld.kjwebhosting.co.uk/index2.htm
  10. hey all... ok got another problem again... i have two codes that do something similar.. the both scroll the content up and down but the first code below scrolls per line and stos for a while and the 2nd code below scrolls all the content in one go from an external source.. i need the content to scroll per line from an external source.. codes below Code 1:<script type="text/javascript"><!-- BegintheNews=new newsScroll("theNews"); //create our newsScroller object theNews.scrollerdelay = 3000; // pausetime 3000 = 3 Seconds theNews.scrollerwidth = '100%'; // the width of the box theNews.scrollerheight = '30px'; // the height of the box theNews.scrollerbgcolor = ''; // the box background color theNews.scrollerbackground = ''; // Set to blank if you don't want to use a background image//******************************************************************// // The addItem method below has 5 variables and is formated as follows:// addItem (text,link,font,fontSize,fontStyle)// text - the text to be displayed.// link - (optional) website, or page to link news item to.// font - (optional) Font face to use on item.// fontSize - (optional) size in pt format // i.e. 1=8pt, 2=10pt, 3=12pt and so on.// fontStyle - (optional) css style to assign to font. You can use the class name.// //****************************************************************** theNews.addItem('Version 2 now up,<br>Site Under-Construction','','','',''); theNews.addItem('Permanent Games<br>Coming Soon','','','',''); theNews.addItem('Car Gallery<br>Coming Soon','','','',''); theNews.addItem('Funny/Scary Gallery<br>Coming Soon','','','',''); theNews.addItem('Site DJz<br>Coming Soon','','','',''); theNews.addItem('Philip Loves Mikayla<br>Love Ya Loads','','','','');// the next 2 lines construct the news box, and start the scroller theNews.construct(); theNews.startScroll();// End --></script>Code 2:<!--[if IE]><IE:Download ID="marqueedata" STYLE="behavior:url(#default#download)" /> <marquee id="externalmarquee" direction=left scrollAmount=4 style="width:330px;height:300px;border:1px solid black;padding:3px" onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=2" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=4" src="external.htm"></marquee><script language="JavaScript1.2">/*External Data Source Marquee Script (Updated 99/11/02)- © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com)For full source code, installation instructions,100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms Of Use, visit dynamicdrive.com*/function downloaddata(){marqueedata.startDownload(externalmarquee.src,displaydata)}function displaydata(data){externalmarquee.innerHTML=data}if (document.all)window.onload=downloaddata</script><![endif]-->
  11. deejaybet

    Scroller bars

    so there is no way to change the look of a browser scroll bar (except IE)
  12. deejaybet

    Scroller bars

    any sort of code to change the scroll bar in firefox/flock? i dont know if this i the corect section
  13. im back again with another problem... dont know if this can b solved but ive found a script that when the user clicks on it, it closes the browser for example i give the user a choose of either enter the site or leave it.... problem with the script is that it only seams to work for IE... anyone know a cross-browser version of it... its only a link script... im sure ive seen it somewere else before... i need it as a link only.. no buton form etc.. just a normal text/link form <a href="javascript:window.close()">Leave</a>
  14. thank you very much works a treat now
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