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Everything posted by thomas_xyz

  1. never mind i fixed itit's the little "\" got in the way after the request.php all i have to do is remove the forward slash just keep the url to thanks a lot for the help everyone!
  2. naturally without syntax it would've look like this
  3. yea that's what i thought too but when i click on the link it shows this
  4. yuphttp://test.dhamilaw.com/?phone=2125551212&code=abc123
  5. oh ok thanks again! where am i suppose to put those strings?
  6. thanks! but here's the other problem. when the second page load, all the graphics, divs, and alignments are missing.. i don't get it
  7. i'm trying to send information to the following page but can't seem to do so. this might be a html problem i build an if (isset($_REQUEST[""])) to have one side link and another form. problem is that for the image link i set up, i can't send value to the following page <?phpif (isset ($_REQUEST['code']))$code=$_REQUEST['code'];$phone=$_REQUEST['phone'];?> <html><head><title></title></head><body> <?php if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) echo "</br> <a href=\"request.php\?code&&phone"><img src=\"../images/button1.png\" onmouseover=\"this.src=\'../images/button1-hover.png\'\" onmouseout=\"this.src=\'../images/button1.png\'\"/></a>"; else echo "form"?> </body></html> I thought all i have to do is add ?code&&phone to the <a href> tag.. what am i doing wrong Please help. Thank you
  8. well.. you see.. i've also attached another php with a mail() so everything they put in, it will get email to me once they hit submit. the phone number will be given to the sales people. so if i put that in the index, all potential clients have to do is fill out one form to complete the transaction. existing clients will fill out the first form then enter another form to make an appointment
  9. just to avoid starting another topic,let just say i want to add an extra text input for those without $code how will i do so? i mean i would want it to only appear to those that enters the site without $code i've tried adding <?php if($code='') echo ' <input type="text" class="inputbg" name="Tel" id="Tel" onfocus="if (this.value == \'Your Phone Number\') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = \'Your Phone Number\';}" value="Your Phone Number" />'?> but that doesn't seem to work
  10. all is working now. Thanks alot!!
  11. index.php <?phpif (isset ($_REQUEST['Code']));$Code=$_REQUEST['Code'];?><html><head><title></title></head><body><form action="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['Code'])) echo 'request.php'; else echo 'thankyou.php'; ?>" method="post"><input type="text" class="inputbg" name="FullName" id="FullName" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Name') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Name';}" value="Your Na<input type="text" class="inputbg" name="Email" id="Email" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Email') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Email';}" value="Your Email" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST['Code'];?>" /><input type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['Code'])) echo 'More Info'; else echo 'Continue';?>" /> </form></body></html> Correct?thankyou.php <?php $FullName=$_REQUEST['FullName']; $Code=$_REQUEST['Code'];$Email=$_REQUEST['Email'];$Phone=$_REQUEST['Phone'];$BestTime=$_REQUEST['BestTime'];$theDate = isset($_REQUEST["date5"]) ? $_REQUEST["date5"] : "";$theDate = date('F-j-Y', strtotime($theDate));?><html><head><title></title></head><body> <?phpif (isset ($_REQUEST['Code'])) echo'<h5>Your Code is: <?=$Code;?>. </h5> <h5> The phone number we had on file is <?=$Phone;?></h5> <h5> You have scheduled a phone call on <?=$theDate;?> ,<?=$BestTime;?> -EST.</h5> </p><p style="color:#ffffff;"> <u> *Selected appointment will adjust accordingly to Eastern Standard Time (-EST).</u></p>';else'An email with a Code will be email to you shortly.'?> </body></html> Correct? btw thank you so much for the help. i'm still very new at this
  12. am i suppose to do this with the <input type="hidden" name="Code" value="<?php if isset($_REQUEST['code'];?>">?
  13. i did use $_REQUEST['code'] but still nothing. as for <input type="hidden" name="Code" value="<?=$Code;?>, i want to continuously use the code for the next following pages. as for $code=$_REQUEST['code']; there will be a variable when someone clicks on their email link.
  14. should it be if (isset($_REQUEST['code'])) or if (isset($_REQUEST['$code']?
  15. as for if ( isset ( $_REQUEST['Code'] ) ), i've tried that as well.. and still didn't work
  16. the code=$_REQUEST['code'] is set. each of the client has a code and i even test to see if it'll show up on the address bar
  17. it only shows the first echo now
  18. Hello everyone, I'm new to php so please bare with me on this. Before i explain my problem, let me give you guys a brief background on what i'm doing.i have a list of existing clients in my database that have a client# hence $code. Every clients will be sent an email that contain a link with their # aka $code. so when they arrive at my page, the address bar should also contain their $code.At the same time, there are also potential clients going to my webpage without client# ($code). Eventually both existing and potential clients will have to fill out a form. with their name and email. Problem #1:This is where I have difficulty in. Instead of making 2 separate website, which is very unnecessary. I want to set the form up according to those that enter the website with $code or without. Those with $code will be directed to request.php where they will fill in more information and those without will go to thankyou.php where the message "thank you for your request, a client id will be email to you shortly ." Unfortunately I can't get it to work, it only directs to thankyou.php with or without $code on the address bar. Please help me out. This is what I have on my index page. <?php $code=$_REQUEST['code'];$email=$_REQUEST['email'];?><html><head><title></title></head><body><form action="<?php if (isset($code)) echo 'request.php'; else echo 'thankyou.php'; ?>" method="post"> <input type="text" class="inputbg" name="FullName" id="FullName" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Name') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Name';}" value="Your Name" /> <input type="text" class="inputbg" name="Email" id="Email" onfocus="if (this.value == 'Your Email') {this.value = '';}" onblur="if (this.value == '') {this.value = 'Your Email';}" value="Your Email" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code" value="<?=$Code;?>" /> <input type="submit" class="submit" name="submit" value="<?php if (isset($code)) echo 'More Info'; else echo 'Continue';?>" /> </form> </body></html> Problem #2:I want to make the thankyou.php the result page where clients review their input for both sets of clients.Those with $code, I would want the page to show Name, email, phone, and appointment.For those without, I just want to show Name and email. This is what I have: <?php $FullName=$_REQUEST['FullName'];$Code=$_REQUEST['Code'];$Email=$_REQUEST['Email'];$Phone=$_REQUEST['Phone'];$BestTime=$_REQUEST['BestTime'];$theDate = isset($_REQUEST["date5"]) ? $_REQUEST["date5"] : "";$theDate = date('F-j-Y', strtotime($theDate));?><html><head><title></title></head><body><h1 class="heading" style="font-size:40px;">Thank you <?=$FullName;?> for your submission!</h1> <p style="padding:20px 0px 0px"> <h5>Your Email is: <?=$Email?>. </h5><?phpif (isset($code)) echo '[i]<h5>Your Personalized Code is: $Code. </h5>[/i][i]<h5> The phone number we had on file is $Phone</h5>[/i][i]<h5> You have scheduled a phone call on $theDate ,[/i][i]$BestTime -EST.</h5></p>[/i][i]<p style="color:#ffffff;"> *Selected appointment will adjust accordingly to Eastern Standard Time (-EST).</p>'[/i] [i]else[/i] echo "An email with a client I.D. will be email to you shortly."?> </body></html> I honestly thought the string if (isset($code)) ""; else ""; sting is all i need but no matter what, it only shows the second echo and never the first. I'm a little confuse at this point so if anybody out there knows how to fix this, please help me out. thank you! P.S. if anyone is confused by what i type, please let me know. Thank you.
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