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Posts posted by terryds

  1. I often see comments like

    /*** The database class to store PDO objects** @var object*/

    What does @var mean?

    And, i often see @param, @return too... What do they mean?


    I've ever seen strange comment like this one below. Can you tell me what it mean?


    /*** $Id$*/
  2. Hey, i want to make a description of role column in my table....

    But, i don't know what's better between DEFAULT NULL or DEFAULT '' ?

    Any suggestion?


    See this code first

    <?phpinclude_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] .    '/includes/magicquotes.inc.php'; if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'upload'){  // Bail out if the file isn't really an upload  if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']))  {    $error = 'There was no file uploaded!';    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';    exit();  }  $uploadfile = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'];  $uploadname = $_FILES['upload']['name'];  $uploadtype = $_FILES['upload']['type'];  $uploaddesc = $_POST['desc'];  $uploaddata = file_get_contents($uploadfile);   include 'db.inc.php';   try  {    $sql = 'INSERT INTO filestore SET        filename = :filename,        mimetype = :mimetype,        description = :description,        filedata = :filedata';    $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);    $s->bindValue(':filename', $uploadname);    $s->bindValue(':mimetype', $uploadtype);    $s->bindValue(':description', $uploaddesc);    $s->bindValue(':filedata', $uploaddata);    $s->execute();  }  catch (PDOException $e)  {    $error = 'Database error storing file!';    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';    exit();  }   header('Location: .');  exit();} if (isset($_GET['action']) and    ($_GET['action'] == 'view' or $_GET['action'] == 'download') and    isset($_GET['id'])){  include 'db.inc.php';   try  {    $sql = 'SELECT filename, mimetype, filedata        FROM filestore        WHERE id = :id';    $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);    $s->bindValue(':id', $_GET['id']);    $s->execute();  }  catch (PDOException $e)  {    $error = 'Database error fetching requested file.';    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';    exit();  }   $file = $s->fetch();  if (!$file)  {    $error = 'File with specified ID not found in the database!';    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';    exit();  }   $filename = $file['filename'];  $mimetype = $file['mimetype'];  $filedata = $file['filedata'];  $disposition = 'inline';   if ($_GET['action'] == 'download')  {    $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream';    $disposition = 'attachment';  }   // Content-type must come before Content-disposition  header('Content-length: ' . strlen($filedata));  header("Content-type: $mimetype");  header("Content-disposition: $disposition; filename=$filename");   echo $filedata;  exit();} if (isset($_POST['action']) and $_POST['action'] == 'delete' and    isset($_POST['id'])){  include 'db.inc.php';   try  {    $sql = 'DELETE FROM filestore        WHERE id = :id';    $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);    $s->bindValue(':id', $_POST['id']);    $s->execute();  }  catch (PDOException $e)  {    $error = 'Database error deleting requested file.';    include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';    exit();  }   header('Location: .');  exit();} include 'db.inc.php'; try{  $result = $pdo->query(      'SELECT id, filename, mimetype, description      FROM filestore');}catch (PDOException $e){  $error = 'Database error fetching stored files.';  include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/includes/error.html.php';  exit();} $files = array();foreach ($result as $row){  $files[] = array(      'id' => $row['id'],      'filename' => $row['filename'],      'mimetype' => $row['mimetype'],      'description' => $row['description']);} include 'files.html.php';

    When i remove the $files = array(); , i see there are no changes...


    Can you tell me what $files=array(); does ?

  3. Hi :Pleased:

    Can you tell me which one of storing avatars to mysql using BLOB or storing avatars to ftp is better?

    I'm a bit confused about BLOB in SQL... When to use it instead of using ftp?

  4. What if i want it to just specify the time difference from GMT ? How to do that? Or, should i just make the time + x hours manually using plus operator ( x is the difference time) ?

  5. @niche : In date_default_timezone_set, i have to type the location.

    But, what i want is to type the GMT+7 not the location, because not every location is supported by the timezone identifiers..


    Can you tell me another way to change the timezone to GMT + x without using date_default_timezone_set or changing the php.ini ?


    I want my bulletin board users can see the time based on their location....

  6. What do you think of my author table ?


    CREATE TABLE `authors` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `gender` enum('Male','Female') NOT NULL, `email` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `country` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `url` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `birthday` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `motto` varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `password` char(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), KEY `birthday_idx` (`birthday`)) ENGINE=InnoDB  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8


    Is it right tuned ? I make it as my blog cms's author table...

  7. This is what it says


    #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'IF NOT EXISTS(id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHA' at line 1

  8. This is my code

    CREATE TABLE author IF NOT EXISTS(id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,        name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL        ); CREATE TABLE post IF NOT EXISTS (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,        text TEXT,        date DATE,        authorid INT,        FOREIGN KEY(authorid) REFERENCES author (id)        ON DELETE CASCADE        ON UPDATE CASCADE        ); INSERT INTO author ('name') VALUES ('Andi'), ('Budi'), ('Amir');INSERT INTO post ('text','date','authorid') VALUES('aaaa', CURDATE(), '1'),('bbbb', CURDATE(), '2'),('ccc', CURDATE(), '3');

    Can you please help me fix the error ?





  9. You should change the last section of your code to this one

    if($err == false){$sql="INSERT INTO orders(cufrist_name,culast_name,phone,mobile,address,email,product_cod,product_namee,product_bod,gheymatevahed,etebaregheymat,mizanesefaresh,tedadehaml,payment,tarikhsefaresh,color) VALUES ('".$cufrist_name."','".$culast_name."','".$phone. "','".$mobile."','".$address."', '".$email."','".$product_cod."','".$product_name."','".$product_bod."','".$gheymatevahed."','".$etebaregheymat."','".$mizanesefaresh ."',,'".$tedadehaml."','".$payment."','".$tarikhsefaresh."','".$color."')"; $result = mysql_query($sql);if (!$result) {    die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());}}}?>    </div><!-- rtl --></div><!-- contentpage rtl --></body></html><?phpob_end_flush();?>

    Hope that will work

  10. I'm confused which one of TEXT and VARCHAR is better to use as a data type to store a blog post, title blog (which have a large amount of text)...

    Can you give me any suggestion?

  11. Look at my code below :

    <?php $xmlData =<<< END<?xml version="1.0"?><datas>  <cars>     <car>      <manufacture country="japan">Honda</manufacture> <type>Honda Jazz</type>    </car>    <car>      <manufacture country="korea">Nissan</manufacture> <type>Nissan Livina</type>    </car>   </cars></datas>END; $xml = simplexml_load_file($xmlData)        or die("Error: Cannot create object");  foreach($xml->children() as $cars){foreach($cars->children() as $car => $data){ echo $data->manufacture['country']; echo "<br />";}} ?>

    When executed, it gives me an error, can you help me fix that?

  12. Just give it a CSS float

    .attachment-thumbnail.wp-post-image {float: left;}

    This is the additional style for you



    .read-more {display: inline-block;} .post-data {display: inline-block;}


    Hope that'll be helpful !

    • Like 1
  13. I'm wondering about how easy installer works... The installer will ask you to type the database name, username, password, and the host... Then, after i input them all, it will store the data (my dbname, username, pw, and host)...

    I'm guessing now the way it store the data :



    a. It uses OOP set-get function.

    b. Or, it uses the database server to store the dbname, username,pw, host.

    c. Or, it edit a php file containing the configuration for the CMS (But, i don't know how to do this)


    So... Can you tell me the right way to make an easy-install helper ? And, if it's possible, Can you tell me how to do the point C ?


    Sorry for my bad English :wub:

  14. Regular console what ? Can you tell me where that is ? I use XAMPP (the path is C:xampp)... And, my vld-0.11-2.tgz is downloaded from http://pecl.php.net/get/vld .. I place it in drive C:\xampp\php\vld-0.11.2.tgz and i've extracted it too so there is vld-0.11.2 folder ... Can you tell me step by step how to install that (i'm very new in command line and don't know what console i should open) ? Please explain till it's very crystal clear... Do you mean the cmd.exe ? What should i write there ? I try cd xampp.php, then phpize, but it gives me an error.. t6frdi.png And, what do the symbol $ and # mean ?PS : My OS is Windows 7

  15. I've installed PuTTY.. Now, what ? What will the setting be?I've changedthe translation to UTF-8,selection to xterm,data-->Auto-login username to root,Preferred SSH protocol version to 2 only,Host Name = localhost, and the port = 80,Connection type = SSH,then i click 'open'An error message appears ('The server unexpectedly close the connection')..Can you help me ?

  16. See my code..

    <?phpfunction bark() {    print "{$this->Name} says Woof!\n";} bark();

    The error appears : Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in C:\xampp\htdocs\terrytest\scratches\$this.php on line 3I get the code from http://www.tuxradar.com/practicalphp/6/5/0 Can you tell me how to fix it? Or give me another simple example of using $this ? I still don't understand about it

  17. I often found variable $this, but until now, i still don't understand about that....I still see that in functions and OOP.. Can you explain about that to me?

  18. SOLVED!!! I found this myself

    <?php// Functions function raw(){if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $_POST['post'])) {$a = (int) $_POST['post'];var_dump($a);} else if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/', $_POST['post'])) {$a = (float) $_POST['post'];var_dump($a);} else {$a = (string) $_POST['post'];var_dump($a);}} ?><!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>$_POST check type</title></head><body><form action="" method="post"><label for="post">Check the type</label><input type="text" id="post" name="post"></form><?php if (isset($_POST['post'])): ?><p>The type is <?php raw(); ?></p><?php endif; ?></body></html>

  19. Oh.. I found that (int) $var; can convert that.... But, when i type a string "aaa" in the input, the result's always be 0... How to make the result become a string "aaa" too ? And, When i type a float number, how to make the result become a float too ? Can you tell me how to do that ?

  20. Would you please tell me how to convert it.. When i input int(1) in the form with the post method, the result will always be string(1) "1"....Can you tell me how to convert it so the result won't be a string but int(1) ??

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