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    C/C++, HTML, JS, GML, and a few more...

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  1. How do I change the color of text links so that you can see it, but with the picture links make all of the colors the same color as the background? Because at the moment the background of my page is black, and I am using this bit of CSS to make the colors of the links around the picture buttons black:a:link, a:visited, a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #000; }But, that makes all of the other text links also black, which makes them invisible. How can I make it so that all of the link colors are, for example, white, except for a certain td, and the links in that are black?Does this make any sense?EDIT: Here a little bit simpler. How would I make it so that inside td.buttons it would use the code above, and inside id.content it would use this code:a:link, a:visited, a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; }???Also, I just noticed that this piece of code only seems to work in FF. (At least not in IE). What code do I use to make it do the same effect in IE?
  2. No... That doesn't seem to be working. Here is a better example of what I want:Go to froogle.com, now you see near the bottom where it says recently searched items? How would I make an iframe which only shows the recently searched items, and doesn't show the logo or anything.
  3. How can I specify where on a page an iframe is going to be set. For example how would I do this: <iframe src="http://google.com" pageleft="200px"></iframe> And that would show the Google page, but it would start at 200 pixels from the left of the page.... Make any sense?
  4. Sorry if this is a really easy question... How do I change the src attribute of this code: in JavaScript?
  5. How do I make the drop down menus look like the ones on the member portal? Such as when you click on "Options" it has a light blue drop down menu... Sort of... How can I do this?
  6. Oh, okay! I've been trying to learn PHP, but I really haven't been able to learn it because I can't get it to show up in the browser. I've been told I need to download PHP or a server or something... And I downloaded all the three things on the PHP introduction, but it still doesn't seem to work. Is there anything else I need to do? (Just a quick question)
  7. Okay, what I mean is how could I make something like a text area where any person on the website would type something and click submit, and it would make a certain variable what they typed and then show what they typed somewhere on the page. And then, if you close the page a reopen it at a later time, the text that they typed is still there! How can I make a variable that doesn't reset every time you load the page?
  8. Thanks! That worked! And very clear.
  9. Okay... well the problem happens on this code: (Directly from tutorial) <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var c=0var tfunction timedCount(){document.getElementById('txt').value=cc=c+1t=setTimeout("timedCount()",1000)}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" value="Start count!" onClick="timedCount()"><input type="text" id="txt"></form><p>Click on the button above. The input field will count for ever, starting at 0.</p></body></html>
  10. Okay, I'm using the example on W3Schools for making a timer, and it works fine. The only problem is that if I were to click the start button again and again it starts counting quicker and quicker. How can I make it so that when I click on it again it restarts at 0, and doesn't get any faster?EDIT: Could somebody please move this to the JavaScript section? Sorry!
  11. EDIT: I have solved this myself.... LolOkay, recently I've been working on this code to randomize a word, at the moment it is "dog". It has been working pretty well... but it repeats letters. For example, it would come out with ood and ggo and ddg ten times as often as ogd or god or dgo. Here is the code: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var i=0var k=0var word="dog"var length=word.lengthvar pick=100var done=new Array()done[0]=100done[1]=100done[2]=100done[3]=100done[4]=100done[5]=100function randomize(){ document.random.letters.value="" for (i=0; i<length; i++) { pick=Math.floor(Math.random()*length) for (k=0; k<6; k++) { if (pick==done[k]) { pick=Math.floor(Math.random()*length) k=0 } } document.random.letters.value+=word.charAt(pick) done[i]=pick } i=0}</script></head><body><form name="random"><span onclick="randomize()">Start!</span><br><input type="text" name="letters" readonly="readonly"></form></body></html> How can I do this? It's been driving me crazy...EDIT: The problem was that it would set k to 0 during the loop, so it wouldn't check if that pick value is equal to done[0]. Then I had to make a loop which reset all of the done[] variables, and now it works!
  12. What do you mean? Here is the whole CSS: <style type="text/css">table.sudoku_out {background-color: #0079b9; color: #ffffff; font-family: Comic Sans MS}table.sudoku_in {background-color: #0099d9}input.sudoku {background-color: #0099d9; color: #ffffff; font-family: Comic Sans MS; border: 1px solid #0079b9}body {background-color: #0079b9}</style>
  13. Okay, I add this to the input.sudoku CSS: border: 1px solid #0079b9 And it looked really great when I hadn't uploaded it, but I uploaded it and the border didn't change. I looked at the file and it says that that code is on there.... Hmm... Anymore ideas?Lol, thanks!
  14. It should work if you make the whole page in the center. <html><head>...</head><body><center>...</center></body></html>
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