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Posts posted by paulrozenboim

  1. HiI'm kinda new to XML and coding so I dont know if this is possible...I have this XML made with Processing what it does is: It takes the feed from the webcam and when I press Space it samples color from 2 pixels in different possitions. It writes the XML like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><COLORS><SHIRT>#959789</SHIRT><PANTS>#19100F</PANTS><SHIRT>#999486</SHIRT><PANTS>#19110D</PANTS><SHIRT>#939791</SHIRT><PANTS>#1D120F</PANTS></COLORS> So everytime I press Space it adds the Tags <SHIRT> and <PANTS>, this means that the XML is always updating What i need now is a HTML that reads the XML and puts colors in cells of a table and everytime there is a new color, it adds it to the table... Is there a way to do that? Please I've been trying this for the last 3 days with no success... Thank you

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