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Everything posted by Steven

  1. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's pretty obvious. Not sure why I thought of that... Thanks!
  2. If I split my form process into different pages, how can I transfer the jobid from viewjob.php to insertComment.php? That is part of why I tried to keep everything on viewjob.php, because the way it knows what job the comment is for, is by grabbing the jobid from the url.
  3. Alright, thanks for explaining that. I'll look into those tools.
  4. I think I've got it: // check if post array contains data if (count($_POST) > 1 ) { // Make the query $q = 'INSERT INTO notes (notebody, noteuser, notejob) VALUES (?,?,?)'; // Prepare the statement $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $q); // Assign the values to variables $notebody = $_POST['notebody']; $noteuser = $_SESSION ['userid']; $notejob = $getid; // Bind variables mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'sii', $notebody, $noteuser, $notejob); // Execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); if (mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) == 1) { echo "<p>Duly noted, Mr. {$_SESSION ['username']}!</p>"; echo "<p class='small'>(You may need to reload the page to see your freshly crafted note)</p>"; } else { echo '<p>Sadly, the query could not be executed.</p>'; echo '<p>'.mysqli_stmt_error($stmt).'</p>'; } // Close statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); if ($q) {// If $q ran with no errors: echo "<h3>Thank you!</h3>"; echo "<p>Your note has been added.</p>"; } else { echo "<h3>Oops</h3>"; echo "<p>There is an error:<p>"; // Debugging message echo "<p>".mysqli_error($con)."</p>"; echo "<p>Query: ".$q."</p>"; } // end of $q IF // prevent re-posting header ('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], true, 303); exit; } (Sorry about the ugly tabs in these code snippets, they keep getting messed up when I paste them here)... Anyway, I did trial-and-error, and wrapped the query with the "if count($_POST)>1)", and it appears to be working. After I write out a note and hit submit, it prints the success message just fine. When I reload the page, the new note is there. Despite the browser giving me a prompt about resending data, no duplicates are popping up. So, it seems like it is working, but should I be concerned that the browser is still complaining (via the pop-up) about resending data on refresh? Thanks
  5. I'm trying to use "PRG" to avoid duplicate entries after a page refresh, and am having some trouble. I came across this page: http://geekpad.ca/blog/post/avoiding-re-submission-of-forms But where exactly do I put that code? And what part of my code goes where "/* --- process form here --- */" is?
  6. There's a bug showing up that is causing comment posts to duplicate whenever the page is reloaded. My code seems like it's a mess right now. Especially the error reporting lines beneath "// POST USER NOTES". I'll just paste everything I have: <?php require('includes/config.php');?><!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Modern Office | Management System</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/foundation.css"></head><body><?php session_start(); // Access the existing session. ?><div class="row"><div class="large-12 columns"> <?php include ('includes/header.php'); ?> <?php include ('includes/navigation.php'); ?></div> <!-- / columns --></div> <!-- / row --> <?php $getid = $_GET['jobid']; // ------- DISPLAY JOB DETAILS ------- if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT j.*, c.*, date_format(datein, '%M %d, %Y') AS dates FROM jobs AS j INNER JOIN clients AS c ON j.clientid = c.id WHERE j.jobid = ? ORDER BY j.jobid DESC")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind param mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $getid); // execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind result mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $clientid, $jobid, $datein, $description, $id, $name, $dates); while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo '<div class="row">'; echo '<div class="large-3 medium-3 columns">'; echo '<div class="panel jobText--panel">'; echo '<p><strong>Job ID</strong><br>'; echo $jobid.'</p>'; echo '<p><strong>Client</strong><br>'; echo '<a href="viewclient.php?clientid='.$id.'">'.$name.'</a></p>'; echo '<p><strong>Job Date</strong><br>'; echo $dates.'</p>'; echo '</div>'; // close panel echo '</div>'; // close large-3 column echo '<div class="large-9 medium-9 columns">'; echo '<div class="jobText">'; echo '<h2>Job '.$jobid.'</h2>'; echo '<h3>Description</h3>'; echo '<p>'.$description.'</p>'; echo '<h3>Notes & Conversation</h3>'; } // close stmt mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); } ?> <?php // ------- DISPLAY USER NOTES ------- if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT j.jobid, u.userid, u.username, n.* FROM notes AS n INNER JOIN jobs AS j ON n.notejob = j.jobid INNER JOIN users AS u ON n.noteuser = u.userid WHERE n.notejob = ? ORDER BY n.noteid DESC")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); $notejob = $getid; // bind param mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $notejob); // execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind result mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $jobid, $userid, $username, $noteid, $notebody, $noteuser, $notetime, $notejob); // fetch values while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo "<p>".$notebody."</p>"; } } ?> <?php // ------- POST USER NOTES ------- if (isset($_SESSION['userid'])) { // Check for form submission if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Initialize an error array $errors = array(); // Check for a note entry if (empty($_POST['note'])) { // ...send form to the database // Make the query $q = 'INSERT INTO notes (notebody, noteuser, notejob) VALUES (?,?,?)'; // Prepare the statement $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $q); // Assign the values to variables $notebody = $_POST['notebody']; $noteuser = $_SESSION ['userid']; $notejob = $getid; // Bind variables mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'sii', $notebody, $noteuser, $notejob); // Execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); if (mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt) == 1) { echo "<p>Duly noted, Mr. {$_SESSION ['username']}!</p>"; echo "<p class='small'>(You may need to reload the page to see your freshly crafted note)</p>"; } else { echo '<p>Sadly, the query could not be executed.</p>'; echo '<p>'.mysqli_stmt_error($stmt).'</p>'; } // Close statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); if ($q) {// If $q ran with no errors: echo "<h3>Thank you!</h3>"; echo "<p>Your note has been added.</p>"; } else { echo "<h3>Dag-gummit...</h3>"; echo "<p>Something happened, better nag Steve.<p>"; // Debugging message echo "<p>".mysqli_error($con)."</p>"; echo "<p>Query: ".$q."</p>"; } // end of $q IF } else { // Report the errors echo "<div calss='error'>"; echo "<h3>Error!</h3> <p>The following error(s) occured:<br>"; foreach ($errors as $msg) { // Print each error echo " - $msg<br> "; } echo "</p><p>Please try again.</p>"; echo "</div>"; // end error div } // end of (empty($errors)) IF } // end of the main Submit conditional echo "<p class='small'>Hi there, {$_SESSION ['username']}. Want to leave a note? Knock yourself out:</p>"; echo "<form action='viewjob.php?jobid=".$getid."' method='post'>"; echo "<textarea name='notebody' class='textarea--notes'></textarea>"; echo "<p>"; echo "<input type='submit' label='Submit'>"; echo "</form>"; } else { echo "<p>You are not logged in. <a href='login.php'>Go to the login page.</a>.</p>"; } ?></div> <!-- close jobText --></div> <!-- close large-7 column --></div> <!-- close row --></div> <!-- / columns --></div> <!-- / row --></body></html> ---- EDIT ------ Came across this page: http://webprogrammings.net/tutorial/individual_topic/12 I'll give this a try after I fill up my coffee mug and clear my head a bit.
  7. Alright, I added a column "notejob" and made it a foreign key of jobs.jobid. I'm running into a problem, however. It's giving me an error report of "Column 'notejob' cannot be null". Well, in the middle of writing this up, I realized my form's action was "viewjob.php". I had a hunch that my problem was because there was no corresponding jobid=$id appended to the url. I changed the form to this: <form action='viewjob.php?jobid=".$getid."' method='post'> And now it works!
  8. I'm trying to add a simple comments, or notes, system to the job/client manager app I've been working on. I have a viewjob.php page that display a particular job's details based on the jobid in the url. So, http://localhost/job-manager/viewjob.php?jobid=10000 This page displays all the relevant information for the job with id 10,000. And each note that is submitted, needs to be linked with the job it is being submitted to. I have made a new table, "notes". This has the following fields: noteid (primary key), notebody, noteuser, notetime. The ID uniquely id's each individual note, notebody is the body of text that makes up the note itself, noteuser is a foreign key to my "users" table that indicates who wrote the note, and notetime is a current_timestamp to show when the note was posted. I started writing out my prepared statements, placeholders, insert queries and form, but then realized I have a problem. Whether I run the "posting script" on the same page or on something like "insertNote.php", how do I connect the note to the current jobid within "viewjob.php"? Hopefully that makes sense.
  9. Steven

    grid and me

    I agree with Davej that, for the most part grids are overkill. But, that being said, I've recently finally gotten around to implementing one. I'm using Zurb's Foundation. It can be pretty overwhelming, but I just started out with a custom download with nothing but the grid itself. It's actually a joy to use, but it isn't for every project.
  10. It might be helpful to take a look at your functions.php page, to see what hooks you're trying to pull to this page.
  11. So on my "viewjob.php" page, you would do something like this: echo '<div class="row">'; echo '<div class="large-3 medium-3 columns">'; echo '<div class="panel jobText--panel">'; echo '<p><strong>Client</strong><br>'; echo '<a href="viewclient.php?clientid='.$id.'">'.$name.'</a></p>'; echo '<p><strong>Job Date</strong><br>'; echo $dates.'</p>'; echo '</div>'; // close panel echo '</div>'; // close large-3 column echo '<div class="large-9 medium-9 columns">'; echo '<div class="jobText">'; echo '<h2>Job '.$jobid.'</h2>'; echo '<h3>Description</h3>'; echo '<p>'.htmlspecialchars($description).'</p>'; echo '<h3>Notes & Conversation</h3>'; echo '</div>'; // close jobText echo '</div>'; // close large-7 column echo '</div>'; // close row But couldn't someone make an argument that it'd be best to not allow unwanted characters inside the database to begin with? I don't have any idea, really, which way is best, I've just read some people who make that argument.
  12. So, let's say I want to use strip_tags(). My big question is where do I put it? Would I do something like this? // Check for a description entry if (empty($_POST['description'])) { $errors[] = 'You forgot to enter a description'; } else { $description = strip_tags($_POST['description']); }
  13. After my crash course in PHP/SQL, my brain is a bit fried. I am sure I am missing some security methods in my scripts, and would appreciate the help of some trained eyes. On my "formJobs.php" page, there are three inputs: "Client", "Date", and "Description". The first two inputs are a dropdown list and a datepicker widget, so the user (I'm assuming?) doesn't really have any option or way to submit any invalid data between those first two inputs. They can only select clients already in the "Clients" table, or pick a valid date from a valid calendar pop-out. So I'm not worried about validating and sanitizing those entries, as they should be valid, in theory, because the user has no ability to tinker with it. But, with the "Description" input, which is a simple textbox that allows the user to give a brief description of the job, is wide open right now. The only thing I have in place is a snippet that makes sure a description is filled out. Here's my "formJobs.php" page: <?php require('includes/config.php'); ?><!doctype html><html lang="en"><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Modern Office | Management System</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/foundation.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.1/themes/base/minified/jquery-ui.min.css" type="text/css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/formhint.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ // Focus auto-focus fields $('.auto-focus:first').focus(); // Initialize focus-glow fields $('INPUT.focus-glow, TEXTAREA.focus-glow').focus(function(){ if($(this).val() == $(this).attr('title')){ $(this).val(''); $(this).removeClass('focus-glow'); } }); $('INPUT.focus-glow, TEXTAREA.focus-glow').blur(function(){ if($(this).val() == '' && $(this).attr('title') != ''){ $(this).val($(this).attr('title')); $(this).addClass('focus-glow'); } }); $('INPUT.focus-glow, TEXTAREA.focus-glow').each(function(){ if($(this).attr('title') == ''){ return; } if($(this).val() == ''){ $(this).val($(this).attr('title')); } else { $(this).removeClass('focus-glow'); } }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // The following script adds auto-complete functionality // to the client name field, pulling clients from the DB $(function() { $(".auto").autocomplete({ source: "search.php", minLength: 1 }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // This script allows the jQuery Datepicker // widget to be used for the three date fields $(function() { $( ".datepicker" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); }); </script></head><body><div class="row"><div class="large-12 columns"> <?php include ('includes/header.php'); ?> <?php include ('includes/navigation.php'); ?></div> <!-- / columns --></div> <!-- / row --><div class="row"><div class="large-12 columns"> <h2>Add a new job</h2></div> <!-- / columns --></div> <!-- / row --><div class="row"><div class="large-8 columns large-centered"> <div class="panel"> <?php// Check for form submissionif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { // Initialize an error array $errors = array(); // Check for a client entry if (empty($_POST['clientid'])) { $errors[] = 'You forgot to enter a client'; } else { $clientid = ($_POST['clientid']); } // Check for a date entry if (empty($_POST['datein'])) { $errors[] = 'You forgot to enter the date'; } else { $datein = ($_POST['datein']); } // Check for a description entry if (empty($_POST['description'])) { $errors[] = 'You forgot to enter a description'; } else { $description = trim($_POST['description']); } // If it's all good... if (empty($errors)) { // ...send form to the database // Make the query $q = 'INSERT INTO jobs (clientid, datein, description) VALUES (?,?,?)'; // Prepare the statement $stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, $q); // Asign the values to variables $clientid = $_POST['clientid']; $datein = $_POST['datein']; $description = $_POST['description']; // Bind the variables mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'iss', $clientid, $datein, $description); // Execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // Close the statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); if ($q) { // if $r ran with no errors echo "<h3>Thank you!</h3>"; echo "<p>The job has been successfully recorded.</p>"; } else { // if $r ran with errors echo "<h3>Oh, bother...</h3>"; echo "<p>Something goofed. Sorry about that.</p>"; // Debugging message echo "<p>".mysqli_error($con)."</p>"; echo "<p>Query: ".$q."</p>"; } // end of $r IF } else { // Report the errors echo "<div class='error'>"; echo "<h3>Error!</h3> <p>The following error(s) occurred:<br>"; foreach ($errors as $msg) { // Print each error echo " - $msg<br> "; } echo "</p><p>Please try again.</p>"; echo "</div>"; // close error div } // end of (empty($errors)) IF} // end of the main Submit conditional?><!-- FORM!! --> <form action="formJobs.php" method="post"> <p> <label>Client:</label> <?php // prepare statement if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT * FROM clients")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind variables to prepared statement // list all* columns in order of tables selected! mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $id, $name); // fetch values echo "<select name='clientid'>"; while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo "<option value='".$id."'>".$name."</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } ?> <br> <label>Date Received:</label> <input type="date" name="datein" class="focus-glow datepicker job--dateinInput" size="23"> <span class="job--dateinHint">Date placed</span><br> <label>Description:</label> <textarea type="text" maxlength="600" name="description" class="focus-glow" size="28"></textarea> <input type="submit" label="Submit"> </form> <p class="viewResults"><a href="resultsJobs.php">View results</a></p> </div> <!-- / panel --></div> <!-- / columns --></div> <!-- / row --></body></html> Thanks!
  14. I believe you would use a separate @font-face { } for each font. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7018535/use-multiple-custom-fonts-using-font-face
  15. It's working now... Must have been a cache issue or something.
  16. I've used quite a few over the years, and I've finally settled on Sublime Text. http://www.sublimetext.com/ I love it.
  17. I'm sure, // prepare statementif ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT jobs.*, clients.* FROM jobs JOIN clients WHERE clientid=id ORDER BY jobs.jobid DESC")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind variables to prepared statement // list all* columns in order of tables selected! mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $clientid, $jobid, $datein, $description, $id, $name); // fetch values while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo "<tr>"; echo '<td><a href="viewjob.php?jobid='.$jobid.'">'.$jobid.'</a></td>'; echo "<td>$clientid</td>"; echo '<td><a href="viewclient.php?clientid='.$clientid.'">'.$name.'</a></td>'; echo "<td>$datein</td>"; echo "<td>$description</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; // close statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt);} Returns what is in the attached image. (and yes, this particular page doesn't have the placeholder in the prepared statement yet, haven't updated all the pages yet) But the SQL works, I was just hoping one of you would have an easy answer as to why it isn't working in the PHP. (and all those entries that have "0000-00-00" are from when I was doing a bunch of tests and I had the date set as an integer and not a string)
  18. Steven

    Layout problems

    Looks like you're in need of a "clearfix" Read this: http://css-tricks.com/almanac/properties/c/clear/ Try giving clear: both; to your text box. So, something like this: .textBox { clear: both; }
  19. It's a date type, YYYY-MM-DD. I'm trying to print it as "Mar 28, 2014" for example.
  20. I'm still confused as to why my date_format isn't printing. When I run the SQL syntax in phpmyadmin, it returns the formatted date under a new column, "dates," just fine. But in the PHP it returns nothing...
  21. After some fiddling I tweaked it like this: $getid = $_GET['jobid']; // prepare statement if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT j.*, c.*, date_format(datein, '%M %d, %Y') AS dates FROM jobs AS j INNER JOIN clients AS c ON j.clientid = c.id WHERE j.jobid = ? ")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind param mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, 'i', $getid); // execute mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind result mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $clientid, $jobid, $datein, $description, $id, $name, $dates); while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo '<h2><span class="fontweight500">Job-'.$jobid.'</span> — '.$name.'</h2>'; echo '<p>Ordered: '.$dates.'</p>'; echo '<p>Notes: '.$description.'</p>'; } // close stmt mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); } The placeholder seems to be working. Thanks.
  22. Ah, yes, the query itself without the date_format does work. What's the best practice for formatting a date type (it isn't integer) with PHP? The research I've done hasn't come up with much. Thanks for the link.
  23. I'm binding results, though, not params. I haven't seen anything about placeholders on the bind_result page. I know full well my knowledge is pretty thin, so I'm not trying to argue a point. But I haven't seen anything saying bind_result needs placeholders, at least I haven't seen them used in any examples. http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-result.php
  24. What do you mean exactly by placeholder?
  25. What it does, is pulls data from two tables: Jobs and Clients. The $id variable comes from a GET, which is pulling the job id from the url. The page this is being used on is a viewjob page, that displays a single job (from the jobs table) and all the details of that job. Here is a bigger picture of the code: <?php $id = $_GET['jobid']; // prepare statement if ($stmt = mysqli_prepare($con, "SELECT j.*, c.*, DATE_FORMAT(datein, '%M %d, %Y') AS datein FROM jobs AS j INNER JOIN clients AS c ON j.clientid = c.id WHERE j.jobid = $id")) { mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt); // bind variables to prepared statement // list all* columns in order of tables selected! mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt, $clientid, $jobid, $datein, $description, $id, $name); // fetch values while (mysqli_stmt_fetch($stmt)) { echo '<h2><span class="fontweight500">Job-'.$jobid.'</span> — '.$name.'</h2>'; echo '<p>Ordered: '.$datein.'</p>'; echo '<p>Notes: '.$description.'</p>'; } // close statement mysqli_stmt_close($stmt); }?> "datein" is a column from the jobs table. Here are all the columns: "Jobs" Table: clientid, jobid, datein, description "Client" Table: id, name
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