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Everything posted by Nim199

  1. Nim199


    You could try the vertical-align property. <head><style type="text/css">p {vertical-align:text-bottom}</style></head><body><p><img src"#">~Text!!!~</p></body></html> If not, revise with the w3schools vertical-align try it editor.Thanks for reading.
  2. Hello all!The XML tutorial is not as friendly as most of the many other tutorials. The examples are not as helpful either. I recomend displaying the sourse of the example page, even if it cannot be edited by the viewer, in the Tryit window.Thanks for reading!
  3. Nim199

    Custom Tags

    I am not sure, but, unless a tag is understood by the browser, I dought it will function. I will look into it for you.Best of Luck!
  4. If you have formated the images in a style sheet, or in the head option, it will override the tag info.If it is for this reason, you just need to either: - Remove the style sheet - Remove the image formating section - Use the 'span style' object to override the style sheet (I have no idea of the outcome, but it seems logical) - Create a new statement in the style sheet, like this [img.noformating {}], and set the "img" tag to that class (again, I have no idea of the outcome, but it seems logical)or - Create a new statement in the style sheet, like this [img.noformating {width: ###; height: ###}Best of luck.
  5. Hello,I have been making websites since I was 7, but when I found W3Schools, my life changed! I had no way of learning other WebLanguages before my 11th birthday, but I stumbled over this brilliant Website looking for a tag to genereate moving images. I now know it is still the "Img src" tag.Praise for W3Schools!!!!!
  6. Another way might be to use the Table Row tag.
  7. The only other way I can think of is by using the font tag in HTML.
  8. try this then: <head><style type="text/css>h1.cs {color: black}h1.fps {color: blue}</style></head><body><h1 class="cs">Text<h1 class="fps">Text2</h1></body>
  9. No, becasue it only formats the H1 with the class set to "cs" or "fts", and I have closed the tag.
  10. Try this:<head><style type="text/css>h1.cs {color: black}h1.fps {color: blue}</style></head><body><h1 class="cs">Counter Strike:</h1><h1 class="fps">First Person Shooter</h1></body> Overwise try the "span style" method.
  11. Nim199

    Scrolling Text

    Both speed, and how. Not on mouseover.
  12. Nim199

    Scrolling Text

    Hello Everybody,How can I format text to scroll like the marquee statment, without using the HTML tag, or is it possible.Thanks for reading!
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