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Everything posted by edcowan

  1. edcowan

    Postback file

    i am using gwallet on my site from http://radiumone.com/one step is to add a callback url that can p[erformWe will send the following parameters to your Postback URL every time a user completes an offer or payment:• appId is Application ID of your application on RadiumOne Social• userId is the user ID value you've passed to us on iFrame call• amount is the transaction amount of your virtual currency• hash is MD5 hash you can use to verify the postback, calculated as md5([uSER_ID]+":"+[APP_ID]+":"+[sECRET_KEY]), where "+" is string concatenation and [sECRET_KEY] is the secret key of your application• trackId is the tracking value you passed to us on iFrame callNote: Your reply must be a single character 1 on success or 0 otherwiseanyone know how to make a php file do this?
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