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Everything posted by msd

  1. msd

    variables in variables

    You have to put that code in your file exactly as it is: <?php//some codeinclude("file.php");//other code ?>
  2. Play with css properties of "form" tag.In your css code define: form{/*here set margin, padding*/}
  3. msd

    quick question

    Weird. Double check table fields in database and your query. You didn't understand my question, but it doesn't matter.
  4. msd

    quick question

    So, is the username extracted ok from the database?But it just won't update the other table?And are you sure that $_GET["refer"] exists in the "site_news" table?
  5. msd

    quick question

    Post all the php code that has influence on this problem.
  6. msd

    quick question

    But where do you get "$member_id" from? I don't see you getting it by GET or POST.
  7. You make a query like: $sql = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='".$posted_username."'"; Then you check: if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) { //the username is already in the database }
  8. msd

    quick question

    <?php $sql = "SELECT name FROM ibf_members WHERE id='".$member_id."'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo "Edited by: ".$row["name"]; $update = $row["name"];?> First, because you need a name only from one row, you don't need a while.Try the code above.
  9. <input name=vb_login_username type=text id=navbar_username onfocus="if (this.value == '$vbphrase[username]') this.value = '';" size=10 /> At onfocus you forgout to wrap your code in " ".I recommend you to always use " " for properties (name, type, title...).
  10. msd

    Mail 'SPAM' Issue

    It's very interesting what you're saying! Could you please give a website with details?
  11. msd

    Centering the whole page

    Check this http://iamntz.com/portfolio/exigo/1/styles/screen.css with the W3 CSS Validator: http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
  12. You can build it yourself:- generate random text and put it in a session- put the text in an image (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreate.php)- after submit, check if users' code matches to the one in the sessionStart on these 3 major steps and ask for details when needed.After this, you'll make more advanced captcha codes, with colors and various backgrounds to make it harder for the bots to read it.
  13. msd

    Centering the whole page

    Try: *{margin:0 auto;}
  14. msd

    Mail 'SPAM' Issue

    The e-mail server you're sending the mail to decides which mail goes to Inbox and which to Spam.If the e-mail address (or your server's ip address) is on the server's "black list" or it's suspicious, it's delivered to Spam.Try to send correct mails, pay attention to the mails' headers when you're creating them.
  15. Google Search: http://www.google.com/coop/cse/For Highest Page Rank In Google you need:- strong content in your website- url rewrite (friendly url)- strong description, keywords, titles- use <h1>, <h2>...- clear HTML code (you should have a tableless layout based on CSS)- build a Google SiteMap and submit it to GoogleThis is the start, for more information search on Google for "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO).
  16. msd

    Web Page Referrer

    I'm not sure I understand what you need.You want to see where the visitors came from?Example:My site is "msd.com" and your site is "AnkitShah.com".People visiting my site click on http://www.AnkitShah.com?reffer=msd.com and you see that they came from my site?
  17. :)I repeat, search for "min-height hack"!Just min-height is not enough for Internet Explorer!
  18. In your file "normal.css" I don't see margin:0; padding:0; for h1 and h2.Check it again!
  19. Sorry, I forgot something.Put margin:0; padding:0; for h1 and h2.
  20. body{margin:0; padding:0;background-color:#333333;color:#999999} Min-height doesn't work for Internet Explorer, search for "min-height hack"!
  21. msd

    PHP and Unicode

    I think you need to install that language from Regional Settings (Control Panel) so you can see it on your pages.
  22. Maybe you should use min-height.
  23. See here: http://www.tizag.com/javascriptT/javascriptdate.phpAnd I recommend you to use Mozilla Firefox Error Console!
  24. msd

    Table Layout

    You could try Dreamweaver. It's very easy to make your tables.
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