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Posts posted by netcracker

  1. thx for the quick response.i've already seen those, and they don't really help. one of them is about .NET and the other removes le last item... or something.i need a solution to delete an element which index i know.

  2. Hi there!I've been looking on the allmighty internet for a way to encrypt some data using sha1 algorithm. I have to use HMAC_SHA1 and nothing else! The thing is that most of what I have found were using JavaScript and the key is written in the js file in plain text. I find this quite vulnerable and I would like to use something more secure. Something that would encrypt the data using my SHA1 key on the server - serverside.Does anyone know an ASP script that does this?I'm so totally lost right now, please help!THX

  3. When a user register in to my pages . if that user have a Email ,Exemple : gmail or hotmail then not problem, my pages will send a Email to their INBOX . But if their Email is yahoo then have a problem : my pages always send mail in to BULK. Hic..HIc
    oki! what is the "from" address? if it contains certain words or/and expressions the spam filter of yahoo will send it to bulk. do not use no-reply@xxx.com or registration@xxx.com or stuff like that. use something like office@domain.com... make sure that it is a real address since people might reply to it.PS: your english is terrible :)
  4. these filters that most of the free email websites use usually look for certain words and phrases.try not to write "promotion", "add", "advertising" and so on...see if this does the trick

  5. well, i'm not trying to crack or hack IE or any other browser, but the easyest sollution i've come up with is an iframe that opens a local page which eventualy opens the desired external page, also in an iframe... :) the first iframe has any height, while the 2nd iframe is taller, and so i manage to scroll to any desired position. :) it is no big deal... quite childish actually, but it does the job and that's just what i'm looking for :)hope i make any sense...

  6. thx for the swift response

    <body onLoad="document.frames['iframe_name'].scrollTo(10,700)">...<iframe name="iframe_name" id="iframe_name" title="iframe_name" src="http://www.xxx.ro/xxx.php" ></iframe>

    it gives an error: "Access is denied."

    it is quite frustrating since it shouldn't be this hard...also tried:[code]document.frames['convertorvalutar'].contents.scrollBy(10,700)

  7. hi there!in this page that i'm bulding there is an iframe with some external content. external means that is from another server. i cannot modify or temper that content in any way, but i would like to scroll to a certain position from my parent page inside that iframe that i have. :) eg.:

    <body onLoad="iframe_name.scrollTo(10,700)">...<iframe name="iframe_name" id="iframe_name" title="iframe_name" src="http://www.xxx.ro/xxx.php" ></iframe>....

    this is not working... :) any ideeas? :)

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  8. content removed [be nice] i was just being a little sarcastic :)

    No.With md5 i know. I want when memeber register: i have two field : Email and MD5Email . Memeber only register into Email. With filed MD5Email.The system shall auto insert  field Email had endcode MD5. Do you help me?

  9. hy there!I have this page that uses several iframes. One of them is like a floating bar and it is used for several websites. Now, i need to get the URL of the opened page (window/top) at any moment. The window.url or window.location is not helping me because they are returning the URL of that floating bar, which is an iframe. I don't want that.Maybe anyone knows a way to get the top window's UR...thx

  10. how could i get a value from a querrystring (in the address) into a javascript??like the expression request.querrytring, just that it should be in JavaScript.eg:www.site.com?string=valuehow could i get the "value" to be used with a javascript in a *.js file !hope i've made myself clear, though it is quite difficult to explain.

  11. silly me... :) all i wanted was to have that value replaced into the table... but i wasn't doing the UPDATE procedure and i was wanderring why wasn't there any change.. duh! :) so the "replace" function works just fine, it is me who is not functioning after a hard day's work... please disregard this topic, and, Admin, you might as well erase it completly as it is of no interest to any one...sorry :)

  12. hey! :) i have a problem... i have a rather lage table and i would like to searce and replace a certain string.eg.:table name: TBLcolumn: CLMN

    rs.open "select CLMN from TBL",conn   while not rs.eof            replace (CMLN, "value to be replaced", "the new value")     rs.movenext   wendrs.close

  13. you might find useful the VB function "replace"have an external .vb file with a function like this:

    function fixit (theString)        fixit = replace (theString, "@", "-")        fixit = replace (theString, "!", "-")        fixit = replace (theString, "%", "-")        fixit = replace (theString, "$", "-")   (... so on ...)end function

    and when you take the values, filter them through that function.

          variable = fixit (trim(request("variable")))

  14. when user typed wrong password and i want to redirect to login page but focus at password textbox . I don't know a lot of asp syntax , so that can u some me where i can learn asp syntax ?
    this is not too much related to ASP... you should and in the <body> the DOM event

    try sending a certain value to the final step, and when that value is recievedhave that event occure.

    if variable = "okay" then   <body onLoad="window.focus()">else    <body>end if

    hope this should solve the issue...

  15. it should be like that...

    onClick="window.open('sendlink.html?link='+document.URL, '','')"

    but it is not... :) this way it sends exactly what it says...

    :) ...and not the value of "document.URL"[edit:]...{deleted}...[edit2:] :) damn, i hate modays!!!it works just fine! thx a lot dude !!!

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