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Everything posted by netcracker

  1. the request.form command DOES get the value of a textbox too.to make sure you are getting the data try inserting in the page that recieves the form the command textbox_value = request.form("textbox_name")response.write(textbox_value) and see if it returns what you send.
  2. remove the last << , >> comma: sql="UPDATE tblCustomer SET CustomerID="' & Request.Form("CustomerID") & "'," sql=sql & "Last_Name='" & Request.Form("Last_Name") & "',"sql=sql & "First_Name='" & Request.Form("First_Name") & "',"sql=sql & "Address1='" & Request.Form("Address1") & "',"sql=sql & "Address2='" & Request.Form("Address2") & "',"sql=sql & "Address3='" & Request.Form("Address3") & "',"sql=sql & "Post_Code='" & Request.Form("Post_Code") & "',"sql=sql & "Telephone1='" & Request.Form("Telephone1") & "',"sql=sql & "Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "',"WHERE tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID " ..."Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "'"...
  3. In one of my earlier posts, i have instruced you on how to alow the DB to accept changes. It is a posibility that your DB is ReadOnly or the security group "Everyone" doesn't have the wright to make changes.I thought you've already checked that !
  4. 1. is the DB readonly; do Eeryone group has read/write permissons ?!2. use response.write command to see what data is being sent from the form and thoroughly check it !3. set ALL fields in the table to be TEXT, allow them to be empty and not required! once you've done that, use the ' character in the sql INSERT INTO/UPDATE statementgive it a shot !
  5. try using this liners.Open "Select * from tblCustomer where tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID , connlike thisrs.Open "Select * from tblCustomer where CustomerID = " & CustomerID & "", connI'm guessing now, although it does look a bit suspect
  6. it should be like this: select * from table where date between #" date1 "# and #" date2 "#,conn
  7. if the fields "telephone1" and so on are NUMERIC then remove the ' character: is this a mind-buthering post or what ?! come on guys, what's wrong with this code?!?! let's make a BRAINSTORM
  8. what does this give you ? Response.Write(sql)
  9. have a look: IT IS NORMAL TO SAY THAT !! but it does not mean it !!! oh, man...give it a shot like this:if Request.form("action")="Save" then CustomerID=Request.Form("CustomerID") sql="UPDATE tblCustomer SET CustomerID="' & Request.Form("CustomerID") & "'," sql=sql & "Last_Name='" & Request.Form("Last_Name") & "'," sql=sql & "First_Name='" & Request.Form("First_Name") & "'," sql=sql & "Address1='" & Request.Form("Address1") & "'," sql=sql & "Address2='" & Request.Form("Address2") & "'," sql=sql & "Address3='" & Request.Form("Address3") & "'," sql=sql & "Post_Code='" & Request.Form("Post_Code") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone1='" & Request.Form("Telephone1") & "'," sql=sql & "Telephone2='" & Request.Form("Telephone2") & "'," WHERE tblCustomer.[CustomerID]=" & CustomerID " Response.Write(" yuppy, we did it !!")else Response.Write("Submitting records has been disabled from this demo")end if
  10. read the tutorials !or the help in MSAccess [press F1 ] !u might as well use GOOGLE
  11. in any windows explorer window in the TOOLS menu click "Folder Options" -> VIEW -> and the last one on the list should be "Use simple file sharing..." = Uncheck that!then try again as i've instructed you in my previous postkeep in touch
  12. there is another way, if u don't like to lose yourself in too many tables...it is not exactly alignment, bt it looks the way you want it.u may insert a "spacer" between the buttons. a spacer is a 1x1 px transparent gif, to which you give the height 1 and the width... any value as to look good on ypur page.this is just another way, it is your choice in the end
  13. is the drive with the database ntfs or fat32 ?!if it is ntfs, right click the folder containing the database and select "security" - "add..." - "advanced" - "find now" an then look for the group called "everyone" ! then click OK to the previous windows to confirm the addmition until you get back to the properties window.click "everyone" (the group that you have just added) and then sellect "full control".try it like this, see what happends.oh, if the partition table is fat32, I donnow how to do it
  14. dude, are u doing this on localhost or a server of your own? or are you doing it from their server?! maybe the database is readonly or there is a write privelledge needed.the code should work as it is!do this on your pc. insltall IIS and run it for your self
  15. Do the records get deleted or not ?!?!if not: 1. try naming the buttons save/delete... 2. see if user "everyone" has the read/write capability for the database ! 3. check readonly attributes for that database or the containing folder...see what happens...
  16. netcracker

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    it's all the same...have it something like this:... bla bla ...'open connection to db that has the fields containing the path of the imageid = request (id)set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"conn.Open(Server.mappath("database_name.mdb"))set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")rs.open "select * from table_name where id = ' id ' "", conn... bla bla ... and finally<img src='<%=rs("field_name")%>' ... ><< rs("field_name") >> is the field with the path you shuld get the ideea
  17. use it like this: it will surely work
  18. hmmm... this means u r not using the NTFS file system format... I just cannot remember how to allow permissons on FAT32 table... however, u might try disabling the "simple file sharing" option from "folder option" for one... hope u'll do just fine...
  19. try using get instead of post. <form method="get" action="update.asp"> the "post"method requires "taking" the value with "request.querystring" not "request.form"....I think ...it's a gues...
  20. That means the DB is not updateble... duh ... ok. seriusly, check wether the db is readonly and wether "everyone" group has read/write wrights on it.that's all
  21. THX everyone !I managed to solved it by server.URLencode(rs.fields.item("blabla"))and then everything went well.thanks a lot
  22. it's a MS Acces DB... so far.It may eventualy go on a SQL server but it is not certain yet.So far, on my IIS it returns an error.it is expected though... i mean look at the link: the server is confused...
  23. I need to do a search on a db but the string contains characters like &.Say, i search for "M&M" ... the result will be an error because of that character.How do I get the values with &, and how do I do the searh ?in my case i get the value by querystring, so i think i need to convert that character to something else... but what and how !?Anyone stumbled upon that before ?!THX
  24. THX, manthis is a great script!!we make a good team You and I
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