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Everything posted by pulpfiction

  1. try this...http://www.ampsoft.net/webdesign-l/image-button.html
  2. pulpfiction


    you can create two seperate list and position it <div style="float:left;"><ul><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Coca Cola</li></ul></div><div style="float:left;"><ul><li>Coffee</li><li>Tea</li><li>Coca Cola</li></ul></div>
  3. Since variable name is a string..... also single quote is comment in ASP [give text within double quotes]name="O'Grady"redirect page: test.asp?myName=O''Grady
  4. pulpfiction

    Simple Login

    $pass = $_POST['passwordField'];if ($pass == 'myPassword'){$URL = "correctpage.php";}else{$URL = "firstpage.php";}header ("Location: $URL");
  5. SCROLL: keeps rolling or goes around in circles, SLIDE: scrolls to position and stops there...<MARQUEE WIDTH=100% BEHAVIOR=SLIDE BGColor=yellow>This is an example of a sliding marquee...</MARQUEE><br /><MARQUEE WIDTH=100% BEHAVIOR=SCROLL BGColor=yellow>This is an example of a sliding marquee...</MARQUEE>
  6. Like homiee said, here's it in VB<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">LinkButton</asp:LinkButton><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" Visible="false">LinkButton2</asp:LinkButton>.aspx.vb Private Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click LinkButton2.Visible = True ' Show the 2nd link when linkbutton1 is clickedEnd Sub
  7. For future reference, for list of reserved keywords....http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.com/...r-keywords.html
  8. <asp:linkbutton> should work.....aspx <asp:LinkButton ID="lbredirect" Runat="server">Redirect</asp:LinkButton> .aspx.vb Private Sub lbredirect_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lbredirect.ClickContext.Items.add("Textbox","Text")Server.Transfer("somewhereelse.aspx", True)End Sub http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/control_linkbutton.asp
  9. If you need a prompt to come up when the page loads and ask for password and redirect.... <html><HEAD><script language="JavaScript">var password;var pass1="cool";password=prompt('Please enter your password to view this page!',' ');if (password==pass1) { alert('Password Correct! Click OK to enter!'); window.location.href="correctpage.htm"}else{ window.location="errorpage.htm";}</SCRIPT></HEAD> <body> </body></html>
  10. http://www.web-source.net/javascript_redirect_box2.htm
  11. Are you asking about CSS class for <a>, you can write css classes in the same stylesheet.....CSS:a.classname:link {color: #ff0000}a.classname:active {color: #0000FF}a.classname:visited {color: #00FF00}a.classname:hover {color: #FF00FF}HTML: <a href="someurl" class="classname">Link 1</a>Example:http://www.w3schools.com/css/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_link2
  12. oh i didnt mean it serious, forgot to put a happy/smiling face....
  13. I wrote the "in pursuit of PHP knowledge" and somebody changed it to this....
  14. Slightly modified..... $number = 5if(is_numeric($number) { if ($number % 2 == 0) { echo "<br />The number ", $number, " is even."; } else { echo "<br />The number ", $number, " is odd."; }else{ echo "Not a Number";}
  15. is_numeric() finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric stringhttp://us3.php.net/is_numeric
  16. http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_pos_vertical-align.asp
  17. Javascript can do that...... [hover the mouse on the image in the page]http://www.walterzorn.com/tooltip/tooltip_e.htm
  18. Yeah I think it happened in "delete site" also had to click it twice to work....
  19. This is just a small thing, you might wanna change, after logging in, when I try to "edit" the profile, I give a new email and hit the edit button, though the database is update, the page loads with the old email. and have to navigate somewhere and comeback to see the changed email. should it not display the updated email right after I hit the edit button?EDIT: "Page config" same thing happens on edit...
  20. Add width in <table> and remove it from the first two <td>'s <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="600px"><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="5"><b>LOG HOURS FORM</b></td></tr><tr><td height="10" colspan="5"></td></tr> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="600px"><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="5"><b>LOG HOURS FORM</b></td></tr><tr><td height="10" colspan="5"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" width="200"><u><b>Date (dd/mm/yy):</b></u></td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" width="200"><u><b>Type of Hours:</b></u></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="200" height="10" colspan="2"></td><td width="200" height="10"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="200" height="10" colspan="2"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Day:</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="text" name="day" size="1" maxlength="2"> </td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Consultation</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="radio" name="hour_type" value="consultation"> </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Month:</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="text" name="month" size="1" maxlength="2"> </td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Design</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="radio" name="hour_type" value="design"> </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Year:</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="text" name="year" size="1" maxlength="2"> </td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Coding</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="radio" name="hour_type" value="coding"> </td></tr><tr><td width="600" height="10" colspan="5"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" width="200"><u><b>Amount of Time:</b></u></td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" width="200"><u><b>What was Done:</b></u></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="200" height="10" colspan="2"></td><td width="200" height="10"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="200" height="10" colspan="2"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Hours:</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="text" name="hours" size="1" maxlength="2"> </td><td width="200"></td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" rowspan="3"><textarea rows="3" cols="22"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee">Minutes:</td><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" align="right"><input type="text" name="minutes" size="1" maxlength="2"> </td><td width="200"></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" width="200" height="10" colspan="2"></td><td width="200" height="10"></td></tr><tr><td width="600" height="10" colspan="5"></td></tr></table><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="600"><tr><td bgcolor="#eeeeee" height="32"><center><input type="submit" value="Submit"><input type="reset" value="Reset"></center></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>
  21. http://www.spoono.com/php/tutorials/tutorial.php?id=41
  22. How about "Spartan" means simple or basic......
  23. "Delete Sites" page says "Page 1 of 0" when there is nothing to display.....
  24. too crowded, home page does not even load/ display anything.....
  25. its cool.... add some colors to the page..
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