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Posts posted by rbrennan

  1. Thanks! I did not see that typo and I was looking the code for a while but now I see it, it was obvious. Also thanks for the help with document.write I will have a look into it

  2. I did make this one that was less wasteful but I just could not get it to work for the life of me, it preloaded the images and change the scr attribute. The document.write is what I have been taught and I am still learning, what is a good alternative to use instead of that? Once again, thanks for the help This is the one that I could not get to work

    <script type="textjavascript"><!---//store an interval in a variablevar pause = 1500;//create and intialize a countervar n = 0;//create an array of image file namesvar imgs = new Array("Img1.jpg","Img2.jpg","Img3.jpg");//preload all the imagesvar preload = new Array();for( var i = 1; i<imgs.length;i++){peeload[i] = new Image();preload[i].src = imgs[i];}//a function to display each image for the set intervalfunction rotate(){document.images.pic.src = imgs[n];(n == (imgs.length - 1)) ? n = 0 : n++;setTimeout("rotate()", pause);}//specify the onload event-handlerwindow.onload=rotate;--></script>

  3. Would someone be able to comment this JavaScript for me to help give me a better understand of what the actual code is doing (I am still a learner) Thanks

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--function rotator(options) {var a = options.delay;var b = options.media;var mediaArr = []; for(var i = 0, j = b.length; i < j; i++) { mediaArr.push(b[i].img);} document.write('<div id="rotatorContainer"></div>');var container = document.getElementById('rotatorContainer');var Start = 0; rotatorCore(); function rotatorCore() {Start = Start + 1; if(Start >= mediaArr.length)Start = 0;container.innerHTML = mediaArr[Start];//console.log(Start);setTimeout(rotatorCore, a); } } rotator({delay : 2500, media : [{img : '<img src="Example.jpg" width="212" height="300" border="0" />'}]});// --></script>

  4. Would someone be able to comment this JavaScript clock for me please, thanks.

    <script>function show2(){if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById)returnthelement=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("tick2"): document.all.tick2var Digital=new Date()var hours=Digital.getHours()var minutes=Digital.getMinutes()var seconds=Digital.getSeconds()var dn="PM"if (hours<12)dn="AM"if (hours>12)hours=hours-12if (hours==0)hours=12if (minutes<=9)minutes="0"+minutesif (seconds<=9)seconds="0"+secondsvar ctime=hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds+" "+dnthelement.innerHTML="<b style='font-size:14;color:black;'>"+ctime+"</b>"setTimeout("show2()",1000)}window.onload=show2//--></script>

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